List of presidents of departmental councils (France)

Current political majority in each departmental council:

In France, the President of the Departmental Council (French: Président du Conseil départemental) is the locally elected head of the departmental council, the assembly governing a department in France. The position is elected by the departmental councillors from among their number. If there is a tie, the councillor senior of age is elected.

As per Articles L1111-1 to L7331-3 of the General code of local and regional authorities, the responsibilities of the President of the Departmental Council include:

  • Chairing the departmental authorities
  • Preparing and implementing the council's decisions
  • Collection of tax revenues
  • Representing the department in legal cases


In 1833, a law was enacted that gave each canton (subdivision of a department) representation of a councillor (Conseiller général).

As a result of the decentralisation of government (Deferre law), the election criteria were redefined in 1982 and the President of the Departmental Council took over executive powers from the centrally-appointed prefect.

Women presidents

Term Name Department References
1970–1982 Évelyne Baylet Tarn-et-Garonne
1982–1985 Lucette Michaux-Chevry Guadeloupe
1985–1994 Janine Bardou Lozère
1991–2011 Anne d'Ornano Calvados
1998–2004 Marisol Touraine Indre-et-Loire
2004–2015 Marie-Françoise Pérol-Dumont Haute-Vienne
2004–2017 Nassimah Dindar Réunion
2008–2011 Claude Roiron Indre-et-Loire
2008–2011 Josette Durrieu Hautes-Pyrénées
2010–present Hermeline Malherbe-Laurent Pyrénées-Orientales
2011–2015 Josette Manin Martinique
2014–present Anne Hidalgo Paris

