List of chicken breeds

Illustration of thirty-nine varieties of chicken (and one Guinea Fowl)

There are hundreds of chicken breeds in existence. Domesticated for thousands of years, distinguishable breeds of chicken have been present since the combined factors of geographical isolation and selection for desired characteristics created regional types with distinct physical and behavioral traits passed on to their offspring.

The physical traits used to distinguish chicken breeds are size, plumage color, comb type, skin color, number of toes, amount of feathering, egg color, and place of origin. They are also roughly divided by primary use, whether for eggs, meat, or ornamental purposes, and with some considered to be dual-purpose.

Difference between the sizes of a Brahma Blue rooster and a bantam rooster

In the 21st century, chickens are frequently bred according to predetermined breed standards set down by governing organizations. The first of such standards was the British Poultry Standard, which is still in publication today. Other standards include the Standard of Perfection, the Australian Poultry Standard, and the standard of the American Bantam Association, which deals exclusively with bantam fowl. Only some of the known breeds are included in these publications, and only those breeds are eligible to be shown competitively. There are additionally a few hybrid strains which are common in the poultry world, especially in large poultry farms. These types are first generation crosses of true breeds. Hybrids do not reliably pass on their features to their offspring, but are highly valued for their producing abilities.

Table of contents

By place of origin: AfghanistanAlbaniaAustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilBulgariaCanadaChileChinaCroatiaCubaCzech RepublicEgyptFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIranItalyJapanKoreaKosovoMalaysiaMyanmarNetherlandsNorwayPakistanPhilippinesPolandPortugalRomaniaRussiaSerbiaSlovakiaSloveniaSouth AfricaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandThailandTurkeyUkraineUnited KingdomUnited StatesVietnam

By primary use: EggsMeatDual-purposeExhibition

Other: BantamsHybrids

See also   •    References   •    Sources

By place of origin


  • Ingriido
  • Khasaki
  • Kulangi
  • Pusty
  • Sabzwari


  • Commune hen
  • Black Tropoja Lekbibaj
  • Tirana
  • Tropoja Pac
  • Yerevanian


Australian Australorp breed


  • Steinpiperl


Belgian d'Everberg
ornamental bantam
  • Coucou des Flandres or Vlaanderse koekoek
  • Famennoise or Famennehoen (large and bantam)
  • Fauve de Hesbaye or Gele van Haspengouw
  • Fauve de Mehaigne or Gele van Mehaigne (bantam)
  • Herve or Hervehoen (large and bantam)
  • Huttegem
  • Malines or Mechels hoen (large and bantam)
  • Mechelse kalkoenkop
  • Naine belge or Belgische kriel (bantam)
  • Naine de Waes or Waasse kriel (bantam)
  • Naine du Tournaisis or Doornikse kriel (bantam)
  • Pondeuse de Zingem or Zingems leghoen
  • Poule d'Aarschot or Aarschots hoen
  • Poule de la vallée de la Zwalm or Hoen van de Zwalmvallei
  • Poule de Zottegem or Zottegems hoen
  • Zingems vleeshoen






Silkie hen


  • Hrvatica (Croatian Hen, Kokoš Hrvatica)


Cubalaya cock


  • Cypriot chicken

Czech Republic


  • Alexandria
  • Arbrikers
  • Bahig
  • Bandara
  • Boffen
  • Dandarawi
  • Dokki 4
  • Baladi Beheri
  • Fayoumi
  • Gimmizah
  • Golden Montazah
  • Hawara
  • Inshas
  • Iven
  • Kherbis
  • Mandarah
  • Matrouh
  • Salam
  • Silver Montazah
  • Sinai


  • Alho
  • Finnish Landrace chicken
    (Finnish chicken)
  • Häme
  • Hornio
  • Iitti
  • Ilmajoki
  • Jalasjärvi
  • Jussila
  • Kiuruvesi
  • Lindellin
  • Luumäki
  • Piikkiö
  • Savitaipale
  • Tyrnävä


  • Aquitaine
  • Ardeale
  • Ardennaise,
    or Sans-queue des Ardennes
  • Barbezieux
  • Blanzac
  • Bourbonnaise
  • Bourbourg
  • Bresse Gauloise
  • Caumont
  • Caussade
  • Charollaise
  • Cocherelle
  • Combattant du Nord
  • Contres
  • Cotentine
  • Coucou des Flandres
  • Coucou de France
  • Coucou de Rennes
  • Coucou Picarde
  • Coucou Soie
  • Cou-nu du Forez
  • Courtes-Pattes
  • Crèvecœur
  • Estaires
  • Faverolles clair (light)
  • Faverolles foncée
    (dark, or "German" Faverolles)
  • Favoris
  • Gasconne
  • Gâtinaise
  • Gauloise dorée
  • Géline de Touraine
  • Gournay
  • Hergnies
  • Houdan
  • Ivanaise
  • Janzé
  • Javanaise
  • La Flèche
  • Landaise
  • Le Mans
  • Le Merlerault
  • Meusienne
  • Limousine (coq de pêche)
  • Lyonnaise
  • Mantes
  • Marans
  • Noire du Berry
  • Noire de Challans
  • Pavilly
  • Poule d'Alsace
  • Poule de Caux
  • Poule de Marquise
  • Poule de Saint-Omer
  • Poule des Courrières
  • Poule des haies, see Ardennaise
  • Provençale


