List of legislatures by country

This is a list of legislatures by country. A "legislature" is the generic name for the national parliaments and congresses that act as a plenary general assembly of representatives and that have the power to legislate. All entities included in the list of sovereign states are included in this list.

Names of legislatures

The legislatures are listed with their names in English and the name in the (most-used) native language of the country (or the official name in the second-most used native language in cases where English is the majority "native" language).

List of legislatures

Supranational legislatures

Organisation Name of house(s) House level Term
Voting system Seats Population
per seat
GDP per seat
(USD millions)
Andean Community Andean Parliament Unicameral Direct, indirect (varies by country) proportional 25 ~ ~
African Union Pan-African Parliament Unicameral 5 Indirect (appointed by 47 of 53 national legislatures) 265 3,974,098 14,180
Arab League Arab Parliament Unicameral 68 ~ ~
Benelux Benelux Parliament Unicameral Indirect 49 ~ ~
Central American Integration System Central American Parliament Unicameral Varies by
Direct, proportional 126 426,274 2,651
Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Latin American Parliament Unicameral 5 Direct 276 ~ ~
European Union European Parliament Lower 5 Open and closed list proportional representation
Single transferable vote (in the Republic of Ireland and Malta)
705 667,761 20,983
Council of the European Union (informally known as the Council of Ministers) Upper N/A Indirect (members of national governments) 27 ~ ~
Mercosur Mercosur Parliament Unicameral 5 Direct, indirect (varies by country) proportional 184 1,588,889 16,228

Legislatures of sovereign states (Member and observer states of the United Nations)

UN member or observer state Overall name of legislature Name of house(s) House level Term (years) Electoral system Seats Population per seat
Afghanistan Leadership Council of Afghanistan (رهبری شُورَىٰ, Rahbarī Shūrā) Unicameral No fixed term Appointment by the supreme leader Aprx. 30 1,340,608
Albania Parliament of Albania (Kuvendi i Shqipërisë) Unicameral 4 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by county with a 3% threshold 140 20,226
Algeria Parliament of Algeria (البرلمان الجزائري, Barlaman al-Jazā'ir / Agraw Azzayri / Parlement algérien) People's National Assembly (المجلس الشعبي الوطني, al-Majlis al-Sha'abi al-Watani / Asqamu Aɣerfan Aɣelnaw / Assemblée populaire nationale, APN) Lower 5 Open list proportional representation with the largest remainder method by province 407 80,303
Council of the Nation (مجلس الأمة, Majlis al-Ummah / Conseil de la nation) Upper 6 Elected by popular wilaya assemblies and communal people's assemblies, and appointed by the President 144 257,638
Andorra General Council of Andorra (Consell General d'Andorra) Unicameral 4 Parallel voting: Closed list proportional representation with the largest remainder method nationwide and block vote by parish 28 2,789
Angola National Assembly (Assembleia Nacional) Unicameral 4 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method nationwide and by province 220 84,081
Antigua and Barbuda Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda House of Representatives Lower 5 First-past-the-post 17 4,305
Senate Upper 5 Appointed by the Governor-General, representing the monarch, on the advice of the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition 19 4,811
Argentina National Congress of Argentina (Congreso de la Nación Argentina) Chamber of Deputies of the Nation (Cámara de Diputados de la Nación) Lower 4 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by province with a 3% threshold 257 156,097
Honorable Senate of the Nation (Honorable Senado de la Nación Argentina) Upper 6 Partial block voting by province 72 557,181
Armenia National Assembly of Armenia (Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Ազգային ժողով, Hayastani Hanrapetyut'yan Azgayin zhoghov / Abbreviated: Ազգային ժողով, ԱԺ, Azgayin Zhoghov, AZh)

Informal: Parliament of Armenia (խորհրդարան, Khorhrdaran)

