John Glassco Translation Prize

John Glassco Translation Prize
Awarded for best translation into English or French by a Canadian writer
Country Canada
Presented by Literary Translators' Association of Canada
First awarded 1982

The John Glassco Translation Prize is an annual Canadian literary award, presented by the Literary Translators' Association of Canada to a book judged the year's best translation into either English or French of a work originally written in any language. The winning writer is awarded $1,000 and a free membership to LTAC.


  • 1982 - Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood, Neons in the Night (Lucien Francœur, selected poetry)
  • 1983 - Michèle Venet and Jean Lévesque, L'Invasion du Canada (Pierre Berton, The Invasion of Canada and Flames Across the Border)
  • 1984 - Barbara Mason, Description of San Marco (Michel Butor, Déscription de San Marco)
  • 1985 - Wayne Grady, Christopher Cartier of Hazelnut, Also Known as Bear (Antonine Maillet, Christophe Cartier de la Noisette dit Nounours)
  • 1986 - Carole Noël, On n'en meurt pas (Olga Boutenko, unpublished manuscript)
  • 1987 - Liedewy Hawke, Hopes and Dreams: The Diary of Henriette Dessaulles 1874-1881 (Henriette Dessaulles, Fadette: Journal d'Henriette Dessaulles 1874-1880)
  • 1988 - Heather Parker, Juliette (Michel Goeldin, Juliette crucifiée)
  • 1989 - Charlotte Melançon, Shakespeare et son théâtre (Northrop Frye, Northrop Frye on Shakespeare)
    • Honourable Mention - Donald Winkler, Rose and Thorn: Selected poems of Roland Giguère (Roland Giguère, selected poetry)
  • 1990 - Daniel McBain, Cocori (Joaquín Gutiérrez)
  • 1991 - Matt Cohen, The Secret Voice (Gaétan Brulotte, Le Surveillant)
  • 1992 - Bruno Guévin, No 44, le mystérieux étranger (Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger)
    • Honourable Mention: Richard Tardif, Tonnerre noir (Arna Bontemps, Black Thunder)
  • 1993 - Lori Saint-Martin and Paul Gagné, Ana Historique (Daphne Marlatt, Ana Historic)
    • Honourable Mention: Pierre Anctil, Poèmes yiddish / Yidishe lieder (Jacob Isaac Segal)
  • 1994 - Claire Rothman, The Influence of a Book (Philippe-Ignace François Aubert de Gaspé, L'influence d'un livre)
  • 1995 - Florence Bernard, Cet heritage au gout de sel (Alistair MacLeod, The Lost Salt Gift of Blood)
  • 1996 - Bodil Jelhof Jensen, Dilemma (Agnes Jelhof Jensen)
  • 1997 - Don Coles, For the Living and the Dead (Tomas Tranströmer, För Levande och Döda)
  • 1998 - Diego Bastianutti, A Major Selection of the Poetry of Giuseppe Ungaretti (Giuseppe Ungaretti, Vita d'un uomo. Tutte le poesie)
  • 1999 - Jill Cairns, The Indiscernible Movement (Aude, Cet imperceptible mouvement)
  • 2000 - Chava Rosenfarb, Bociany and Of Lodz and Love (own work)
    • Honourable Mention: Rachelle Renaud, Any Mail? and other stories (Gérald Tougas)
  • 2001 - Agnès Guitard, Les hauturiers (Farley Mowat, The Farfarers)
    • Honourable Mention: S. E. Stewart, The Setting Lake Sun (J. R. Léveillé, Le soleil du lac qui se couche)
  • 2002 - Ook Chung, Le champ électrique (Kerri Sakamoto, The Electrical Field)
  • 2003 - Yolande Amzallag, Le canari éthique. Science, société et esprit humain (Margaret Somerville, The Ethical Canary: Science, Society and the Human Spirit)
  • 2004 - Emmy Bos, La chambre d'amis (Marcel Möring, Modelvliegen)
    • Honourable Mention - Hélène Garrett, Haiku in Papiamentu (Elis Juliana)
  • 2005 - Benoit Léger, Miracles en série (Carol Shields, Various Miracles)
  • 2006 - Francis Catalano, Instructions pour la lecture d'un journal (Valerio Magrelli, Didascalie per la lettura di un giornale)
    • Honourable mention: Joan Irving, Caribou Hunter: A Song of a Vanished Innu Life (Serge Bouchard, Récits de Mathieu Mestokosho, chasseur innu)
  • 2007 - Marie Frankland, La chaise berçante (A. M. Klein, The Rocking Chair)
  • 2008 - Caroline Larue, La prophétie d'Ophelia (Elaine Arsenault, Ophelia's Prophecy)
    • Honourable mention: Daniel Canty, Pierre blanche: Poèmes d'Alice (Stephanie Bolster, White Stone: The Alice Poems)
  • 2009 - no prize
  • 2010 - Louis Bouchard and Marie-Elisabeth Morf, D’ailleurs (Verena Stefan, Fremdschläfer)
  • 2011 - Casey Roberts, Break Away: Jessie on My Mind (Sylvain Hotte, Panache)
  • 2012 - no prize
  • 2013 - Madeleine Stratford, Ce qu'il faut dire a des fissures (Tatiana Oroño, Lo que hay que decir tiene grieta)
  • 2014 - Stéphanie Roesler, Helleborus et Alchémille (Elana Wolff, selected poetry)
  • 2015 - Marietta Morry and Lynda Muir, As the Lilacs Bloomed (Anna Molnár Hegedűs)
  • 2016 - no prize
  • 2017 - Catherine Leroux, Corps conducteurs (Sean Michaels, Us Conductors)
  • 2018 - Sauline Letendre, Rouge, jaune et vert (Alejandro Saravia, Rojo, amarillo y verde)
  • 2019 - Rémi Labrecque, Mes souliers me fonts mourir (Robyn Sarah, My Shoes Are Killing Me)
  • 2020 - Louis Hamelin, Les été de l’ourse (Muriel Wylie Blanchet,The Curve of Times)
  • 2021 - TBA