List of the presidents of the departmental councils

# Département (or collectivity) President Party Since Ref.
01 Ain Jean Deguerry The Republicans 2017
02 Aisne Nicolas Fricoteaux Union of Democrats and Independents 2015
03 Allier Claude Riboulet Union of Democrats and Independents 2017
04 Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Éliane Barreille The Republicans 2021
05 Hautes-Alpes Jean-Marie Bernard The Republicans 2015
06 Alpes-Maritimes Charles-Ange Ginésy The Republicans 2017
07 Ardèche Olivier Amrane The Republicans 2021
08 Ardennes Noël Bourgeois The Republicans 2017
09 Ariège Christine Téqui Socialist Party 2021
10 Aube Philippe Pichery Miscellaneous Right 2017
11 Aude Hélène Sandragné Socialist Party 2021
12 Aveyron Arnaud Viala The Republicans 2017
13 Bouches-du-Rhône Martine Vassal The Republicans 2015
14 Calvados Jean-Léonce Dupont Union of Democrats and Independents 2011
15 Cantal Bruno Faure The Republicans 2017
16 Charente Philippe Bouty Miscellaneous Right 2015
17 Charente-Maritime Sylvie Marcilly Miscellaneous Right 2021
18 Cher Jacques Fleury The Republicans 2021
19 Corrèze Pascal Coste The Republicans 2015
21 Côte-d'Or François Sauvadet Union of Democrats and Independents 2008
22 Côtes-d'Armor Christian Coail The Republicans 2015
23 Creuse Valérie Simonet The Republicans 2015
24 Dordogne Germinal Peiro Socialist Party 2015
25 Doubs Christine Bouquin Miscellaneous Right 2015
26 Drôme Marie-Pierre Mouton The Republicans 2017
27 Eure Sébastien Lecornu Renaissance 2021
28 Eure-et-Loir Christophe Le Dorven The Republicans 2021
29 Finistère Maël de Calan Union of the Centre and Right 2021
30 Gard Françoise Laurent-Perrigot Socialist Party 2021
31 Haute-Garonne Georges Méric Socialist Party 2015
32 Gers Philippe Dupouy Socialist Party 2022
33 Gironde Jean-Luc Gleyze Socialist Party 2015
34 Hérault Kléber Mesquida Socialist Party 2015
35 Ille-et-Vilaine Jean-Luc Chenut Socialist Party 2015
36 Indre Marc Fleuret The Republicans 2021
37 Indre-et-Loire Jean-Gérard Paumier Union of the Centre and Right 2016
38 Isère Jean-Pierre Barbier The Republicans 2015
39 Jura Clément Pernot Miscellaneous Right 2015
40 Landes Xavier Fortinon Socialist Party 2017
41 Loir-et-Cher Philippe Gouet Union of Democrats and Independents 2021
42 Loire George Ziegler The Republicans 2021
43 Haute-Loire Marie-Agnès Petit The Republicans 2014
44 Loire-Atlantique Michel Ménard Socialist Party 2021
45 Loiret Marc Gaudet Miscellaneous right 2017
46 Lot Serge Rigal Miscellaneous left 2014
47 Lot-et-Garonne Sophie Borderie Socialist Party 2015
48 Lozère Sophie Pantel Socialist Party 2015
49 Maine-et-Loire Florence Dabin Miscellaneous Right 2021
50 Manche Jean Morin Miscellaneous Right 2021
51 Marne Christian Bruyen Miscellaneous Right 2017
52 Haute-Marne Nicolas Lacroix The Republicans (France) 1998
53 Mayenne Olivier Richefou Centrist Alliance 2014
54 Meurthe-et-Moselle Chaynesse Khirouni Socialist Party 2021
55 Meuse Jérôme Dumont Miscellaneous Right 2021
56 Morbihan David Lappartient Union of the Centre and Right 2021
57 Moselle Patrick Weiten Miscellaneous Right 2011
58 Nièvre Fabien Bazin Socialist Party 2021
59 Nord Christian Poiret Socialist Party 2015
60 Oise Nadège Lefebvre The Republicans 2017
61 Orne Christophe de Balorre The Republicans 2017
62 Pas-de-Calais Jean-Claude Leroy Socialist Party 2015
63 Puy-de-Dôme Lionel Chauvin The Republicans 2021
64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques Jean-Jacques Lasserre Democratic Movement 2015
65 Hautes-Pyrénées Michel Pélieu Radical Party of the Left 2011
66 Pyrénées-Orientales Hermeline Malherbe-Laurent Miscellaneous Left 2010
69 Rhône Christophe Guilloteau The Republicans 2015
69M Lyon Bruno Bernard Europe Ecology - The Greens 2020
70 Haute-Saône Yves Krattinger Socialist Party 2001
71 Saône-et-Loire André Accary The Republicans (France) 2015
72 Sarthe Dominique Le Mèner The Republicans 2015
73 Savoie Hervé Gaymard The Republicans 2008
74 Haute-Savoie Martial Saddier The Republicans 2021
75 Paris Anne Hidalgo Socialist Party 2014
76 Seine-Maritime Bertrand Bellanger Renaissance 2021
77 Seine-et-Marne Jean-François Parigi The Republicans 2021
78 Yvelines Pierre Bédier The Republicans (France) 2014
79 Deux-Sèvres Coralie Dénoues Miscellaneous Right 2021
80 Somme Stéphane Haussoulier Miscellaneous Right 2020
81 Tarn Christophe Ramond Socialist Party 2015
82 Tarn-et-Garonne Michel Weill Socialist Party 2021
83 Var Marc Giraud The Republicans 2015
84 Vaucluse Dominique Santoni The Republicans 2021
85 Vendée Alain Leboeuf The Republicans 2021
86 Vienne Alain Pichon Miscellaneous Right 2021
87 Haute-Vienne Jean-Claude Leblois Socialist Party 2015
88 Vosges François Vannson The Republicans 2015
89 Yonne Patrick Gendraud The Republicans 2017
90 Territoire de Belfort Florian Bouquet The Republicans 2015
91 Essonne François Durovray The Republicans 2015
92 Hauts-de-Seine Georges Siffredi The Republicans 2021
93 Seine-Saint-Denis Stéphane Troussel Socialist Party 2012
94 Val-de-Marne Olivier Capitanio The Republicans 2021
95 Val-d’Oise Marie-Christine Cavecchi The Republicans 2017
971 Guadeloupe Guy Losbar United Guadeloupe, Socialism and Realities 2021
972 Martinique Serge Letchimy Martinican Progressive Party 2021
973 Guyane Alain Tien-Liong Decolonization and Social Emancipation Movement 2008
974 Réunion Cyrille Melchior Miscellaneous Left 2017
975 Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (overseas collectivity) Bernard Briand Archipelago Tomorrow 2021
976 Mayotte Ben Issa Ousseni The Republicans 2021


The president of a department council has a maximum allowance of €5441 per month, the vice-presidents has a maximum allowance of €128.83-725.44, members of the standing committee have maximum allowances of €672.65-927.13, and departmental advisors have maximum allowances of €1501-2,626 per month.