List of ethnic armed organisations in Myanmar

Cadets of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) preparing for military drills at the group's headquarters in Laiza, Kachin State.

The following is a list of non-state armed groups involved in the internal conflict in Myanmar, officially called ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) by the government of Myanmar.


The term "ethnic armed organisation" (Burmese: တိုင်းရင်းသား လက်နက်ကိုင် အဖွဲ့အစည်း) emerged in Myanmar during the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement negotiations from 2013 to 2015. Various other terms, including "ethnic organisation", "ethnic resistance force", and "ethnic rebel group" have also been used to describe ethnic armed organisations. These organisations typically:

  • claim to represent an ethnic identity
  • aim to garner mutual recognition from other ethnic armed organisations through alliances and coalitions
  • have an armed wing, and often a separate political wing


Name Abbreviation Founded Strength Headquarters Location Affiliations Notes
Arakan Army AA 2009 30,000 (2021) Laiza
Arakan Army (Kayin State) AA (Kayin) 2010 100 (2016) Mobile headquarters Kayin State
All Burma Students' Democratic Front ABSDF 1988 600 (2016) Manerplaw (until 1995) Joined the CRPH / NUG after the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état
Arakan Liberation Army ALA 1968 60–100 (2016) Sittwe Armed wing of the Arakan Liberation Party
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army ARSA 2013 ~200 (2018) Mobile headquarters
  • Previously known as Harakah al-Yaqin
  • Designated as a "terrorist group" by Myanmar's counter-terrorism law
Bamar People's Liberation Army BPLA 2021 1,000+ Mobile headquarters Eastern Myanmar Co-founded by activist Maung Saungkha
Chin National Army CNA 1988 200+ (2016) Camp Victoria Chin State
Joined the CRPH / NUG after the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état
Chin National Defence Force CNDF 2021 Unknown Falam Chin State Armed wing of the Chin National Organisation
Chinland Defense Force CDF 2021 Unknown Mobile headquarters
Democratic Karen Buddhist Army – Brigade 5 DKBA-5 2010 1,500+ (2016) Sonesee Myaing Split from the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army in 2010
Kachin Independence Army KIA 1961 20,000 (2018)
Kachin State, northern Shan State Holds and governs territory in Kachin State
Karen National Defence Organisation KNDO 1947 Unknown
Affiliate of the Karen National Union
  • Signed ceasefires with the government in 2012 and 2015
  • Broke its commitment to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in response to the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état
Karen National Liberation Army KNLA 1949 7,000 (2012)
Broke its commitment to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in response to the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état
Karenni Army KA 1949 1,500 (2012) Nya Moe Kayah State
Karenni National People's Liberation Front KNPLF 1978 2,000 Pankan Kayah State
  • Split from the Karenni Army
  • Signed ceasefire in 1989 and transformed into a BGF in 2009
  • Defected to anti-junta forces in June 2023
Karenni Nationalities Defence Force KNDF 2021 7,000+ Mobile headquarters
KNU/KNLA Peace Council KPC 2007 <200 (2016) To-kawko Kayin State Not affiliated with the KNU or KNLA, despite its name
Kuki National Army KNA(B) 1988 200+ (2016) Mobile headquarters Armed wing of the Kuki National Organisation
Lahu Democratic Union LDU Unknown Unknown Mobile headquarters Shan State
Mon National Liberation Army MNLA 1958 3,000–5,000 (2016) Ye Chaung Phya Armed wing of the New Mon State Party Signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in 2018, along with the Lahu Democratic Union
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army MNDAA 1989 2,000–4,000 (2016) Mobile headquarters Shan State (Kokang)
Split from the Communist Party of Burma after its dissolution
Myanmar Royal Dragon Army MRDA 2022 1,000+ Pale Sagaing Region
National Democratic Alliance Army NDAA 1989 3,000–4,000 (2016) Mong La Shan State Split from the Communist Party of Burma after its dissolution
National Socialist Council of Nagaland NSCN-K 1980 <500 (2016) Mobile headquarters Signed a ceasefire with India in 2001 and Myanmar in 2012
People's Defence Force PDF 2021 65,000 (2022 est.) Armed wing of the National Unity Government (NUG)
  • Formed in May 2021 after the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état
  • Consists of several local resistance groups and other newly-formed anti-junta ethnic militias, such as the Karenni People's Defence Force and the Chinland Defence Force
People's Defence Force (Kalay) PDF (Kalay) 2021 Unknown Kalay Sagaing Region Part of the People's Defence Force
People's Revolution Alliance (Magway) PRA (Magway) 2021 Unknown Mobile headquarters
People's Liberation Army PLA 2021 Unknown Armed wing of the Communist Party of Burma The Communist Party of Burma rearmed itself and announced the creation of its new armed wing, the People's Liberation Army, in late 2021.
Pa-O National Army PNA 1949 4,000 (2023) Taunggyi Shan State Armed wing of the Pa-O National Organisation
Pa-O National Liberation Army PNLA 2009 400+ (2016) Camp Laybwer Armed wing of the Pa-O National Liberation Organisation
Rohingya Solidarity Organisation RSO 1982 Unknown
  • Mainly active in the 1990s, militarily defunct by 1998
  • Alleged by the Tatmadaw to have had connections with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in the early 2000s
  • Reestablished after the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état
Shanni Nationalities Army SNA 2016 1,000+ (2019) Mobile headquarters Kachin State Allies with the Shan State Army – South and the Tatmadaw
Shan State Army – North SSA-N 1971 8,000 (2016) Wan Hai Shan State
Shan State Army – South SSA-S 1996 8,000 (2016) Loi Tai Leng
Split from the Mong Tai Army in 1995
Student Armed Force SAF 2021 Unknown Mobile headquarters
Ta'ang National Liberation Army TNLA 1992 10,000-15,000 (2023) Mobile headquarters Shan State Governs the Pa Laung Self-Administered Zone
United Wa State Army UWSA 1989 25,000 (2015) Pangkham Shan State Governs the Wa Self-Administered Division (Wa State)
Wa National Army WNA 1969 200 (1998) Homein Shan State
Signed a peace agreement with the government in August 1997
Zomi Revolutionary Army ZRA-EC 1997 3,000 (2016) Churachandpur Armed wing of the Zomi Revolutionary Organisation Only minor skirmishes in Myanmar