Unicameral 5 Closed-list proportional representation in a nationwide constituency and open-list proportional in district constituencies, with a 5% or top-3 national threshold (or 7% for alliances) 105 24,902
Australia Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Lower 3 Instant-runoff voting 151 162,914
Senate Upper 6 Single transferable vote by state/territory 76 323,684
Austria Austrian Parliament (Österreichisches Parlament) National Council (Nationalrat) Lower 5 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies with a 4% threshold 183 43,895
Federal Council (Bundesrat) Upper 5 and 6 Elected by state legislatures 61 129,563
Azerbaijan National Assembly (Milli Məclis) Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post 125 73,320
Bahamas, The Parliament of the Bahamas House of Assembly Lower 5 First-past-the-post 39 9,326
Senate Upper 5 Appointed by the Governor-General, representing the monarch, on the advice of the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition 16 22,103
Bahrain National Assembly (المجلس الوطني البحريني, Al-majlis al-wataniu al-bahrayniu) Council of Representatives (مجلس النواب, Majlis an-nuwab) Lower 4 Two-round system 40 30,864
Consultative Council (مجلس الشورى, Majlis al-shura) Upper 4 Appointed by the king 40 30,864
Bangladesh National Parliament (জাতীয় সংসদ, Jatiya Sangsad) Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post 350 466,909
Barbados Parliament of Barbados House of Assembly Lower 5 First-past-the-post 30 9,486
Senate Upper 5 Appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition 21 13,551
Belarus National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (Нацыянальны сход Рэспублікі Беларусь, Nacyjanalny schod Respubliki Bielaruś / Национальное собрание Республики Беларусь, Natsionalnoye sobran'ye Respubliki Belarus) House of Representatives (Палата прадстаўнікоў, Palata pradstaŭnikoŭ / Палата представителей, Palata predstavitelej) Lower 4 Two-round system 110 85,997
Council of the Republic (Савет Рэспублікі, Saviet Respubliki / Совет Республики) Upper 4 Elected by regional councils, and appointed by the President 64 147,773
Belgium Federal Parliament (Federaal Parlement / Parlement fédéral / Föderales Parlament) Chamber of Representatives (Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers / Chambre des Représentants / Abgeordnetenkammer) Lower 5 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by province with a 5% threshold 150 74,000
Senate (Senaat / Sénat / Senat) Upper 5 Elected by community and regional parliaments 60 185,000
Belize National Assembly House of Representatives Lower 5 First-past-the-post 31 10,748
Senate Upper 5 Appointed by the Governor-General, representing the monarch, on the advice of the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition 12 27,766
Benin National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 4 Proportional representation with the largest remainder method in constituencies 83 115,648
Bhutan Parliament of Bhutan (རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་ཚོགས་ཁང་, Gyelyong Tshokhang National Assembly (རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་ཚོགས་འདུ།, Gyelyong Tshogdu) Lower 5 First-past-the-post 47 15,072
National Council (རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་ཚོགས་སྡེ།, Gyelyong Tshogde) Upper 4 First-past-the-post, and appointed by the king 25 28,337
Bolivia Plurinational Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional) Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) Lower 5 Closed list mixed-member proportional representation: Proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by department and first-past-the-post 130 83,905
Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores) Upper 5 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by department 36 302,993
Bosnia and Herzegovina Parliamentary Assembly (Parlamentarna skupština / Парламентарна скупштина) House of Representatives (Predstavnički dom/ Zastupnički dom / Представнички дом) Lower 4 Open list proportional representation with the largest remainder method in constituencies 42 91,422
House of Peoples (Dom naroda / Дом народa) Upper 4 Serbs elected by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, and Bosniaks and Croats elected by the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 255,982
Botswana Parliament of Botswana National Assembly (Palamente ya Botswana) Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post, and appointed by the President 65 32,211
Brazil National Congress (Congresso Nacional) Chamber of Deputies (Câmara dos Deputados) Lower 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by state 513 371,798
Federal Senate (Senado Federal) Upper 8 Partial block voting by state 81 2,354,724
Brunei Legislative Council (Majlis Mesyuarat Negara) Unicameral no timeframe Appointed by the Sultan 36 11,355
Bulgaria National Assembly (Народно събрание, Narodno sabranie) Unicameral 4 Closed list proportional representation with the largest remainder method by constituency with a 4% threshold 240 30,685
Burkina Faso National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 Proportional representation with the D'Hondt method nationwide and in constituencies 127 126,281
Burundi Parliament (Parlement) National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies with a 2% threshold 121 74,570
Senate (Sénat) Upper 5 Elected by the communal councils 43 179,577
Cambodia Parliament

(សភាតំណាងរាស្ត្រ, Sâphéa Tâmnang Réastr)

