List of characters and names mentioned in the Quran

This is a list of things mentioned in the Quran. This list makes use of ISO 233 for the Romanization of Arabic words.



Malāʾikah (مَلَائِكَة, Angels):






Shayāṭīn (Arabic: شَيَاطِيْن, Demons or Devils):


  • Ghilmān or Wildān - perpetually youthful attendants (genderless)
  • Ḥūr - pure companions with beautiful eyes





Prophets (Arabic: أَنۢبِيَاء, anbiyāʾ) or Messengers (رُسُل, rusul)

ʾUlu al-ʿAzm

"Those of the Perseverance and Strong Will" (Arabic: أُولُو ٱلْعَزْم, romanizedʾUlu al-ʿAzm) in reverse chronological order:

  • Muhammad the final seal of the prophets (Arabic: مُحَمَّد خَاتَم ٱلْأَنْبِیَاء) (Muhammad is mentioned four times)
  • ʿĪsā ibn Maryam (Arabic: عِيسَىٰ ٱبْن مَرْيَم) (Jesus son of Mary)
    • Al-Masīḥ (The Messiah)
    • Ibn Maryam (Son of Mary)
    • Child / Pure boy (9 times)
    • Guidance (possibly 22 times)
    • Messenger / Prophet (5 times)
    • other terms and titles (14 times)
      • Sign (4 times)
      • The Gift (1 time)
      • Mercy from God (1 time)
      • Servant (1 time)
      • Blessed (1 time)
      • (1 time)
      • Amazing thing / Thing unheard of (1 time)
      • Example (1 time)
      • Straight Path / Right Way (1 time)
      • Witness (1 time)
      • His Name (1 time)
    • 3rd person "He / Him / Thee" (48 times)
    • 1st person "I / Me" (35 times)
  • Mūsā Kalīm Allāh (Arabic: مُوْسَىٰ كَلِيمُ ٱللَّٰه Moses He who spoke to God) (136 times)
  • Ibrāhīm Khalīl Allāh (Arabic: إِبْرَاهِيم خَلِيل ٱللَّٰه, Abraham Friend of God) (69 times)
  • Nūḥ (Arabic: نُوح, Noah) (43)

Debatable ones

Implicitly mentioned

Contemporaries, relatives or followers of Prophets

Aʿdāʾ (Arabic: أَعْدَاء, Enemies or foes), aṣḥāb (Arabic: أَصْحَاب, companions or friends), qurbā (Arabic: قُرْبَى, kin), or followers of Prophets:

Good ones

Evil ones

Implicitly or non-specifically mentioned



Tribes, ethnicities or families

Implicitly mentioned

Religious groups



Religious locations

Implicitly mentioned

Plant matter

Ajwa (عجوة) is a soft dry variety of date fruit from Saudi Arabia

  • Baṣal (Arabic: بَصَل, Onion) (2:61)
  • Thum (ثوم, Garlic) (2:61)
  • Shaṭʾ (Arabic: شَطْء, Shoot) (48:29)
  • Sūq (Arabic: سُوْق, Plant stem) (48:29)
  • Zarʿ (Arabic: زَرْع, Seed)


Ajwa (عجوة) is a soft dry variety of date fruit from Saudi Arabia

Fawākih (Arabic: فَوَاكِه) or Thamarāt (Arabic: ثَمَرَات):

  • ʿAnib (Arabic: عَنِب, Grape) (17:91)
  • Ḥabb dhul-ʿaṣf (Arabic: حَبّ ذُو ٱلْعَصْف, Corn of the husk)
  • Qith-thāʾ (Arabic: قِثَّاء, Cucumber) (2:61)
  • Rummān (Arabic: رُمَّان, Pomegranate)
  • Tīn (Arabic: تِيْن, Fig)
  • Ukul khamṭ (Arabic: أُكُل خَمْط, Bitter fruit or food of Sheba)
  • Zaytūn (Arabic: زَيْتُوْن, Olive)
  • In Paradise


Shajar (Arabic: شَجَر, Bushes, trees or plants):

Holy books

Islamic holy books:

Objects of people or beings

Mentioned idols (cult images)