Name Abbreviation Founded Disbanded Strength Headquarters Location Affiliations Notes
Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front ARIF 1986 1998 Unknown Mobile headquarters
Communist Party of Arakan CPA 1962 2004 Unknown Mobile headquarters Rakhine State Split from the Red Flag Communist Party
Communist Party of Burma CPB 1939 1989 6,000 Pangkham (until 1989) Shan State Armed wing dissolved in 1989
Democratic Karen Buddhist Army DKBA 1994 2010 <5,000 Mobile headquarters Kayin State
  • Signed a ceasefire agreement shortly after its formation in 1994 and disbanded in 2010
  • Split from the Karen National Union
God's Army 1997 2006 500 Mobile headquarters Myanmar–Thailand border Surrendered to government forces in 2006
Kachin Defense Army KDA 1961 2010 1,500 Kawnghka Shan State Originated as the Kachin Independence Army's 4th brigade
Mongko Region Defence Army MRDA 1995 2000 Unknown Mongko Split from the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
Mong Tai Army MTA 1985 1996 20,000 Homein Surrendered to the government in 1996
Monland Restoration Army MRA 2001 2012 100–300 Sangkhlaburi Armed wing of the Hongsawatoi Restoration Party Surrendered to government forces in 2012
Mujahideen None 1947 1954 2,000 Mayu Rakhine State Majority of fighters surrendered to the government in the late 1950s and early 1960s
New Democratic Army – Kachin NDA-K 1989 2009 700 (peak) Pang Wa Shan State Signed a ceasefire agreement with the government in 1989 and transformed into a BGF in 2009
Red Flag Communist Party RFCP 1948 1978 500 Mobile headquarters Shan State Split from the Communist Party of Burma
Rohingya Liberation Party RLP 1972 1974 800–2,500 Mobile headquarters Rakhine State Insurgents fled across the border into Bangladesh after a massive military operation by the government in July 1974
Rohingya National Army RNA 1998 2001 Unknown Cox's Bazar Armed wing of the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO)
Rohingya Patriotic Front RPF 1974 1980s 70 Mobile headquarters Rakhine State
Shan State Army SSA 1964 1976 1,500 Mobile headquarters Shan State
Shan State National Army SSNA 1995 2005 8,000 (peak) Hsipaw Shan State Merged with the Shan State Army – South in 2005
Shan United Revolutionary Army SURA 1960 1996 Unknown Homein
Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors VBSW 1999 2013 Unknown Mobile headquarters Myanmar–Thailand border
  • No insurgent or terror activity has been attributed to the VBSW since 2013
  • Gained notoriety in the October 1999 siege of the Burmese consulate in Bangkok, Thailand


Name Abbreviation Founded Headquarters Members Notes
Federal Union Army FUA 2011 Chiang Mai Armed wing of the United Nationalities Federal Council
Northern Alliance NA-B 2016 Laiza All four members of the Northern Alliance are also members of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee
Three Brotherhood Alliance 2019
4K Alliance 2023 Alliance of ethnic Karen rebel organisations.

See also