List of environmental awards

Kew International Medal awarded to Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia in 2017 with Richard Deverell and Kathy Willis

This list of environmental awards is an index to articles about notable environmental awards for activities that lead to the protection of the natural environment. The list is organized by the region and country of the organization that sponsors the award. The awards may be open to the global community or limited to a particular country or field of work.


Country Award Sponsor Notes
International Akino Memorial Research United Nations University Studies in the fields of human security and sustainable development in Central Asia and neighboring regions
International Burtoni Award International Institute for Environment and Development Outstanding contributions to the science of adaptation to climate change
International Champions of the Earth United Nations Environment Programme Outstanding environmental leaders from the public and private sectors, and from civil society
International Earthshot Prize The Royal Foundation Incentivizes solutions to the world's environmental problems
International Edison Award Edison Awards Honoring excellence in innovation
International Equator Prize United Nations Development Programme Community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
International Forest Hero Award United Nations Individuals who have devoted their lives to protecting forests
International Glinka World Soil Prize Global Soil Partnership of the Food and Agriculture Organization Direct contributions to the preservation of the environment, food security and poverty alleviation
International Global 500 Roll of Honour United Nations Environment Programme Environmental achievements of individuals and organizations around the world
International J. Paul Getty Award for Conservation Leadership World Wide Fund for Nature Outstanding leadership in global conservation
International Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award Ramsar Convention Work of governments, organisations and individuals in promoting the wise use and conservation of wetlands
International Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Preservation UNESCO and Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Outstanding contributions by individuals, groups of individuals, institutes or organizations in the management or preservation of the environment
International Sustainable Transport Award Transportation Research Board Sustainable transport
International Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement University of Southern California Environmental science, environmental health, and energy
International World Conservation Award World Organization of the Scout Movement, World Wide Fund for Nature Conservation
International Land for Life Award United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Outstanding initiatives and innovative contributions to sustainable land management
International Restoration Stewards program Global Landscapes Forum, The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and World Agroforestry (ICRAF) Provides funding, mentorship and training to deepen the impact of youth-led restoration projects


Country Award Sponsor Notes
Canada Canadian Environment Awards Government of Canada, Canadian Geographic Dedicated Canadians who act locally to help protect, preserve and restore Canada's environment.
Canada Miroslaw Romanowski Medal Royal Society of Canada Significant contributions to the resolution of scientific aspects of environmental problems or for important improvements to the quality of an ecosystem in all aspects - terrestrial, atmospheric and aqueous - brought about by scientific means
Canada 3M Environmental Innovation Award Royal Canadian Geographical Society Outstanding individuals in business, government, academia or community organizations whose innovative contributions to environmental change are benefiting Canada and Canadians
Canada Emerald Awards Alberta Emerald Foundation Since 1992, the Emerald Awards have recognized and celebrated the outstanding environmental achievements of large and small businesses, individuals, nonprofits, community groups, youth, and governments across Alberta.
United States Ansel Adams Award Wilderness Society Current or former federal official who has been a fervent advocate of conservation
United States Ansel Adams Award for Conservation Photography Sierra Club Photographers who have used their talents in conservation efforts
United States Athalie Richardson Irvine Clarke Prize National Water Research Institute Excellence in the fields of water science and technology
United States Audubon Medal National Audubon Society Outstanding achievement in the field of conservation and environmental protection
United States Brower Youth Awards New Leaders Initiative Environmental and social justice leaders under the age of 23
United States Environmental Media Awards Environmental Media Association Best television episode or film with an environmental message
United States Global Environmental Citizen Award Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment Individual working to restore and protect the global environment
United States Goldman Environmental Prize Goldman Environmental Foundation Grassroots environmental activists
United States Grantham Prize Jeremy Grantham, Hannelore Grantham, Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting Journalist or a team of journalists for exemplary reporting on the environment
United States Hans Hass Award Historical Diving Society Contributions made to the advancement of our knowledge of the ocean
United States Heinz Awards Heinz Foundations Outstanding individuals for their innovative contributions related to the environment
United States Heroes of the Environment Time magazine Year's most notable environmentalist
United States Hodgkins Medal Smithsonian Institution Contributions to the understanding of the physical environment as it affects the welfare of man
United States Indianapolis Prize Indianapolis Zoo Extraordinary contributions to conservation efforts affecting one or more animal species
United States Joan Hodges Queneau Medal National Audubon Society, American Association of Engineering Societies Outstanding contribution by an engineer on behalf of environmental conservation
United States LExEN National Science Foundation Funding for activities in the polar regions
United States Lady Bird Johnson Environmental Award Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum U.S. citizen, corporation or non-profit organization whose work demonstrates his or her dedication, passion for and commitment to the environment
United States Parker-Gentry Award Field Museum of Natural History Efforts that have had a significant impact on preserving the world's natural heritage and can serve as a model to others
United States Pugsley Medal American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration Champions of parks and conservation
United States Rachel Carson Award National Audubon Society Women whose immense talent, expertise, and energy greatly advance conservation and the environmental movement locally and globally
United States Sam Rose '58 and Julie Walters Prize Dickinson College for Global Environmental Activism An individual or group dedicated to preserving the planet and its resources
United States Seafood Champion Awards SeaWeb / The Ocean Foundation Outstanding leadership in promoting environmentally responsible seafood
United States Sierra Club John Muir Award Sierra Club Distinguished record of leadership in national conservation causes
United States US Navy Environmental Protection Award Pennant United States Department of the Navy Navy commands for achievements in environmental quality, environmental cleanup, natural resources conservation, cultural resources management, pollution prevention, and recycling
United States William T. Hornaday Awards Boy Scouts of America Service in conservation and ecology
United States World Ecology Award The Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center Eminent individuals who have made significant contributions to the protection of the global environment and to a better understanding of the balance between human habitation and the Earth's biodiversity