Of Israelites

Of Noah's people

Of Quraysh

Celestial bodies

Maṣābīḥ (Arabic: مَصَابِيْح, literally 'lamps'):

  • Al-Qamar (Arabic: ٱلْقَمَر, The Moon)
  • Kawākib (Arabic: كَوَاكِب, Planets)
    • Al-Arḍ (Arabic: ٱلْأَرْض, The Earth)
  • Nujūm (Arabic: نُجُوْم, Stars)
    • Ash-Shams (Arabic: ٱلشَّمْس, The Sun)
    • Ash-Shiʿrā (Arabic: ٱلشِّعْرَى, Sirius)


Events, incidents, occasions or times

Battles or military expeditions


  • Al-Jumuʿah (The Friday)
  • As-Sabt (The Sabbath or Saturday)
  • Days of battles or military expeditions (see the above section)
  • Days of Hajj
    • Ayyāminm-Maʿdūdatin (Arabic: أَيَّامٍ مَّعْدُوْدَاتٍ, lit.'Appointed Days') (2:203)
    • Yawm al-Ḥajj al-Akbar (Arabic: يَوْم ٱلْحَجّ ٱلْأَكْبَر, lit.'Day of the Greatest Pilgrimage') (9:2)
  • Doomsday

Months of the Islamic calendar

12 months:


  • Al-Ḥajj (The Greater Pilgrimage)
    • Ḥajj al-Bayt (Arabic: حَجّ ٱلْبَيْت, "Pilgrimage of the House") (2:158)
    • Ḥijj al-Bayt (Arabic: حِجّ ٱلْبَيْت, "Pilgrimage of the House") (3:97)
  • Al-ʿUmrah (The Lesser Pilgrimage) (2:158–196)

Times for Prayer or Remembrance

Times for Duʿāʾ ('Invocation'), Ṣalāh and Dhikr ('Remembrance', including Taḥmīd ('Praising'), Takbīr and Tasbīḥ):

  • Al-ʿAshiyy (Arabic: ٱلْعَشِيّ, The Afternoon or the Night) (30:17–18)
  • Al-Ghuduww (Arabic: ٱلْغُدُوّ, lit.'The Mornings') (7:205–206)
    • Al-Bukrah (Arabic: ٱلْبُكْرَة, lit.'The Morning') (48:9)
    • Aṣ-Ṣabāḥ (Arabic: ٱلصَّبَاح, lit.'The Morning') (30:17–18)
  • Al-Layl (Arabic: ٱللَّيْل, lit.'The Night') (17:78–81; 50:39–40)
  • Aẓ-Ẓuhr (Arabic: ٱلظُّهْر, lit.'The Noon') (30:17–18)
    • Aẓ-Ẓahīrah (Arabic: ٱلظَّهِيْرَة) (24:58)
  • Dulūk ash-Shams (Arabic: دُلُوْك ٱلشَّمْس, lit.'Decline of the Sun') (17:78–81)
    • Al-Masāʾ (Arabic: ٱلْمَسَاء, lit.'The Evening') (30:17–18)
    • Qabl al-Ghurūb (Arabic: قَبْل ٱلْغُرُوْب, lit.'Before the Setting (of the Sun)') (50:39–40)
      • Al-Aṣīl (Arabic: ٱلْأٓصِيْل, lit.'The Afternoon') (33:42; 48:9; 76:25–26)
      • Al-ʿAṣr (Arabic: ٱلْعَصْر, lit.'The Afternoon') (103:1–3)
  • Qabl ṭulūʿ ash-Shams (Arabic: قَبْل طُلُوْع ٱلشَّمْس, lit.'Before the rising of the Sun') (50:39–40)
    • Al-Fajr (Arabic: ٱلْفَجْر, lit.'The Dawn') (17:78–81; 24:58)



  • Bayt (Arabic: بًيْت, Home or House)
    • Al-Bayt al-Maʿmūr (Arabic: ٱلْبَيْت ٱلْمَعْمُوْر)
  • Ḥunafāʾ (Arabic: حُنَفَاء)
  • Ṭāhā (Arabic: طـٰهٰ)
  • Ṭayyibah (Arabic: طَيِّبَة)
  • Zīnah (Arabic: زِيْنَة), Adornment, beauty, beautiful thing or splendour)

See also