Lebanese people

Lebanese people
Total population
4 million
4–14 million
(Lebanese diaspora)
Regions with significant populations
Lebanon 4,130,000
Brazil 1,000,000 - 6,000,000 - 7,000,000
Colombia 3,200,000
Argentina 1,500,000
Venezuela 500,000
United States 440,279
France 300,000
Saudi Arabia 300,000
Canada 250,000
Australia 203,139
Paraguay 200,000
Ecuador 170,000;
Indonesia 100,000
Ivory Coast 100,000 - 300,000
Mexico 100,000
Dominican Republic 80,000
United Arab Emirates 80,000
Uruguay 70,000
Senegal 50,000
Germany 50,000
Kuwait 40,500
Guinea 40,000
Chile 32,000
Nigeria 30,000
Costa Rica 30,000
Greece 27,420
El Salvador 27,400
Cyprus 25,700
Guatemala 22,500
Cuba 20,000
Honduras 20,000
South Africa 20,000
Togo 8,000
Gabon 8,000
Cameroon 6,000
Israel 3,500
Sierra Leone 3,000
Benin 3,000
Spoken Vernacular
Lebanese Arabic & Cypriot Maronite Arabic
French, English, Spanish, Portuguese
Islam (59.5% in Lebanon):2
(Shia,3 Sunni,3 Alawites, Ismailis and Druze)4
Christianity (40.5% in Lebanon; majority of diaspora):1
(Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Melkite and Protestant)
Related ethnic groups
Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians

  1. Lebanese Christians of all denominations constitute the majority of all Lebanese worldwide, but represent only a large minority within Lebanon.
  2. Lebanese Muslims of all denominations represent a majority within Lebanon, but add up to only a large minority of all Lebanese worldwide.
  3. Shias and Sunnis account for 54% of Lebanon's population together, even split in half (27%).
  4. In Lebanon, the Druze quasi-Muslim sect is officially categorized as a Muslim denomination by the Lebanese government.

The Lebanese people (Arabic: الشعب اللبناني / ALA-LC: ash-shaʻb al-Lubnānī, Lebanese Arabic pronunciation: [eʃˈʃæʕeb ellɪbˈneːne]) are the people inhabiting or originating from Lebanon. The term may also include those who had inhabited Mount Lebanon and the Anti-Lebanon Mountains prior to the creation of the modern Lebanese state. The major religious groups among the Lebanese people within Lebanon are Shia Muslims (27%), Sunni Muslims (27%), Maronite Christians (21%), Greek Orthodox Christians (8%), Melkite Christians (5%), Druze (5.2%), Protestant Christians (1%). The largest contingent of Lebanese, however, comprise a diaspora in North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Africa, which is predominantly Maronite Christian.

As the relative proportion of the various sects is politically sensitive, Lebanon has not collected official census data on ethnic background since 1932 under the French Mandate. It is therefore difficult to have an exact demographic analysis of Lebanese society. The largest concentration of people with Lebanese ancestry may be in Brazil, having an estimated population of 5.8 to 7 million. However, it may be an exaggeration given that an official survey conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) showed that less than 1 million Brazilians claimed any Middle-Eastern origin. The Lebanese have always traveled the world, many of them settling permanently within the last two centuries.

Estimated to have lost their status as the majority in Lebanon itself, with their reduction in numbers largely as a result of their emigration, Christians still remain one of the principal religious groups in the country. Descendants of Lebanese Christians make up the majority of Lebanese people worldwide, appearing principally in the diaspora.


The Lebanese identity is rooted in a shared history and culture. Their rich cultural heritage includes food, music, literature, and art, which is also shaped by the country's location at the crossroads of the Eastern Mediterranean. This has allowed it to be a meeting point for different cultures and traditions.

Lebanon's religious diversity is also a significant component of the national identity. The country is home to a plurality of religious communities, including Muslims, Christians, and Druze. Each community has its own distinct religious practices, traditions, and customs, which have been passed down through generations.

However, the identity has also been shaped by a long history of political and social conflict. The country has experienced a series of civil wars, foreign invasions, and political crises, which has deepened divisions between different communities and eroded trust in the government and institutions.

