International Relations and Defence Committee

The House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee, previously just the International Relations Committee, is a select committee of the House of Lords in the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The remit of the Committee is to "consider the United Kingdom's international relations". The committee was recommended by the House of Lords Liaison Committee in its report on 29 October 2015 and agreed by the House on 10 November 2015.


As of January 2023, the membership of the committee is as follows:

Member Party
Lord Ashton of Hyde (Chair) Conservative
Lord Anderson of Swansea Labour
Lord Boateng Labour
Lord Campbell of Pittenweem Liberal Democrat
Baroness Coussins Crossbench
Baroness Morris of Bolton Conservative
Lord Robertson of Port Ellen Labour
Lord Soames of Fletching Conservative
Lord Stirrup Crossbench
Baroness Sugg Conservative
Lord Teverson Liberal Democrat
Lord Wood of Anfield Labour

See also