National Assembly (រដ្ឋសភា, Rôdthsâphéa) Lower 5 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by province 123 108,852
Senate (ព្រឹទ្ធសភា, Prœ̆tthsâphéa) Upper 6 Appointed by the monarch, elected by the National Assembly and commune councils 61 219,490
Cameroon Parliament (Parlement) National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 First-past-the-post and Block vote: If no list obtains an absolute majority, the one with the highest number of votes is allocated half of the seats; the remainder is allocated to the other best-placed lists through proportional representation 180 97,021
Senate (Sénat) Upper 5 Elected by municipal councils, and appointed by the president 100 174,638
Canada Parliament (Parlement) House of Commons (Chambre des communes) Lower 4 years, unless elections are called earlier First-past-the-post voting 338 104,571
Senate (Sénat) Upper Until age 75, or resignation. Appointed by the governor general, representing the monarch, on the advice of the Prime Minister 105 318,825
Cape Verde National Assembly (Asembleia Nacional) Unicameral 5 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies 72 4,990
Central African Republic National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 Two-round system 131 38,951
Chad National Assembly (Assemblée nationale / الجمعية الوطنية, aljameiat alwatania) Unicameral 4 Block voting: If no list obtains an absolute majority, the seats are allocated through proportional representation 188 66,640
Chile National Congress (Congreso Nacional) Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) Lower 4 Binomial voting system (To become open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies by the next election) 155 145,021
Senate of the Republic (Senado de la República) Upper 8 Binomial voting system 38 457,963
China, People's Republic of National People's Congress (全国人民代表大会, Quánguó Rénmín Dàibiǎo Dàhuì) Unicameral 5 Elected by municipal, regional and provincial congresses, and People's Liberation Army 2,980 448,518
Colombia Congress (Congreso) Chamber of Representatives (Cámara de Representantes) Lower 4 Open or closed list proportional representation (depending on the political party) with the D'Hondt method by state 166 279,556
Senate (Senado) Upper 4 Open or closed list proportional representation (depending on the political party) with the D'Hondt method nationwide with a 3% threshold 102 454,964
Comoros Assembly of the Union (Assemblée de l'Union) Unicameral 5 Two-round system, and elected by the local assemblies 33 24,181
Congo, Democratic Republic of the Parliament (Parlement) National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 Parallel voting: Open list proportional representation with the largest remainder method in constituencies and first-past-the-post voting 500 143,425
Senate (Sénat) Upper 5 Elected by the provincial assemblies 108 664,008
Congo, Republic of the Parliament (Parlement) National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 Two-round system 151 28,537
Senate (Sénat) Upper 5 Elected by district, local, and regional councils 52 83,966
Costa Rica Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa) Unicameral 4 Closed list proportional representation with the largest remainder method by province 57 75,468
Croatia Croatian Assembly (Hrvatski sabor) Unicameral 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies with a 5% threshold 151 28,414
Cuba National Assembly of People's Power (Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular) Unicameral 5 Popular vote and approval by special candidacy commissions 605 18,308
Cyprus House of Representatives (Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων, Vouli Antiprosópon / Temsilciler Meclisi) Unicameral 5 Open list proportional representation with the largest remainder method by constituency 56 18,632
Czech Republic Parliament of the Czech Republic (Parlament České republiky) Chamber of Deputies (Poslanecká sněmovna) Lower 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by region with a 5% threshold 200 52,811
Senate (Senát) Upper 6 Two-round system (staggered elections) 81 130,397
Denmark People's Assembly (Folketinget) Unicameral 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies with a 2% threshold including the Faroe Islands and Greenland seats 179 30,969
Djibouti National Assembly (Assemblée nationale / الجمعية الوطنية, aljameiat alwatania) Unicameral 5 Block vote and closed list proportional representation by constituencies: The list obtaining an absolute or relative majority of votes is allocated 80% of the seats; the remainder is allocated to the other best-placed lists which obtained at least 10% of the valid votes through proportional representation; if no other list obtains 10% of the valid votes, the remaining seats will be allocated to the party which won the majority or relative majority of the valid votes 65 12,587
Dominica House of Assembly Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post voting, and appointed by the President 32 3,394
Dominican Republic National Congress (Congreso Nacional) Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) Lower 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method by province and nationwide with a 1% threshold for the nationwide seats 190 51,520
Senate (Senado) Upper 4 First-past-the-post voting 32 293,088
East Timor National Parliament (Parlamentu Nasionál / Parlamento Nacional) Unicameral 5 Closed list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method nationwide with a 3% threshold 65 16,408
Ecuador National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) Unicameral 4 Parallel voting: Closed list proportional representation in a nationwide constituency and first-past-the-post voting 137 116,802
Egypt Parliament (برلمان, Barlaman) Senate (مجلس الشيوخ, Majlis Alshuyukh) Upper 5 300 375,722
House of Representatives (مجلس النواب, Majilis Al-Nuwab) Lower 5 Parallel voting: First-past-the-post voting, block vote, and appointed by the President 596 150,983
El Salvador Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa) Unicameral 3 Open list proportional representation with the largest remainder method by department and nationwide 84 68,382
Equatorial Guinea Parliament (Parlamento / Parlement / Parlamento) Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de los Diputados / Chambre des députés / Câmara dos Deputados) Lower 5 Closed list proportional representation in constituencies with a 10% threshold 100 16,220
Senate (Senado / Sénat / Senado) Upper Closed list proportional representation with a 10% threshold, and appointed by the President 70 23,171
Eritrea National Assembly (ሃገራዊ ባይቶ, Hagerawi Baito) Unicameral 5 Popular vote 104 50,878
Estonia State Assembly (Riigikogu) Unicameral 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies with a 5% threshold 101 12,814
Eswatini Parliament (Liblanda) House of Assembly (Indlu yeMalunga) Lower 5 majority 55 22,181
Senate (Indlu yeTimphunga) Upper Appointed by the King 30 40,666
Ethiopia Parliament (የፌዴራል ፓርላማ ምክር ቤት, Ye-Fēdēralawī Parilama Mikir Bēt) House of Peoples' Representatives (የሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት, Ye-Hizib Tewekayochi Mikir Bē) Lower 5 First-past-the-post voting 547 135,134
House of Federation (የፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት, Ye-Fēdērēshin Mikir Bēt) Upper 5 Elected by State Councils 112 659,986