Country Award Sponsor Notes
UAE Zayed International Prize for the Environment Zayed International Foundation for the Environment Various categories
India Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Awards Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Individuals and institutions who have done pioneering and exemplary work in the field of afforestation and wasteland development
India Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions toward protecting the environment.
India Himalayan Green Awards (HGA) Himalayan Welfare Organization, Kashmir Exceptional service in the field of Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development.
India VASVIK Industrial Research Award VASVIK Excellence in industrial research in the areas of science and technology
Japan Blue Planet Prize Asahi Glass Foundation Outstanding efforts in scientific research or applications of science that contribute to solving global environmental problems
Japan International Cosmos Prize Expo '90 Foundation Outstanding research work and/or achievement which promote the philosophy, "The Harmonious Coexistence between Nature and Mankind."
Japan Takeda Awards Takeda Foundation Development and promotion of the Ecological Rucksacks and Material Input per Unit Service (MIPS) concepts, as measures of the ecological stress of products and services
Japan SES Environmental Science Award Society of Environmental Science, Japan (SES) Significant contributions to environmental science and the Society of Environmental Science in Japan
Japan SES Research Award in Environmental Science Society of Environmental Science, Japan (SES) Outstanding achievement in the field of Environmental Science
Saudi Arabia Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water Prince Sultan Research Center for Environment, Water and Desert Outstanding scientific contributions related to surface water, ground water, alternative (non-traditional) water resources, and water conservation
Singapore President's Award for the Environment Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Individuals, organizations and companies which have contributed to Singapore's efforts in achieving environmental sustainability
Taiwan Tang Prize Tang Prize Foundation Contributions to the sustainable development of human societies, especially through groundbreaking innovations in science and technology


