List of Friends schools

Friends schools are institutions that provide an education based on the beliefs and testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends, known as Quakers.

Friends schools vary greatly, both in their interpretation of Quaker principles and in how they relate to formal organizations that make up the Society of Friends. Most Friends schools are similar in their mission however: to provide an academically sound education while also instilling values of community, spirituality, responsibility and stewardship in their students.

Some institutions founded by Friends were never formally "Quaker schools." Some historically Friends institutions are no longer formally associated with the Society of Friends. Those that continue to call themselves "Quaker schools" may have formal oversight from a Friends yearly or monthly meetings (often called coming "under care of" a meeting), and others are governed by members of the Society of Friends and/or adhere to aspects of Quaker practice.

Because of the wide range of Friends, the branch (or branches) of Quakerism with which the school affiliates are included, and where applicable the Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly Meeting under whose care or governance the school is held is shown.

The following is a list of schools currently or historically associated with the Society of Friends, regardless of their current degree of affiliation:



  • Belize Friends School, Belize City, (formerly known as Belize Friends Boys School) supported by Friends United Meeting


Bolivian Friends have established several schools, which are supported from the United States by the Bolivian Quaker Education Fund.


Costa Rica

El Salvador

  • Instituto Teológico de los Amigos de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, a ministerial training institute under the care of Iglesia de los Amigos en El Salvador


  • Instituto Biblico Jorge Fox, San Marcos Ocotepeque, Honduras, a ministerial training institute under the care of Junta Annual Amigos de Honduras



  • Happy Grove High School, Hectors River, founded by Quakers, now operated by the Jamaican government


  • Friends School, Tokyo, Japan, founded by Quaker missionaries, now independent of specific meeting care, but run on Friends principles


All Quaker schools and yearly meetings in Kenya are affiliated with Friends United Meeting. Note that the Friends World Committee for Consultation counts, but does not name, many more Kenyan Friends schools than are listed here,



United Kingdom

Secondary schools

  • Ackworth School, near Pontefract, England; "founded in 1779 by John Fothergill on behalf of The Religious Society of Friends... the School Committee is still accountable to this body"
  • Bootham School, York, England (1822); majority of School Committee is appointed by Quakers in Yorkshire, formerly Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting
  • Breckenbrough School, near Thirsk, England (1934); residential school for boys with behavioral and emotional conditions; a "registered charitable trust school with a Quaker... trusteeship"
  • Friends' School Lisburn, Lisburn, Northern Ireland, founded in 1774, majority of trustees represent Ulster Quarterly Meeting
  • Leighton Park School, Reading, England; independent Quaker boarding and day school; founded in 1890 in part to replace Grove House School in Tottenham, London
  • The Mount School, York, England (1785), independent Friends school for girls, founded by Yorkshire Quakers
  • Sibford School, near Banbury, England (1842), independent Friends school
  • Sidcot School, near Weston-super-Mare, England, "founded in 1699 and administered on the Quaker principles of truth, integrity, respect, simplicity, equality, and sustainability". The current institution was (re)founded in 1808.

Non-Friends schools with Friends connections

  • St Christopher School, Letchworth, England, founded by Theosophists and never under care of the Society of Friends, but operated 1925–1980 by the Harris family, who were Quakers

Defunct Friends schools

  • Great Ayton Friends' School, England, founded as a school for students whose parents had been disowned by Friends meetings for "marrying out" of meeting, became a general Friends school after 1854, became formally disassociated with Friends in 1991 as "Ayton School," and closed in 1997
  • Newington Academy for Girls, Stoke Newington, then just north of London; founded in 1824 by William Allen
  • Stramongate School, Kendal, Westmorland (as it was then), operated 1698–1932
  • Wennington School, England, closed 1975
  • Wigton School, Brookfield, Wigton, England, closed 1984
  • Friends' School, Saffron Walden, England, (known as Walden School in 2016–17) the oldest Friends School, was founded in 1702, under the care of Britain Yearly Meeting which indirectly appointed the school's Board of Governors through the Friends' School Saffron Walden General Meeting The school closed at the end of the summer term, 2017.

Other institutions

  • Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, adult study centre for United Kingdom Quakers
  • Friends' Schools' Council, group established to support Quakers in education.

United States


Higher education

Secondary (high) schools

"Independent Quaker schools" are operated using Quaker principles and often include a majority of Quakers among trustees, but are not formally under care of a meeting.

Mary McDowell school, Brooklyn

Lower and middle schools

Note: This section lists schools with grades only below 9th grade. Schools including high school grades are listed above.

Study centers


  • Hlekweni Friends Rural Service, a training center outside Bulawayo, affiliated with Central and Southern Africa Yearly Meeting