Lebanon has managed to maintain a sense of national unity and identity. In the face of political and social challenges, the Lebanese people are known for their resilience and their ability to come together in times of crisis which has helped to strengthen their sense of national identity.

Among Lebanese Maronites, Aramaic still remains the liturgical language of the Maronite Church, although in an Eastern Aramaic form (the Syriac language, in which early Christianity was disseminated throughout the Middle East), is distinct from the spoken Aramaic of Lebanon, which was a Western Aramaic language. Some Lebanese Christians identify themselves as Lebanese rather than Arab, seeking to draw on "the Phoenician past to try to forge an identity separate from the prevailing Arab culture".

Population numbers

The total Lebanese population is estimated at 8 to 18 million. Of these, the vast majority, or 4- 14 million, constitute part of the Lebanese diaspora (residing outside of Lebanon), with approximately 4.7 million citizens residing in Lebanon itself.


Ethnic Groups in Lebanon
Ethnicity Percent
Various other ethnicities:
Mideast (Kurds, Turks, Assyrians, Iranians),
Europeans (Greeks, Italians, French) and others

There are approximately 4.7 million Lebanese citizens in Lebanon.

In addition to this figure, there are an additional 1 million foreign workers (mainly Syrians), and about 470,000 Palestinian refugees in the nation.

Lebanon is also a home to various ethnic minorities found refuge in the country over the centuries. Prominent ethnic minorities in the country include the Armenians, the Kurds, the Turks, the Assyrians, the Iranians and some European ethnicities (Greeks, Italians, French).

There are also a small number of nomadic Dom Gypsies (part of the Roma people of South Asian, particularly, Indian descent)


Salma Hayek
Carlos Ghosn

The Lebanese diaspora consists of approximately 4- 14 million, both Lebanese-born living abroad and those born-abroad of Lebanese descent. The majority of the Lebanese in the diaspora are Christians, disproportionately so in the Americas where the vast majority reside. An estimate figure show that they represent about 75% of the Lebanese in total. Lebanese abroad are considered "rich, educated and influential" and over the course of time immigration has yielded Lebanese "commercial networks" throughout the world.

The largest number of Lebanese is to be found in Brazil, where according to the Brazilian and Lebanese governments claim, there are 7 million Brazilians of Lebanese descent. These figures, however, may be an exaggeration given that, according to a 2008 survey conducted by IBGE, in 2008, covering only the states of Amazonas, Paraíba, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso and Distrito Federal, 0.9% of white Brazilian respondents said they had family origins in the Middle East

Large numbers also reside elsewhere in North America, most notably in the United States (489,702) and in Canada, the people of full or partial Lebanese descent are between 190,275 (by ancestry, 2011 Census) to 250,000 based on estimates. In the rest of the Americas, significant communities are found in Argentina, Mexico (400,000); Chile, Colombia and Venezuela, with almost every other Latin American country having at least a small presence.

In Africa, Ghana and the Ivory Coast are home to over 100,000 Lebanese. There are significant Lebanese populations in other countries throughout Western and Central Africa. Australia hosts over 180,000 and Canada 250,000. In the Arab world, around 400,000 Lebanese live in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. More than 2,500 ex-SLA members remain in Israel.

Currently, Lebanon provides no automatic right to Lebanese citizenship for emigrants who lost their citizenship upon acquiring the citizenship of their host country, nor for the descendants of emigrants born abroad. This situation disproportionately affects Christians. Recently, the Maronite Institution of Emigrants called for the establishment of an avenue by which emigrants who lost their citizenship may regain it, or their overseas-born descendants (if they so wish) may acquire it.

The list below contains approximate figures for people of Lebanese descent by country of residence, largely taken from the iLoubnan diaspora map. Additional reliable cites have been provided where possible. Additional estimates have been included where they can be cited; where applicable, these are used in place of the iLoubnan figures. The Figure below uses the data from the list and calculates the amount of Lebanese residents as a percentage of the total population of the respective country.