Country Award Sponsor Notes
Estonia Eerik Kumari Award Ministry of the Environment, Estonia Those who have excelled in bioscience in Estonia
Europe European Business Awards for the Environment European Commission Companies that combine competitiveness with respect for the environment
Europe European Green Capital Award European Commission Cities that have a consistent record of achieving high environmental standards
Europe European Solar Prize Eurosolar Outstanding contributions to the utilization and applications of renewable energy in all its available forms
Germany Blue Planet Award Ethecon Foundation Actions deemed to be protecting the environment
Germany Environment Prize Bundesstiftung Umwelt Decisive and exemplary contribution to the protection and preservation of our environment now and in the future
Germany GreenTec Awards VKP engineering GmbH Projects, products, and people contributing to the protection of the environment
Germany Nuclear-Free Future Award Franz Moll Foundation for the Coming Generations Anti-nuclear activists, organizations and communities
Germany The National German Sustainability Award Cabinet of Germany Cities, companies and individuals promoting the idea of a sustainable society
Monaco Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Awards Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Exemplary action in favour of the environment and the protection of the planet
Netherlands Order of the Golden Ark Kingdom of the Netherlands Major contributions to nature conservation
Netherlands Oskar Barnack Award World Press Photo Photography expressing the relationship between man and the environment
Netherlands Sarphati Sanitation Awards World Waternet Contributions to global sanitation and public health, notably through entrepreneurship
Nordic Countries Nordic Council Environment Prize Nordic Council Nordic company, organization, or individual for exemplary efforts to integrate respect for the environment into their business or work or for some other form of extraordinary initiative on behalf of the environment
Norway Gunnerus Sustainability Award Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters Outstanding contribution to sustainable science within the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, or technological sciences
Norway Heyerdahl Award Norwegian Shipowners' Association etc. People from the shipping industry that have made an outstanding contribution to the environment
Norway Rachel Carson Prize Rachel Carson-prisen Woman who has distinguished herself in outstanding work for the environment in Norway or internationally
Norway Sophie Prize Jostein Gaarder Individuals or organizations working with the environment and sustainable development (no longer active)
Spain National Environmental Award Ministry of Environment Environmental award (no longer active)
Sweden Right Livelihood Award Right Livelihood Award Foundation Practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today
Sweden Stockholm Industry Water Award Stockholm International Water Institute Impressive contributions by businesses and industries to improve the world water situation
Sweden Stockholm Junior Water Prize Stockholm International Water Institute Outstanding water project by a young person or a small group of young people
Sweden Stockholm Water Prize Stockholm International Water Institute Outstanding achievements in water-related activities
Sweden Swedish Baltic Sea Water Award Swedish Institute Direct and practical efforts ... to help improve the water environment of the Baltic Sea
Sweden The Perfect World Award The Perfect World Foundation Awarded to a person who has raised significant attention to wildlife and nature conservation. Since its inauguration in 2014, it has become one of the most prestigious conservation awards in Scandinavia.
Sweden Volvo Environment Prize Volvo Environment Prize Foundation Individuals who explore the way to a sustainable world
Switzerland Prix Pictet Pictet Group Photography of the highest order, applied to current social and environmental challenges
United Kingdom Ashden Awards Ashden Organisations and businesses that deliver local, sustainable energy schemes with social, economic and environmental benefits
United Kingdom Green Chemistry Award Royal Society of Chemistry Advances in environmentally-focused chemistry
United Kingdom Green Flag Award Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Parks and green spaces
United Kingdom CIEEM Medal Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Outstanding single or lifelong contribution to the field of ecology and environmental management
United Kingdom John Rose Award Institution of Environmental Sciences Disseminate exceptional environmental research to a wide audience and fulfill its potential
United Kingdom Kew International Medal Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Significant contribution to science and conservation
United Kingdom Marsh Award for Conservation Biology Zoological Society of London, Marsh Charitable Trust Contributions of fundamental science to the conservation of animal species and habitats
United Kingdom Natural World Book Prize The Wildlife Trusts Environmental literature
United Kingdom RSPB Medal Royal Society for the Protection of Birds For an individual in recognition of wild bird protection and countryside conservation
United Kingdom St Andrews Prize for the Environment University of St Andrews Significant contributions to environmental issues and concerns
United Kingdom Sustainable City Awards City of London Corporation Best practice in environmental management and sustainable leadership
United Kingdom The British Environment and Media Awards World Wide Fund for Nature Professional article, programme, website or campaign, written, produced or undertaken in the UK
United Kingdom Virgin Earth Challenge Sir Richard Branson Commercially viable design which results in the permanent removal of greenhouse gases out of the Earth's atmosphere to contribute materially in global warming avoidance
United Kingdom Whitley Awards Whitley Fund for Nature Effective grassroots conservation leaders across the Global South


Country Award Sponsor Notes
Australia Froggatt Awards Invasive Species Council Major contribution to protecting Australia's native plants and animals, ecosystems, and people from dangerous new invasive species
Australia Peter Rawlinson Award Australian Conservation Foundation Outstanding voluntary contribution to the Australian environment
Australia World Environment Day Awards United Nations Association of Australia Excellence in environmental sustainability
New Zealand Charles Fleming Award for Environmental Achievement Royal Society Te Apārangi protection, maintenance, management, improvement or understanding of the environment, in particular the sustainable management of the New Zealand environment
New Zealand Loder Cup Minister of Conservation New Zealanders who work to investigate, promote, retain and cherish our indigenous flora

See also