Federated States of Micronesia Congress Unicameral 4 First-past-the-post voting 14 7,642
Fiji Parliament Unicameral 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method nationwide with a 5% threshold 50 16,745
Finland Parliament (Eduskunta / Riksdagen) Unicameral 4 Open list proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies, and first-past-the-post for Åland's lone seat 200 25,900
France Parliament (Parlement) National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 Two-round system 577 113,258
Senate (Sénat) Upper 6 Elected indirectly by officials including regional councilors, department councilors, mayors, city councilors, and members of the National Assembly; two-round or proportional by department depending on the number of seats. 348 187,787
Gabon Parliament (Parlement) National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 First-past-the-post voting, and appointed by the President 121 12,190
Senate (Sénat) Upper 6 Indirectly elected by local and départemental councillors 102 14,460
Gambia National Assembly Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post voting, and appointed by the President 58 25,673
Georgia Parliament of Georgia (საქართველოს პარლამენტი, Sak'art'velos Parlamenti) Unicameral 4 Parallel voting: Closed list proportional representation in a nationwide constituency with a 5% threshold, and first-past-the-post 150 29,794
Germany Federal Diet (Bundestag) Lower 4 Closed list mixed-member proportional representation with the Sainte-Laguë method by state with a 5% threshold, and first-past-the-post 736 113,031
Federal Council (Bundesrat) Upper house Dependent on individual state elections Delegated from state governments 69 1,185,501
Ghana Parliament Unicameral 4 First-past-the-post voting 275 106,286
Greece Hellenic Parliament (Βουλή των Ελλήνων, Vouli ton Ellinon) Unicameral 4 Open list reinforced proportional representation with the D'Hondt method in constituencies with a 3% threshold 300 35,958
Grenada Parliament House of Representatives Lower 5 First-past-the-post voting 15 7,333
Senate Upper 5 Appointed by the government and by the leader of opposition 13 8,461
Guatemala Congress of the Republic (Congreso de la República) Unicameral 4 proportional closed list 160 80,557
Guinea National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 proportional closed list 114 88,227
Guinea-Bissau National People's Assembly (Assembleia Nacional Popular) Unicameral 4 proportional closed list 100 13,454
Guyana National Assembly Unicameral 5 popular vote and appointed by the President 65 11,583
Haiti National Assembly (Assemblée nationale / Asanble Nasyonal) Chamber of Deputies (Chambre des députés / Chanm Depite) Lower 4 proportional 119 98,181
Senate (Sénat / Sena) Upper 6 30 323,997
Honduras National Congress (Congreso Nacional) Unicameral 4 proportional open list 128 58,823
Hungary National Assembly (Országgyűlés) Unicameral 4 proportional open list
and Scorporo
199 25,860
Iceland Assembly of All (Alþingi) Unicameral 4 proportional 63 5,080
India Parliament (संसद, Sansad) House of the People (लोक सभा, Lok Sabha) Lower 5 First-past-the-post 543 2,192,379
Council of States (राज्य सभा, Rajya Sabha) Upper 6 Single transferable vote (233 members are elected by the legislative assemblies of the States/Union territories, 12 members are nominated by the President) 245 4,847,900
Indonesia People's Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat) House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) Lower 5 proportional open list 575 467,101
Regional Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah) Upper 5 Single non-transferable vote 136 1,974,875
Iran Islamic Consultative Assembly (مجلس شورای اسلامی, Majles-e Showrā-ye Eslāmī) Unicameral 4 popular vote 290 259,136
Iraq Council of Representatives of Iraq (مجلس النواب العراقي, Majlis Al-Niwab Al-Iraqi / ئه‌نجومه‌نی نوێنه‌ران, Enjumen-e Nûnerên) Unicameral 4 proportional open list 329 95,782
Ireland Parliament (Oireachtas) President of Ireland (Uachtarán) President-in-Parliament 7 Instant-runoff voting N/A N/A
House of Representatives of Ireland (Dáil Éireann) Lower 5 Proportional Representation Single Transferable Vote 160 27,640
Senate of Ireland (Seanad Éireann) Upper 5 Appointed by the prime minister, elected by local and national elected representatives, and elected by graduates of universities 60 76,470
Israel Assembly (כנסת, Knesset) Unicameral 4 proportional closed list 120 61,768
Italy Parliament (Parlamento) Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati) Lower 5 parallel voting (245 seats by proportional representation, 147 seats by first past the post and 8 abroad by proportional representation) 400 152,738
Senate of the Republic (Senato della Repubblica) Upper 5 parallel voting (122 seats by proportional representation, 74 seats by first past the post and 4 abroad by proportional representation), 5 members appointed by the President and a former former President by right 200 296,580
Ivory Coast Parliament (Parlement) National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 majority 255 294,529
Senate (Sénat) Upper 5 Elected by district and provincial councils, and appointed by the President 120 197,837
Jamaica Parliament House of Representatives Lower 5 First-past-the-post voting 63 45,860
Senate Upper 5 Appointed by the Governor General, representing the monarch. 21 137,580
Japan Diet (国会, Kokkai) House of Representatives (衆議院, hūgiin) Lower 4 proportional and First-past-the-post voting 465 270,817
House of Councillors (参議院, Sangiin) Upper 6 proportional and Single non-transferable vote 245 514,000
Jordan Parliament (مجلس الأمة, Majlis al-Umma) House of Representatives (مجلس النواب, Majlis al-Nuwaab) Lower 4 Single non-transferable vote 130 46,760
Senate (مجلس الأعيان, Majlis al-Aayan) Upper 6 Appointed by the monarch 75 93,520
Kazakhstan Parliament (Парламенті, Parlamenti) Assembly (Мәжіліс, Mäjilis) Lower 5 107 207,854
Senate (Сенаты, Senaty) Upper 6 Appointed by the President and elected by local assemblies 49 340,527
Kenya Parliament (Bunge) National Assembly (Bunge la Taifa) Lower 5 parallel 349 126,182
Senate (Seneti) Upper 5 Popular vote and appointed by the President 67 657,278
Kiribati House of Assembly (Maneaba ni Maungatabu) Unicameral 4 popular vote and appointed by Rabi Council of Leaders 46 2,239
Korea, North Supreme People's Assembly (최고인민회의 / 最高人民會議, Ch'oe-go In-min Hoe-ŭi) Unicameral 5 popular vote 687 36,390
Korea, South National Assembly (국회 / 國會, Gukhoe) Unicameral 4 majority and proportional 300 166,691
Kuwait National Assembly (مجلس الأمة, Majlis al-Umma) Unicameral 4 popular vote and appointed by the prime minister 50 71,328
Kyrgyzstan Supreme Council (Жогорку Кеңеш, Joğorku Keñeş) Unicameral 5 popular vote 90 44,690
Laos National Assembly (ສະພາແຫ່ງຊາດ, Sapha Heng Xat) Unicameral 5 one-party state closed list 115 48,148
Latvia Parliament (Saeima) Unicameral 4 proportional closed list 100 20,703
Lebanon Parliament (مجلس النواب, Majlis an-Nuwwab / Chambre des Députés)
Also: National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Unicameral 4 proportional/party list 128 33,000
Lesotho Parliament (Palamente ea Lesotho) National Assembly (Lekhotleng la Sechaba) Lower 5 popular vote and proportional 120 16,927
Senate (Ntlong ea Mahosana) Upper 5 appointed by principal chiefs and by the ruling party 33 61,556
Liberia Legislature House of Representatives Lower 6 majority 73 47,624