The oldest German breed, the Bergische Kräher
(illustration by Jean Bungartz, 1885)
The longtailed Phoenix, a German breed derived from the Japanese Onagadori.
The auto-sexing Bielefelder, created in the 70s

Large breeds


  • Bergische Zwerg-Kräher
  • Bergische Zwerg-Schlotterkämme
  • Bielefelder Zwerg-Kennhühner
  • Brügger Zwerg-Kämpfer
  • Deutsche Zwerghühner
  • Deutsche Zwerg-Lachshühner,
    see Faverolle Bantam
  • Deutsche Zwerg-Langschan,
    see German Langshan Bantam
  • Deutsche Zwerg-Reichshühner
  • Deutsche Zwerg-Sperber
  • Frankfurter Zwerghühner
  • Ostfriesische Zwerg-Möwen
  • Ruhlaer Zwerg-Kaulhühner
  • Siamesisches Zwerg-Seidenhühner
  • Thüringer Zwerg-Barthühner
  • Zwerg-Altsteirer
  • Zwerg-Amrocks
  • Zwerg-Andalusier,
    see Andalusian
  • Zwerg-Araucana,
    see Rumpless Araucana Bantam
  • Zwerg-Asil, see Asil Bantam
  • Zwerg-Augsburger,
    see Augsburger Bantam
  • Zwerg-Australorps,
    see Australorp Bantam
  • Zwerg-Barnevelder,
    see Barnevelder Bantam
  • Zwerg-Brahma,
    see Brahmas
  • Zwerg-Brakel,
    see Brakel Bantam
  • Zwerg-Créve Coeur,
    see Crevecoeur Bantam
  • Zwerg-Dominikaner,
    see Dominique Bantam
  • Zwerg-Dresdner
  • Zwerg-Hamburger, see Hamburg Bantam
  • Zwerg-Italiener,
    see Leghorn Bantam
  • Zwerg-Kastilianer
  • Zwerg-Krüper
  • Zwerg-La Fléche,
    see La Fleche Bantam
  • Zwerg-Lakenfelder,
    see Lakenfelder Bantam
  • Zwerg-Minorka,
    see Minorca Bantam
  • Zwerg-Nackthalshühner,
    see Naked-neck bantam
  • Zwerg-New Hampshire
    see New Hampshire Bantam
  • Zwerg-Niederrheiner
  • Zwerg-Orloff,
    see Orloff Bantam
  • Zwerg-Orpinglon
    see Orpington Bantam
  • Zwerg-Phönix,
    see Phoenix
  • Zwerg-Plymouth Rocks,
    see Plymouth Rock Bantam
  • Zwerg-Rheinländer
  • Zwerg-Rhodeländer
  • Zwerg-Sachsenhühner
  • Zwerg-Sulmtaler,
    see Sulmtaler Bantam
  • Zwerg-Sundheimer
  • Zwerg-Sussex,
    see Sussex Bantam
  • Zwerg-Vorwerkhühner
    see Vorwerk Bantam
  • Zwerg-Welsumer
    see Welsumer Bantam
  • Zwerg-Yokohama
    see Yokohama Bantam


  • Alonissos island chicken
  • Chios Fighting chicken
  • Follidotes chicken
  • Kalamata chicken
  • Pomak Fighting chicken
  • Lesvos Fillianes chicken
  • Trikala chicken



Aseel, a fighting breed
  • Ankaleshwar
  • Aseel
  • Busra
  • Cari Gold
  • Danki
  • Daothigir
  • Debendra
  • Desi Murgi or Nati Kohli
  • Dhanraja
  • Ghagus
  • Giriraja
  • Gramalakshmi
  • Gramapriya
  • Kadaknath
  • Kalasthi
  • Kalinga Brown
  • Kashmir Faverolla
  • Krishna-J
  • Miri
  • Mrityunjay
  • Nicobari
  • Punjab Brown
  • Siru vidai
  • Tellicherry
  • Vanaraja
  • Yamuna