Amal Clooney
Country Lower Estimate Upper Estimate Region Country article in English Wikipedia Name List of personalities of Lebanese origin
Brazil 2,000,000 according to a research conducted by IBGE in 2008, covering only the states of Amazonas, Paraíba, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso and Distrito Federal, 0.9% of white Brazilian respondents said they had family origins in the Middle East 5,800,000 -7,000,000 (Brazilian/Lebanese governments) Latin America Lebanese Brazilian Brazil
Argentina 1,200,000 3,500,000 Latin America Lebanese Argentine Argentina
Colombia 800,000 3,200,000 Latin America Lebanese Colombian Colombia
United States 500,000 506,150 North America Lebanese American United States
Venezuela 341,000 500,000 Latin America Lebanese Venezuelan Venezuela
Australia 271,000 350,000 Oceania Lebanese Australian Australia
Mexico 240,000 400,000 - 505,000 Latin America Lebanese Mexican Mexico
Canada 190,275 250,000 - 270,000 North America Lebanese Canadian Canada
Saudi Arabia 120,000 269,000 Arab World Lebanese people in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Syria 114,000 Arab World Lebanese people in Syria Syria
France 275,000 290,000 European Union Lebanese French France
Ecuador 98,000 250,000 Latin America Lebanese Ecuadorian Ecuador
Dominican Republic 80,000 Latin America Lebanese Dominican
United Arab Emirates 80,000 156,000 Arab World Lebanese people in the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Uruguay 53,000 70,000 Latin America Lebanese Uruguayan Uruguay
Germany 50,000 European Union Lebanese German Germany
Ivory Coast 50,000 90,000 Sub-saharan Africa Lebanese people in Ivory Coast
Kuwait 41,775 106,000 Arab World Lebanese people in Kuwait
Senegal 30,000 Sub-Saharan Africa Lebanese Senegalese
Sweden 26,906 European Union Lebanese people in Sweden Sweden
Denmark 26,705 European Union Lebanese people in Denmark Denmark
Qatar 25,000 191,000 Arab World Lebanese people in Qatar
Spain 11,820 European Union Lebanese Spanish Spain
New Zealand 8,500 Oceania Lebanese New Zealander
South Africa 5,100 20,000 Sub-Saharan Africa Lebanese people in South Africa South Africa
Belgium 2,400 5,000 European Union Lebanese people in Belgium Belgium
Caribbean 545,200 Latin America Lebanese Jamaican Caribbean  · Cuba  · Haiti  · Jamaica
Rest of Latin America, ex. Caribbean 181,800 Latin America Lebanese Chileans Chile  · Guatemala  · Dutch Antilles
Scandinavia 108,220 European Union Lebanese Swedish Sweden  · Denmark
Rest of GCC 105,000 Arab World
Rest of European Union 96,780 European Union Lebanese British  · Lebanese Bulgarian**  · Lebanese Greek Bulgaria  · Cyprus  · Germany  · Italy  · Monaco  · Netherlands  · Switzerland  · UK
Rest of Sub-Saharan Africa 42,510 Sub-Saharan Africa Lebanese Sierra Leonean Ghana  · Sierra Leone
North Africa 14,000 North Africa Lebanese Egyptian Egypt
Asia 2,600 Asia
Lebanese residents as a percentage of country's total population

Note: An important percentage of Arabs in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Portugal and Spain are of Lebanese ancestry. They are denoted ** for this purpose.


Lebanese Muslims
Year Percent
Lebanese Christians
Year Percent

Lebanon has several different main religions. The country has the most religiously diverse society in the Middle East, encompassing 17 recognized religious sects. The main two religions among the Lebanese people are Christianity (the Maronite Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Melkite, the Protestant Church) and Islam (Shia and Sunni). The third-largest religion is Druze.

There are other non-Lebanese Christian minorities such as Armenians (Armenian Apostolic Church and Armenian Catholic Church), French-Italians (Latin Catholic Lebanese), Assyrians (Assyrian Church of the East, Syriac Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Chaldean Catholic Church) and Copts (Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria), who immigrated to Lebanon over the years.

No official census has been taken since 1932, reflecting the political sensitivity in Lebanon over confessional (i.e. religious) balance.

