Lord of Milan

The Lord of Milan was a medieval noble title for the dynastic head of state of the city of Milan and surrounding countryside in northern Italy. From 1277 to 1395, Visconti of Milan family held the title, after which they were elevated to Duke of Milan.

Until 1259, Milan was a free commune that elected its own podestà. The Torriani family gained sustained power in 1240, when Pagano della Torre was elected podestà. After Pagano's death, Baldo Ghiringhelli was elected podestà in 1259, but at the end of his tenure Martino della Torre, Pagano's nephew, perpetrated a coup d'état, seizing of power of his family over the commune, establishing the first Signoria (Italian for "Lordship") of Milan.

Signore Rule Affiliation Podestà(s)
Martino della Torre 8 September 1259 20 November 1263 Guelph Captain general:

    • 1259: Teodorico, Pietro degli Avvocati
    • 1260: Patrizio da Concesa, Guandaleone da Dovera
    • 1261: Guglielmo Pallavicino
    • 1262: Ubertino Pallavicino
Filippo della Torre 20 November 1263 24 December 1265 Guelph
    • 1263: Zavatario della Strada
    • 1264: Oberto II Pallavicino
    • 1° half 1265: Federico Crotta, Tibaldo Volta, Anselmo Lavezzario, Antonio Vistarino
    • 2° half 1265: Emberra del Balzo
Napoleone della Torre 24 December 1265 21 January 1277 Guelph
    • 1266: Emberra del Balzo, Guidotto da Redobio
    • 1267: Beltramo da Greco
    • 1268: Corrado Lavizario
    • 1269: Giovanni degli Avvocati
    • 1270: Giovanni Palastrello
    • 1271: Roberto Roberti
    • 1272: Visconte Visconti
    • 1273: Obizzo del Carretto
    • 1° half 1274: Guglielmo degli Avvocati
    • 2° half 1274-1275: Venedico dell'Orso
    • 1276: Teodisio di Sanvitale, Goffredo di Langosco

During their tenure, the Torriani family, aligned with French Charles of Anjou, started a strong rivality with Visconti family, loyal to the German Hohenstaufen. In 1262, Pope Urban IV appointed Ottone Visconti as Archbishop of Milan, to Martino della Torre's disappointment. In 1273, a civil war started between the two families, ended with Torriani's defeat in the Battle of Desio of 1277.

Signore Rule Affiliation Podestà(s)
Ottone Visconti 21 January 1277 8 August 1295 Ghibelline Captain general:
    • 1° half 1277: Ponzio degli Amati
    • 2° half 1277: Aldobrandino Tangentino, Riccardo di Langosco
    • 1° half 1278: Alberto Fontana
    • 2° half 1278: Raniero Zen
    • 1° half 1279: Antonio da Lomello
    • 2° half 1279: Lotterio Rusconi
    • 1° half 1280: Gabrino da Tresseno
    • 2° half 1280: Tommaso degli Avvocati, Giovanni da Lucino
    • 1° half 1281: Tommaso degli Avvocati, Federico Tornielli
    • 2° half 1281: Uberto Beccaria
    • 1° half 1282: Rufino Gotoario, Galoteffio da Cesena
    • 2° half 1282: Giovanni del Poggio
    • 1° half 1283: Uberto Beccaria
    • 2° half 1283: Jacopo Sommariva
    • 1° half 1284: Baldovino degli Ugoni
    • 2° half 1284: Guglielmo Rossi
    • 1° half 1285: Alberto Confalonieri
    • 2° half 1285: Boezio da Lavello
    • 1° half 1286: Ugolino Rossi
    • 2° half 1286: Pietro Rusconi
    • 1287: Ruffiniano Beccaria
    • 1° half 1288: Matteo Visconti
    • 2° half 1288: Jacopo de Jacopi
    • 1° half 1289: Uberto Beccaria
    • 2° half 1289: Baldovino degli Ugoni
    • 1° half 1290: Baldovino degli Ugoni, Bernardino da Polenta
    • 2° half 1290: Matteo Visconti
    • 1° half 1291: Uberto Guasco
    • 2° half 1291: Niccolò Merlano
    • 1° half 1292: Antonio Gallizi
    • 2° half 1292: Rolando Scotti
    • 1293: Amighetto da Martinengo
    • 1° half 1294: Matteo de Maggi
    • 2° half 1294: Zaccaria Salimbeni
    • 1295: Enrico Tangentino
Matteo I Visconti 8 August 1295 June 1302 Ghibelline
    • 1296: Zanazio Salimbene
    • 1° half 1297: Corrado Gambara
    • 2° half 1297: Fulcieri di Calboli
    • 1° half 1298: Tommaso Rangoni
    • 2° half 1298: Jacopo del Cassero
    • 1° half 1299: Bisaccia Riccardi
    • 2° half 1299: Federico Sommariva
    • 1° half 1300: Guelfo Filodoni
    • 2° half 1300: Federico Sommariva
    • 1301: Bracco Guinizelli
    • 1302: Bernardino da Polenta