  • Kedu (nationally standardized)
  • Sentul (nationally standardized)
  • Kokok Balenggek (nationally standardized)
  • Pelung (long-crower from West Java, locally standardized)


Iranian Orloff breed
  •  Black Azerbaijan Marandi


Leghorn hen




Malaysian serama


Mariana Islands



  • Assendelfts Hoen (large and bantam)
  • Barnevelder (large and bantam)
  • Brabanter (large and bantam)
  • Chaamse hoenders
  • Drents Hoen (large and bantam)
  • Eikenburgerkriel (bantam)
  • Fries Hoen (large and bantam)
  • Friesian
  • Groninger Meeuw (large and bantam)
  • Hollandse Kriel, see Dutch Bantam (bantam)
  • Hollandse Kuifhoen (large and bantam)
  • Hollands Hoen (large and bantam), see Hamburg chicken (large and bantam)
  • Kraaikop (large and bantam)
  • Lakenvelder (large and bantam)
  • Nederlandse Baardkuifhoen (large and bantam)
  • Nederlandse Sabelpootkriel, see Dutch Booted Bantam (bantam)
  • Nederlandse Uilebaard (large and bantam)
  • Noord Hollands Hoen or Noord-Hollandse Blauwe, see North Holland Blue (large and bantam)
  • Schijndelaar
  • Twents Hoen (large and bantam)
  • Welsummer (large and bantam)



  • Asil (or Aseel)
  • Sindhi
  • Misri
  • Desi
  • Lyallpur Silver black


  • Banaba
  • Bolinao
  • Camarines
  • Darag
  • Paraoakan or Parawakan



  • Pedrês Portuguesa
  • Raça Branca


Two Styrian hens with rich tufts



  • Svrljig Black (Svrljiška kokoš)


  • Oravka


South Africa

  • Venda
  • Boschveld


Minorca rooster
A Cantabrian Pedresa rooster with no tail feathers
  • Andalusian, Andaluza Azul
  • Cara Blanca
  • Castilian, Castellana Negra
  • Catalana, Catalana Del Prat or Prat Leonada
  • Empordanesa
  • Euskal oiloa
  • Extremaduran, Extremeña Azul
  • Indio de León
  • Gallina Mallorquina
  • Minorca, Gallina Menorquina



The Appenzeller Spitzhauben, a rare Swiss crested breed
  • Zwerg-Appenzeller Barthuhn
  • Zwerg-Schweizer,



  • Gai Chon
  • Gai Puen Muang
  • Pradu Hang Dum or Pradu Hang Dam Chiangmai
  • Thai Game


Turkish Sultan breed


United Kingdom

A buff Orpington cock

United States of America


  • Ca To
  • Ga Tre Tan Chau
  • H'mong
  • Oke
  • Phu lu Te
  • Te
  • Tien Yen
  • Vanphu
  • Mong
  • Lac Thuy

By primary use

All chickens lay eggs, have edible meat, and possess a unique appearance. However, distinct breeds are the result of selective breeding to emphasize certain traits. Any breed may be used for general agricultural purposes, and all breeds are shown to some degree. But each chicken breed is known for a primary use.


Many breeds were selected and are used primarily for producing eggs, these are mostly light-weight birds whose hens do not go broody often.


Most farms and homesteads use dual-purpose breeds for meat production. Some breeds are raised mainly for meat:


dual-purpose Barred
Plymouth Rock

The generalist breeds used in barnyards worldwide are adaptable utility birds good at producing both meat and eggs. Though some may be slightly better for one of these purposes, they are usually called dual-purpose breeds.


Since the 19th century, poultry fancy, the breeding and competitive exhibition of poultry as a hobby, has grown to be a huge influence on chicken breeds. Many breeds have always been kept for ornamental purposes, and others have been shifted from their original use to become first and foremost exhibition fowl, even if they may retain some inherent utility. Since the sport of cockfighting has been outlawed in the developed world, most breeds first developed for this purpose, called game fowl, are now seen principally in the show ring rather than the cock pit as fighting cocks.


U denotes a breed primarily used for exhibition, but which is still used for utility purposes.

G denotes a game breed.


Golden Sebright cockerel

Most large chicken breeds have a bantam counterpart, sometimes referred to as a miniature. Miniatures are usually one-fifth to one-quarter the size of the standard breed, but they are expected to exhibit all of the standard breed's characteristics. A true bantam has no large counterpart, and is naturally small. The true bantams include:


Many common strains of crossbred chickens exist, but none breed true or are recognized by poultry breed standards; thus, though they are extremely common in flocks focusing on high productivity, crossbreeds do not technically meet the definition of a breed. Most crossbreed strains are sex linked, allowing for easy chick sexing.

See also