Senate Upper 9 majority 30 115,896
Libya House of Representatives (مجلس النواب, Majlis an-Nuwwab) Unicameral Parallel voting: First-past-the-post, single non-transferable vote, and proportional representation 200 28,353
Liechtenstein Diet (Landtag) Unicameral 4 proportional closed list 25 1,451
Lithuania Parliament (Seimas) Unicameral 4 proportional 141 21,658
Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies (D'Chamber / Chambre des députés / Abgeordnetenkammer) Unicameral 5 Open list proportional representation, allocated by the D'Hondt method in four constituencies 60 8,484
Madagascar Parliament (Palemanta / Parlement) National Assembly (Antenimieram-Pirenena / Assemblée nationale) Lower 5 160 137,078
Senate (Antenimierandoholona / Sénat) Upper 5 33 664,430
Malawi National Assembly Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post voting 193 76,809
Malaysia Parliament (Parlimen) House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat) Lower 5 First-past-the-post voting 222 127,631
Senate (Dewan Negara) Upper 3 26 appointed by the State Legislative Assemblies, 2 for each state and 44 appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, of which 4 are for the Federal Territories. 70 404,773
Maldives People's Assembly (ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލިސް, Rayyithunge Majilis) Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post voting 85 4,266
Mali National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 4 147 elected in single or multi-member constituencies, using a runoff system. 13 elected by overseas Malians. 160 90,732
Malta Parliament (Il-Parlament) President of Malta President-in-Parliament 5 Appointed by the House of Representatives N/A N/A
House of Representatives (Kamra tad-Deputati) Unicameral 5 Single transferable vote 69 5,950
Marshall Islands Legislature (Nitijeļā) Unicameral 4 Single and multi-member constituencies 33 2,060
Mauritania Parliament (البرلمان, Barlamene / Parlement) National Assembly (الجمعية الوطنية, Al Jamiya al-Wataniyah / Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 Runoff election 146 37,888
Mauritius National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 65 17,614
Mexico Congress of the Union (Congreso de la Unión) Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) Lower 3 Parallel voting: Largest remainder method (Hare quota) (200 seats) / FPTP (300 seats) 500 227,821
Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores) Upper 6 Parallel voting: Largest remainder method (Hare quota) 128 889,926
Moldova Parliament (Parlamentul) Unicameral 4 101 33,498
Monaco National Council (Conseil National) Unicameral 5 Panachage under party-list proportional representation (16), party-list proportional representation (8) 24 1,473
Mongolia State Great Assembly (Улсын Их Хурал, Ulsyn Ikh Khural) Unicameral 4 Plurality-at-large voting 76 36,245
Montenegro Assembly (Skupština, Скупштина) Unicameral 4 Closed list proportional representation using the D'Hondt method in a single nationwide constituency with a 3% electoral threshold with lower thresholds for minority groups under certain circumstances 81 7,719
Morocco Parliament (البرلمان المغربي, Barlaman almaghrib / ⴰⴱⵕⵍⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱⵉ / Parlement) House of Representatives (مجلس النواب, Majlis al-Nuwab / ⴰⴳⵔⴰⵡ ⵉⵎⴰⵔⴰⵢⴻⵏ, Asqqim n Imura / Chambre des représentants) Lower 5 Mixed member majoritarian: Single non-transferable vote for 305 seats, 60 seats reserved for women and 30 seats reserved for young people under 40 by proportional representation 395 100,444
House of Councillors (مجلس المستشارين, Majlis al-Mustasharin / ⴰⵙⵇⵇⵉⵎ ⵏ ⵉⵏⵙⴼⴰⵡⵏ, Asqqim n Insfawn / Chambre des conseillers) Upper 6 Indirect election: 72 members are elected at the Kingdom's regional level, 20 in each region by a single electoral college made up of all those in the relevant region that have been elected to specific professional associations, 8 in each region by an electoral college made up of those elected from the most representative employers' professional organizations, 20 by a nationwide electoral college made up of employees 270 120,905
Mozambique Assembly of the Republic (Assembleia da República) Unicameral 5 proportional party list 250 85,588
Myanmar (Burma) Assembly of the Union (ပြည်ထောင်စုလွှတ်တော်, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) House of Representatives (ပြည်သူ့လွှတ်တော်, Pyithu Hluttaw) Lower 5 popular vote and appointed by the military 440 137,000
House of Nationalities (အမျိုးသားလွှတ်တော်, Amyotha Hluttaw) Upper 5 popular vote and appointed by the military 224 269,107
Namibia Parliament National Assembly Lower 5 Closed list proportional representation and appointments by the President 104 26,923
National Council Upper 6 Indirect election by Regional Councils 26 80,769
Nauru Parliament (Naoero parliament) Unicameral 3 Dowdall system 19 521
Nepal Federal Parliament (संघीय संसद, Sanghiya Sansad) House of Representatives (प्रतिनिधि सभा, Pratinidi Sabha) Lower 5 Mixed member majoritarian (165 members elected through First-past-the-post voting and 110 elected through proportional representation voting method) 275 105,392
National Assembly (राष्ट्रिय सभा, Rastriya Sabha) Upper 6 Indirect single transferable vote and 3 members appointed by the President 59 491,233
Netherlands States General (Staten-Generaal) House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer, lit.'Second Chamber') Lower 4 Party-list proportional representation 150 111,533
Senate (Eerste Kamer, lit.'First Chamber') Upper 4 Indirect party-list proportional (by members of the states-provincial and the Caribbean Electoral colleges for the Senate) 75 223,066
New Zealand Parliament (Pāremata) House of Representatives (Whare o ngā Māngai) Unicameral 3 mixed-member proportional representation 120 33,566
Nicaragua National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) Unicameral 5 90 64,034
Niger National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 171 139,210
Nigeria National Assembly House of Representatives Lower 4 360 388,898
Senate Upper 4 109 1,284,436
North Macedonia Assembly (Собрание, Sobranie) Unicameral 4 120 16,736
Norway Great Assembly (Stortinget) Unicameral 4 proportional mixed 169 29,785
Oman Council of Oman (مجلس عُـمان, Majlis euman) Consultative Assembly (مجلس الشورى, Majlis al-Shura) Lower 4 84 33,017
Council of State (مجلس الدولة, Majlis al-Dawla) Upper 4 85 32,628
Pakistan Parliament of Pakistan (پارلیمنٹ, Pārlīmān or مجلسِ شوریٰ, Majlis-e-Shūrā, lit.'Consultative Assemblye') National Assembly (ایوان زیریں, Aiwān-e-Zairīñ, lit.'Lower house') Lower 5 342 537,023
Senate (ایوانِ بالا, Aiwān-e-Bālā, lit.'Upper house') Upper 6 104 1,735,000
Palau National Congress (Olbiil era Kelulau) House of Delegates Lower 4 majority 16 1,309
Senate Upper 4 majority 13 2,328
State of Palestine Legislative Council (المجلس التشريعي, Al-Majlis al-Tashrī'iyy) Unicameral 132 32,277
Panama National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) Unicameral 5 71 47,969
Papua New Guinea National Parliament Unicameral 5 109 56,766
Paraguay Congress (Congreso) Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) Lower 5 80 80,681
Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores) Upper 5 45 143,434
Peru Congress of the Republic (Congreso de la República / Rimana Wasin) Unicameral 5 130 217,082
