List of airports by ICAO code: G

List of airports by ICAO code: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Format of entries is:

  • ICAO (IATA) – Airport Name – Airport Location

GA - Mali

Also see airport category and list.

GB - The Gambia

Also see airport category and list.

GC - Canary Islands (Spain)

Also see airport category (Canary Islands) and list (Spain).

GE - Ceuta and Melilla (Spain)

Also see airport category and list. (Spain)

GF - Sierra Leone

Also see airport category and list.

GG - Guinea-Bissau

Also see airport category and list.

GL - Liberia

Also see airport category and list.

GM - Morocco

Also see airport category and list.

GO - Senegal

Also see airport category and list.

GQ - Mauritania

Also see airport category and list.

GS - Western Sahara

Note: These airports now also have ICAO codes starting with GM.

GU - Guinea

Also see airport category and list.

GV - Cape Verde

Also see airport category and list.