On June 1302, Guido della Torre forged a coalition with anti-Visconti cities and marched on Milan, deposing Visconti. However, in 1308 Guido started a quarrel with his cousin, the Archbishop Cassone della Torre. After an assault on Milan Cathedral, Cassone fled to Bologna and solicited an imperial intervention. Taking advantage of a chaotic situation in Northern Italy, King Henry VII of Germany descended into Italy with an army, and in Autumn 1310 he marched on Milan to restore both Cassone and the Visconti. After the fall of Milan, he was crowned King of Italy in the city's Cathedral.

Signore Rule Affiliation Podestà(s)
Guido della Torre June 1302 6 January 1311 Guelph
    • 1303: Antonio Fissiraga
    • 1° half 1304: Anselmo da Palestro
    • 2° half 1304-1° half 1305: Federico Ponzoni
    • 2° half 1305: Riccardo Langosco
    • 1° half 1306: Francesco degli Avvocati
    • 2° half 1306: Guido dei Roberti
    • 1° half 1307: Arnolfo Fissiraga
    • 2° half 1307: Jacopo Cavalcabò
    • 1308: Matteo del Pallio
    • 1309: Tignacca Paravicino
    • 1310: Ghislerio
Matteo I Visconti 6 January 1311 24 June 1322 Ghibelline
    • 1311-March 1312: Ugolino da Sesso
    • March 1312-April 1312: Ziliolo Allegri
    • April 1312-September 1312: Azzone Malaspina
    • September 1312-January 1314: Giannazzo Salimbene
    • January 1314-July 1314: Guidone Pignoli
    • July 1314-October 1314: Scoto di San Gimignano
    • October 1314-April 1315: Spinetta Malaspina
    • April 1315-October 1316: Giacomo da Peschiera
    • October 1315-January 1316: Ruggero Servadei
    • May 1316-November 1316: Jacopino da Cornazzano
    • November 1316-June 1317: Bonifacio da Alice
    • June 1317-December 1317: Gualtieri di Corte
    • December 1317: Azorino Malaspina
    • 1318: Enrico dei Petrioli
    • 1319: Bonifacio da Cavriago
    • 1320: Paolo Aldigheri
    • 1321: Giacomino da Iseo
    • March 1322-October 1322: Lanfranco Cavalazzi
Galeazzo I Visconti 24 June 1322 6 August 1328 Ghibelline
    • October 1322: Giovanni Lanfranchi
    • November 1322-December 1322: Ravizza Rusconi
    • January 1323-February 1323: Alessandro da Bologna
    • February 1323-September 1323: Calzino Tornielli
    • September 1323-December 1323: Giacomo Rusconi
    • 1324-June 1325: Viscontello da Binasco
    • June 1325-October 1325: Ottorino Mostardi
    • October 1325-July 1326: Beccario Beccaria
    • July 1326-December 1326: Gorzera Bonaccorsi
    • 1327-1328: Gozio di Guiderchusen
Azzone Visconti 6 August 1328 16 August 1339 Ghibelline
    • 1329-April 1330: Guiscardo Lancia
    • April 1330-December 1330: Ugolino da Lucino
    • 1331: Lanfranco Cavalazzi
    • 1° half 1332: Lanfranco Tentone
    • 2° half 1332: Zanotto Fieschi
    • 1333: Giovanni del Mangano
    • 1334: Mirano Beccaria
    • December 1334-May 1338: Orso Giustiniani
    • May 1338-May 1339: Isnardo Colleoni
Luchino Visconti 16 August 1339 24 January 1349 Ghibelline
    • May 1339-June 1340: Giovanni Besacci
    • June 1340-July 1341: Francesco Malaspina
    • July 1341-July 1342: Alberto Rusconi
    • July 1342-13??: Goffredo da Sesso
Giovanni Visconti 5 October 1354
Matteo II Visconti 5 October 1354 29 September 1355 Ghibelline
    • 1356: Lotario Rusconi
    • 1362: Bernardino Bolghero
    • 1372: Giberto da Correggio
    • 1373: Lotario Rusconi
    • 1385: Carlo Zen
Galeazzo II Visconti 4 August 1378
Bernabò Visconti 6 May 1385
Gian Galeazzo Visconti 6 May 1385 5 September 1395 Ghibelline
    • 1390: Prandeparte Pico della Mirandola
    • May 1392-May 1393: Giberto da Correggio
    • May 1393-June 1394: Enrico Rivola
    • June 1394-March 1396: Spinetta Spinola