Philippines Congress (Kongreso) House of Representatives (Kapulungan ng mga Kinatawan or Mababang Kapulungan, lit.'Lower house' / Cámara de Representantes) Lower 3 Parallel voting: Largest remainder method via closed lists with a three-seat cap (20% of seats), and first-past-the-post voting (80% of seats) 304 341,364
Senate (Senado or Mataas na Kapulungan, lit.'Upper house') Upper 6 bloc voting. Voter is allocated 12 votes. 1/2 of the seats are contested every 3 years with the 12 elected senators having the largest portion of the National Popular Vote 24 4,323,958
Poland Parliament of Poland (Parlament)
National Assembly (Zgromadzenie Narodowe)
Sejm (Sejm) Lower 4 proportional open list 460 83,697
Senate (Senat) Upper 4 majority 100 385,010
Portugal Assembly of the Republic (Assembleia da República) Unicameral 4 proportional party list 230 45,920
Qatar Consultative Assembly (مجلس الشورى, Majlis ash-Shura) Unicameral 35 52,958
Romania Parliament (Parlamentul) Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputaților) Lower 4 329 58,416
Senate (Senat) Upper 4 137 139,005
Russia Federal Assembly (Федеральное Собрание, Federalnoye Sobraniye) State Duma (Государственная Дума, Gosudarstvennaya Duma) Lower 5 parallel (First-past-the-post voting for 225 members and proportional party list for 225 members) 450 318,000
Federation Council (Совет Федерации, Sovet Federatsii) Upper dependent on individual elections in the federal subjects (4 or 5) senators are delegated from the executive and legislative bodies of the federal subjects 170 862,048
Rwanda Parliament (Inteko Ishinga Amategeko / Parlement) Chamber of Deputies (Umutwe w'Abadepite / Chambre des députés) Lower 5 80 146,121
Senate (Umutwe wa Sena / Sénat) Upper 8 26 449,603
Saint Kitts and Nevis National Assembly Unicameral 5 15 3,686
Saint Lucia Parliament House of Assembly Lower 5 17 10,221
Senate Upper 11 15,796
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines House of Assembly Unicameral 5 21 5,714
Samoa Parliament (Palemene) Legislative Assembly (Fono Aoao Faitulafono) Unicameral 5 51 3,916
San Marino Grand and General Council (Consiglio Grande e Generale) Unicameral 5 60 536
São Tomé and Príncipe National Assembly (Assembleia Nacional) Unicameral 4 55 3,330
Saudi Arabia Consultative Assembly (مجلس الشورى, Majlis Ash-Shura) non-parliamentary 4 Appointed by the King 150 220,000
Senegal National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 150 85,701
Serbia National Assembly (Народна скупштина / Narodna skupština) Unicameral 4 250 28,482
Seychelles National Assembly (Assemblée nationale / Lasanble Nasyonal) Unicameral 5 31 2,709
Sierra Leone Parliament Unicameral 5 146 40,136
Singapore Parliament (Parlimen / 国家议会, Guójiā yìhuì / நாடாளுமன்றம், Nāṭāḷumaṉṟam) Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post voting (MP) (in single member constituencies), Party block voting (in group representation constituencies), and appointed by the President (NMP) 103 52,360
Slovakia National Council (Národná rada) Unicameral 4 150 35,980
Slovenia Parliament (Državni zbor Republike Slovenije) National Assembly (Državni zbor) Lower 4 Open list proportional representation with a 4% election threshold 90 22,779
National Council (Državni svet) Upper 5 First-past-the-post indirect elections held within 'functional' interest organisations and 'local' interest communities by electoral bodies (electors). 40 51,254
Solomon Islands National Parliament Unicameral 4 50 10,460
Somalia Federal Parliament (Baarlamaanka Federaalka / لبرلمان الاتحادي, albarlaman alaitihadi) House of the People Lower 4 Appointed by president 275 36,675
Senate (Aqalka Sare) Upper 4 majority 54 180,100
South Africa Parliament National Assembly Lower 5 400 126,466
National Council of Provinces Upper 90 562,075
South Sudan National Legislature National Legislature Assembly Lower 170 48,591
Council of States Upper Appointed by President 50 165,210
Spain General Courts (Cortes Generales) Congress of Deputies (Congreso de los Diputados) Lower 4, unless elections are called earlier. proportional closed list 350 131,894
Senate (Senado) Upper 4, unless elections are called earlier. 208 are appointed through general election and 57 when regional legislatures are renewed, which not always happens at the same date 265 173,545
Sri Lanka Parliament (පාර්ලිමේන්තුව, Parlimenthuwa / பாராளுமன்றம், Nāṭāḷumaṉṟam) Unicameral 5 225 90,122
Sudan National Legislature (المجلس التشريعي, Al-Maǧlis al-Ttašriyʿiy) National Assembly (المجلس الوطني, {{transl|ar|Al-Maǧlis al-Waṭaniy) Lower 6 426 68,653
Council of States (المجلس الولايات, Al-Maǧlis al-Wilāyāt) Upper 6 50 617,880
Suriname National Assembly (Nationale Assemblée) Unicameral 5 51 10,470
Sweden Parliament (Riksdagen) Unicameral 4 Open list proportional representation through the Sainte-Laguë method with a 4% election threshold in constituencies based upon the Counties of Sweden 349 27,286
Syria People's Assembly (مجلس الشعب, Majlis al-Sha'ab) Unicameral 4 250 86,964
Switzerland Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung / Assemblée fédérale / Assemblea federale / Assamblea federala) National Council (Nationalrat / Conseil national / Consiglio nazionale / Cussegl naziunal) Lower 4 Open-list proportional with panachage and apparentment by canton. 200 40,000
Council of States (Ständerat / Conseil des États / Consiglio degli Stati / Cussegl dals chantuns) Upper 4 Each canton has one or two seats, two-round or proportional representation depending on the canton. 46 173,913
Tajikistan Supreme Assembly (Маҷлиси Олии, Majlisi Oli) Assembly of Representatives (Маҷлиси намояндагон, Majlisi namoyandagon) Lower 5 63 123,809
National Assembly (Маҷлиси миллии, Majlisi Millii) Upper 5 33 236,363
Tanzania National Assembly (Bunge) Unicameral 5 384 120,974
Thailand National Assembly (รัฐสภา, Ratthasapha) House of Representatives (สภาผู้แทนราษฎร, Sapha Phuthaen Ratsadon) Lower 4 mixed-member proportional representation, 350 are first-past-the-post and 150 is party-list 500 140,997
Senate (วุฒิสภา, Wutthisapha) Upper 5 elected by coup d'état government 250 -
Togo National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) Unicameral 5 91 76,434
Tonga Legislative Assembly (Fale Alea) Unicameral 4, Unless elections are called early Single non-transferable vote 25 3,962
Trinidad and Tobago Parliament House of Representatives Lower 5 41 32,139
Senate Upper 31 42,506
Tunisia Assembly of the Representatives of the People (مجلس نواب الشعب, Majless Noweb al Shaab / Assemblée des représentants du peuple, ARP) Unicameral 5 217 49,188
Turkey Grand National Assembly (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi) Unicameral 5 Closed list proportional representation
D'Hondt method with a 7% electoral threshold for political parties or political alliances
600 135,862
Turkmenistan Assembly (Mejlis) Unicameral 5 majority voting in single member constituencies. 125 41,360
Tuvalu Parliament (Palamene) Unicameral 4 15 666
Uganda Parliament (Bunge) Unicameral 5 529 87,839
Ukraine Supreme Council (Верховна Рада, Verkhovna Rada) Unicameral 5 450 101,248
United Arab Emirates Federal National Assembly (المجلس الوطني الإتحادي, Majlis Watani Ittihad) Unicameral 4 40 206,601
United Kingdom Parliament House of Commons Lower 5, unless elections are called earlier. First-past-the-post voting in single member constituencies. 650 95,787
House of Lords Upper Life (life and hereditary peers)

