Human Tissue Act 2004

Human Tissue Act 2004
Act of Parliament
Long title An Act to make provision with respect to activities involving human tissue; to make provision about the transfer of human remains from certain museum collections; and for connected purposes.
Citation 2004 c. 30
Territorial extent  England, Northern Ireland and Wales
Royal assent 15 November 2004
Other legislation
Relates to Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006
Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013
Status: Current legislation
Text of statute as originally enacted
Revised text of statute as amended

The Human Tissue Act 2004 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, that applied to England, Northern Ireland and Wales, which consolidated previous legislation and created the Human Tissue Authority to "regulate the removal, storage, use and disposal of human bodies, organs and tissue." The Act does not extend to Scotland; its counterpart there is the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006.


The Act was brought about as a consequence of, among things, the Alder Hey organs scandal, in which organs of children had been retained by the Alder Hey Children's Hospital without consent, and the Kennedy inquiry into heart surgery on children at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. A consultative exercise followed the Government's Green Paper, Human Bodies, Human Choices (2002), and earlier recommendations by the Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson.

The Act

The Act allows for anonymous organ donation (previously, living people could only donate organs to those to whom they had a genetic or emotional connection), and requires licences for those intending to publicly display human remains, such as BODIES... The Exhibition. The Act also specifies that in cases of organ donation after death the wishes of the deceased takes precedence over the wishes of relatives, but a parliamentary report concluded in 2006 that the Act likely would fail in this regard since most surgeons would be unwilling to confront families in such situations.

The Act prohibits selling organs. In 2007 a man became the first person convicted under the Act for trying to sell his kidney online for £24,000 in order to pay off his gambling debts.


The following orders have been made under this section:


There is no official report on the number of restitutions that have been permitted under the Human Tissue Act 2004. In the United Kingdom, museums are not required to disclose such information. The table below therefore establishes a non-exhaustive list of human remains that have been restituted following the implementation of the Human Tissue Act.

Institution Applicant Object of the request Outcome of the request Date and place of return Source
British Museum The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre and the Australian Government Two Cremation Ash Bundles Approved 2006 – Tasmania Aboriginal Centre
British Museum New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Seven preserved tattooed heads and nine human bone fragments

Partially Approved 2008 – Te Papa Tongarewa, New Zealand
British Museum The Torres Strait Islander Traditional Owners with the support of the Australian Government Two modified skulls Rejected -
World Museum of Liverpool Unknown Five human remains Approved 2007 – Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
World Museum of Liverpool Australian Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination – Australian Government A skull Approved 2009 – Ngarrindjeri people in Australia
World Museum of Liverpool Unknown A mummified baby Approved 2010 – Meuram Tribe from the Torres Strait Islands
National History Museum of London Unknown Torres Strait Islander Bones Approved 2007

See also