Historia Mathematica

Historia Mathematica
Discipline History of mathematics
Language English
Edited by Nathan Sidoli, Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze
Publication details
Former name(s)
Notae de Historia Mathematica
History 1974—present
Frequency Quarterly
0.639 (2020)
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4 Hist. Math.
MathSciNet Historia Math.
ISSN 0315-0860
LCCN 75642280
OCLC no. 2240703

Historia Mathematica: International Journal of History of Mathematics is an academic journal on the history of mathematics published by Elsevier. It was established by Kenneth O. May in 1971 as the free newsletter Notae de Historia Mathematica, but by its sixth issue in 1974 had turned into a full journal.

The International Commission on the History of Mathematics began awarding the Montucla Prize, for the best article by an early career scholar in Historia Mathematica, in 2009. The award is given every four years.


The editors of the journal have been:

Abstracting and indexing

The journal is abstracted and indexed in Mathematical Reviews, SCISEARCH, and Scopus.