A study conducted by Statistics Lebanon, a Beirut-based research firm, cited by the United States Department of State found that of Lebanon's population of approximately 4.3 million is estimated to be:

There are also very small numbers of other religions such as Judaism, Mormons, Baháʼí Faith, and also religions practiced by foreigner workers like Buddhism and Hinduism.

The CIA World Factbook estimates (2020) the following , though this data does not include Lebanon's sizable Syrian and Palestinian refugee populations: Muslim 67.8% (Sunni, Shia and smaller percentages of Alawites and Ismailis), Christian 32.4% (mainly Maronite Catholics are the largest Christian group), Druze 4.5%, and very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, and Hindus.

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems provides source for the registered voters in Lebanon for 2011 (it has to be noted that voter registration does not include people under 18 and unregistered voters) that puts the numbers as following: Sunni Islam 27.65%, Shia Islam 27.34%, Maronite Catholic 21.05%, Greek Orthodox 7.34%, Druze 5.74%, Melkite Catholic 4.76%, Armenian Apostolic 2.64%, other Christian Minorities 1.28%, Alawite Shia Islam 0.88%, Armenian Catholic 0.62%, Evangelical Protestant 0.53%, and other 0.18% of the population.

With the diaspora included, the Christians are an absolute majority. Lebanon has a population of Mhallamis also known as Mardinli), most of whom migrated from northeast Syria and southeast Turkey are estimated to be between 75,000 and 100,000 and considered to be part of the Sunni population. These have in recent years been granted Lebanese citizenship and, coupled with several civil wars between Islamic extremists and the Lebanese military that have caused many Christians to flee the country, have re-tipped the demographic balance in favour of the Muslims and the Sunnis in particular. In addition, many thousands of Arab Bedouins in the Bekaa and in the Wadi Khaled region, who are entirely Sunnis, were granted Lebanese citizenship. Lebanon also has a Jewish population, estimated at less than 100.

Though Lebanon is a secular country, family matters such as marriage, divorce and inheritance are still handled by the religious authorities representing a person's faith. Calls for civil marriage are unanimously rejected by the religious authorities but civil marriages held in another country are recognized by Lebanese civil authorities.

Legally registered Muslims form around 54% of the population (Shia, Sunni, Alawite). Legally registered Christians form up to 41% (Maronite, Greek Orthodox Christian, Melkite, Armenian, Evangelical, other). Druze form around 5%. A small minority of 0.1% includes Jews, and foreign workers who belong to Hindu and Buddhist religions.

Non-religion is not recognized by the state, however in 2009, the Minister of the Interior Ziad Baroud made it possible to have the religious sect removed from the Lebanese identity card, this does not, however, deny the religious authorities complete control over civil family issues inside the country.


Y-DNA haplogroups

A Druze family of the Lebanon, late 1800s
Christian men from Mount Lebanon, late 1800s
Metouali (Shia) Woman of the Beqaa Valley, 1970's

In a 2011 genetic study by Haber et al. which analyzed the male-line Y-chromosome genetics of the different religious groups of Lebanon, revealed no large genetic differentiation between the Maronites, Greek Orthodox Christians, Greek Catholic Christians, Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, and Druze of the country in regards to the more frequent haplogroups. Major differences between Lebanese groups were found among the less frequent haplogroups.

Autosomal DNA

In a 2020 study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, authors showed that there is substantial genetic continuity in Lebanon and the Levant since the Bronze Age (3300–1200 BC) interrupted by three significant admixture events during the Iron Age, Hellenistic, and Ottoman period, each contributing 3%–11% of non-local ancestry to the admixed population. The admixtures were tied to the Sea Peoples of the Late Bronze Age collapse, South or Central Asians, and Ottoman Turks, respectively.

Relationship with other populations

One study by the International Institute of Anthropology in Paris, France, confirmed similarities in the Y-haplotype frequencies in Lebanese, Palestinian, and Sephardic Jewish men, identifying them as "three Near-Eastern populations sharing a common geographic origin." The study surveyed one Y-specific DNA polymorphism (p49/Taq I) in 54 Lebanese and 69 Palestinian males, and compared with the results found in 693 Jews from three distinct Jewish ethnic groups; Mizrahi Jews, Sephardi Jews, and Ashkenazi Jews.

Notable individuals

See also