Until end of religious term(bishops)

Life peers appointed by the Sovereign on advice of Prime Minister. 92 are elected by and from hereditary peers using preferential voting. 26 Lords Spiritual are bishops of the Church of England, chosen by the Church mainly based on seniority (except that female bishops are appointed regardless of seniority). 785 86,700
United States Congress House of Representatives Lower 2 Depends on the state, mainly First-past-the-post voting, in single-member constituencies. 435 722,636
Senate Upper 6 Depends on the state, mainly First-past-the-post voting. One-third of the Senate goes up for election every two years. Each state has two senators. 100 N/A
Uruguay General Assembly (Asamblea General) Chamber of Representatives (Cámara de Representantes) Lower 5 99 33,195
Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores) Upper 5 30 109,543
Uzbekistan Supreme Assembly (Oliy Majlis, Олий Мажлис) Legislative Chamber (Qonunchilik palatasi, Қонунчилик палатаси) Lower 5 150 194,156
Senate (Senati, Сенати) Upper 5 100 291,234
Vanuatu Parliament (Palamen / Parlement) Unicameral 4 52 4319
Vatican City/Holy See Pontifical Commission (Pontificia Commissione / Pontificia Commissio) Unicameral 5 7 114
Venezuela National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) Unicameral 5 277 175,430
Vietnam National Assembly (Quốc hội) Unicameral 5 500 176,385
Yemen Parliament House of Representatives (مجلس النواب, Majlis al-Nuwaab) Lower 6 301 81,485
Shura Council (مجلس الشورى, Majlis ash-Shura) Upper Life 111 220,963
Zambia National Assembly Unicameral 5 166 87,284
Zimbabwe Parliament National of Assembly Lower 5 210 61,971
Senate Upper 5 40 325,350
  1. Assuming membership of 30. This is only an estimate; the size of the council is not fixed and the membership is not fully verified.
  2. There are three compensation mechanisms in addition of the basis 101 seats: if a party wins a majority then they win a majority jackpot of 54% of the seats; if a party wins over two-thirds of the seats then other parties receive additional seats to have no party above two-thirds; if no party can form a government in 6 days then a runoff election between the top-2 is held, with a 54% seats majority jackpot. Four additional seats are elected for national minorities.

