Kingdom of Silver & Keepsake

Kingdom of Silver
Album cover
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Release no. 112
Featuring Seventh Doctor
Written by James Swallow
Directed by Nicholas Briggs
Executive producer(s) Nicholas Briggs
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Production code 7Z/D
Length TBA
Release date September 2008

Kingdom of Silver & Keepsake is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It contains a three-part story and a one-part story as well.

Kingdom of Silver


The planet Tasak is about to enter its industrial age. But it arrives as the result of a terrible secret from its past.




At a junkyard in the far future, the Doctor discovers the fate of some old friends.


  • The DoctorSylvester McCoy
  • Temeter — Neil Roberts
  • Sara — Kate Terence
  • Examiner 2 — Terry Molloy
  • Corvus — James George
  • Examiner 1 — Nicholas Briggs