International rankings of the United Kingdom

These are the international rankings of the United Kingdom.

Indexes grouped by topic

Index Rank Countries reviewed
Human Development Index 2015 14 187
Index of Economic Freedom 2016 10 167
Inequality adjusted Human Development Index 2015 13 150
OECD Better Life Index 2016 16 38
Legatum Prosperity Index 2015 10 142
Index of Public Integrity 2016 6 105
Globalization Index 2015 207
Gallup gross median household income 2013 19 131
Median equivalent adult income 2009–2014 19 35
International Property Rights Index 2015 13 129
Logistics Performance Index 2014 4 160
Networked Readiness Index 2014 9 144
Household final consumption expenditure per capita 2016 8 221
Ease of doing business index 2017 7 185
World Economic Forum 2017 7 138
Number of billionaires 2016 7 74
Global Innovation Index 2019 5 129
Politics and liberties
V-Dem Democracy indices 2023 22 179
Democracy Index (The Economist) 2019 14 167
Freedom House ranking of political rights 2016 8 195
Freedom House ranking of civil liberties 2016 195
Fragile States Index (Reverse ranking) 2016 17 178
Press Freedom Index 2016 38 180
State of World Liberty Index 2020 12 187
World Index of Moral Freedom 2020 38 160
Corruption Perceptions Index 2015 10 175
Global Peace Index 2017 41 Increase 6 163
Merchant Navy 10 39
Total health expenditure per capita 2015 17 188
Euro health consumer index 2017 15 35
Global Gender Gap Report 2015 20 144
World Happiness Report 2017 19 Increase 4 157
Save the Children State of the World's Mothers report 2015 24 179
Wikipedia page edits 2013 4 155+

Geographical rankings

Metric Rank Countries reviewed Details
Total Area 78 233 242,495 km2

(93,628 sq mile) including land and water

Length of coastline 18 196 12,429 km.
List of countries by population (United Nations) 21 233 67,530,172

See also