Legislatures of autonomous regions, dependencies and other territories

Region or territory Overall name of legislature Name of house House level Term (years) Voting system Seats Population per seat
Adjara Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara (აჭარის ავტონომიური რესპუბლიკის უმაღლესი საბჭო) Unicameral 4 21 16,619
Åland Legislative Assembly (Lagtinget) Unicameral 4 30 945
Alderney States (États) Unicameral 4 10 240
American Samoa Legislative Assembly (Fono) House of Representatives Lower 2 21 2,643
Senate Upper 4 18 3,084
Anguilla House of Assembly Unicameral 5 11 1,222
Aosta Valley Regional Council
(Consiglio regionale/Conseil)
Unicameral 5 35 3,597
Aruba Estates (Staten) Unicameral 4 21 4,832
Azores Legislative Assembly (Assembleia Legislativa) Unicameral 4 57 4,311
Bangsamoro Parliament Unicameral 3 Parallel voting 80 53,414
Basque Country Parliament Unicameral 4 Closed party lists in three 25-seat constituencies, with seats allocated using the D'Hondt method 75 29,194
Bermuda Parliament House of Assembly Lower 5 36 1,784
Senate Upper 11 5,839
British Virgin Islands House of Assembly Unicameral 4 15 1,969
Canary Islands Parliament (Parlamento de Canarias) Unicameral 4 70 35,000
Catalonia Parliament (Parlament de Catalunya) Unicameral 4 135 55,723
Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly Unicameral 4 18 3,080
Cook Islands Parliament Unicameral 4 24 875
Corsica Corsican Assembly (Assemblea di Corsica / Assemblée de Corse) Unicameral 6 63 5,238
Crimea State Council (Верховна Рада / Верховный Совет / Yuqarı Radası) Unicameral 100 22,840
Curaçao Estates (Staten) Unicameral 4 21 7,571
Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly Unicameral 4 11 272
Faroe Islands Law Assembly (Løgtingið) Unicameral 4 33 1,467
French Polynesia Assembly (Assemblée de la Polynésie française) Unicameral 5 At-large two-round in 8 sections, 19 seats plurality and 38 proportional, 12.5% or top-2 threshold for qualification. 57 4,859
Galicia Parliament (Parlamento da Galiza/Galicia) Unicameral 4 75 36,649
Gibraltar Parliament Unicameral 4 17 1,750
Greenland Parliament (Inatsisartut) Unicameral 4 31 1,830
Guam Legislature (Liheslaturan Guåhan) Unicameral 4 15 10,623
Guernsey States (États) Unicameral 4 45 1,387
Hong Kong Legislative Council (立法會) Unicameral 4 Proportional representation using the Hare quota and the largest remainder method for the geographical constituencies and functional constituencies elected by their respective electorates 70 101,481
Isle of Man Tynwald (Tinvaal) House of Keys (Kiare as Feed) Lower 5 Plurality (2 members from each constituency) 24 3,520
Legislative Council (Yn Choonceil Slattyssagh) Upper 5 Most members indirectly elected by the House of Keys 11 7,681
Jersey States (États) Unicameral 4 49 2,509
Kurdistan Region Kurdistan Region Parliament (پەرلەمانی کوردستان) Unicameral 5 111 53,109
Macau Legislative Assembly (立法會, Assembleia Legislativa) Unicameral 4 Proportional representation, functional constituencies and appointed by the Chief Executive 29 19,610
Madeira Legislative Assembly (Assembleia Legislativa) Unicameral 4 47 5,698
Montserrat Legislative Assembly Unicameral 5 9 546
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Supreme Assembly (Ali Məclisi) Unicameral 5 45 10,063
New Caledonia Congress (Congrès Territorial) Unicameral 5 Closed-list proportional representation by province with 5% (of registered voters) threshold 54 4,547
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Assembly (Tionól Thuaisceart Éireann) Unicameral 5 Single transferable vote 90 16,767
Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Legislature House of Representatives Lower 2 20 2,694
Senate Upper 2 10 5,388
Niue Assembly Unicameral 3 20 69
Pitcairn Islands Island Council Unicameral 3 10 6
Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa) House of Representatives (Cámara de Representantes) Lower 4 First-past-the-post voting 51 63,172
Senate (Senado) Upper 4 Majority 27 119,326
Saint Barthélemy Territorial Council Unicameral 5 At-large two-round, 7 seats by plurality and 12 seats proportional, 10% or top-2 threshold for qualification. 19 488
Saint Helena Legislative Council Unicameral 4 21 1,266
Saint Martin Territorial Council (conseil territorial) Unicameral 6 At-large two-round, 8 seats by plurality and 15 seats proportional, 10% or top-2 threshold for qualification. 23 1,578
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Territorial Council Unicameral 6 At-large two-round, 10 seats by plurality and 9 seats proportional, 10% or top-2 threshold for qualification. 19 320
Sardinia Regional Council
(Consiglio regionale)
Unicameral 5 60 27,470
Sark Chief Pleas Unicameral 12 50
Scotland Scottish Parliament (Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, Scots Pairliament) Unicameral 5 Additional member system 129 40,734
Sicily Regional Assembly
(Assemblea Regionale)
Unicameral 5 70 71,675
Sint Maarten Estates (Staten) Unicameral 4 15 2,495
South Tyrol Landtag Unicameral 5 35 14,621
Tokelau Parliament Unicameral 3 20 70
Trentino Council
Unicameral 5 35 15,405
Turks and Caicos Islands House of Assembly Unicameral 4 21 1,498
U.S. Virgin Islands Legislature Unicameral 2 15 7,093
Vojvodina Assembly (Скупштина / Skupština / Képviselőháza / Adunarea / Zhromaždenie) Unicameral 4 Proportional representation in a single constituency with a 5% threshold and seats being allocated using d'Hondt method 120 16,098
Wales Senedd (Welsh Parliament / Senedd Cymru) Unicameral 5 Additional member system 60 51,066
Wallis and Futuna Territorial Assembly (Assemblée Territoriale) Unicameral 5 Proportional representation by constituency 20 650
Zanzibar House of Representatives (Baraza la Wawakilishi) Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post voting 88 17,086
  1. Seats allocation is based on the runoff, unless a list reaches 50% in their section in the first round. Lists with 5% in the first round can merge with other qualified lists.
  2. Seats allocation is based on the runoff, unless a list reaches 50% and a quarter of registered voters in the first round. Lists with 5% in the first round can merge with other qualified lists.
  3. Seats allocation is based on the runoff, unless a list reaches 50% and a quarter of registered voters in the first round. Lists with 5% in the first round can merge with other qualified lists.
  4. Seats allocation is based on the runoff, unless a list reaches 50% and a quarter of registered voters in the first round. Lists with 5% in the first round can merge with other qualified lists.

Legislatures of non-UN states (including unrecognized and disputed territories)

non-UN state Overall name of legislature Name of house House level Term (years) Voting system Seats Population per seat
Abkhazia People's Assembly (Жәлар Реизара, Zhelar Reizara) Unicameral 5 35 6,877
Azad Kashmir Azad Kashmir Legislative Assembly Unicameral 5 First past the post 53 1200
China, Republic of Legislative Yuan (立法院 Lìfǎ Yùan) Unicameral 4 First-past-the-post voting, Closed party-list proportional representation and indigenous seats with single non-transferable vote 113 208,754
Kosovo Assembly of Kosovo (Albanian: Kuvendi i Kosovës, Serbian Cyrillic: Скупштина Косова) Unicameral 4 120 15,493
Northern Cyprus Assembly of the Republic (Cumhuriyet Meclisi) Unicameral 5 50 5,898
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Sahrawi National Council (المجلس الوطني الصحراوي Al-Majlis al-Watani al-Sahrawi) Unicameral 2 53
Somaliland Parliament (Baarlamaanka) House of Representatives (Golaha Wakiilada) Lower 5 82 42,682
House of Elders (Golaha Guurtida) Upper 6 82 42,682
South Ossetia Parliament Unicameral 5 34 2,117
Central Tibetan Administration (in exile) Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration (གྲོས་ཚོགས་ཐོག་གསུང་བཤད།) Unicameral 5 First-past-the-post voting 43 73,953
Transnistria Supreme Council (Верховный Совет, Verkhovny Sovet) Unicameral 5 43 12,062

See also