Islamic Fiqh Academy (India)

Islamic Fiqh Academy (India)
Abbreviation IFA
Formation 1988
Founder Mujahidul Islam Qasmi
Founded at New Delhi
Type NGO
Headquarters 161 F Jogabai, Okhla Village Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025 (India)
Fields Deobandi fiqh
Nematullah Azami
General secretary
Khalid Saifullah Rahmani

Islamic Fiqh Academy (IFA) of India is a Deobandi fiqh organization. It was established in 1988 in New Delhi under the guidance of Mujahidul Islam Qasmi. The primary objective of the academy is to address contemporary issues and challenges faced by Muslims in light of the principles and methodology of Islamic jurisprudence, as derived from the Quran, Sunnah (teachings and practices of Muhammad), and the interpretations of classical jurists and scholars. The IFA aims to find solutions to problems arising from social, political, economic, industrial, and technological developments through collective efforts and research. It organizes seminars, symposiums, and conferences, and prepares literature to address new issues and challenges faced by Muslims in the modern world. The academy focuses on promoting the principles of fiqh and Islamic ethics, while also fostering dialogue and cooperation with other academic and fiqh institutions worldwide.

The IFA has gained recognition both within India and internationally. It has established collaborative relationships with research organizations, educational centers, and departments of Law and Islamic studies at various universities, particularly in the Arab world. The academy also maintains strong ties with other renowned fiqh academies globally, aiming to efficiently identify and analyze problems faced by Muslim communities and find appropriate solutions.


The activities of the IFA can be broadly categorized into three areas: organizing fiqhi seminars, conducting training workshops, and preparing and publishing fiqhi literature. Through these endeavors, the Islamic Fiqh Academy of India plays a significant role in addressing contemporary issues and providing guidance on matters related to Islamic jurisprudence and ethics.


It has issued statements on aspects of Islamic religious observance such as medical treatment during the Ramadan fast, and on sex education, mixed-sex education and organ donation. It has issued a number of published works, including an Urdu translation of the Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence. The Academy has been described as "the most recent and, in many ways, the most sophisticated articulation so far of claims to institutionalized Islamic authority in India".


The membership includes a large number of young graduates (Fazils) from madrasas including Darul Uloom Deoband, Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama and Firangi Mahal in Lucknow. The academy coordinates with other academic and Fiqh institutions in the Middle East and in countries and areas with a significant Muslim minority population, such as the USA and Europe.

See also