
The chart below shows how the International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) represents Walloon language pronunciation in Wikipedia articles. For a guide to adding IPA characters to Wikipedia articles, see and Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Pronunciation § Entering IPA characters.

  IPA   Examples English approximation
b barbôjhe bin
ç schåyî hue
χ Scottish loch, German Bach
d deût do
djanvî jeep
f f festival
ɡ gayole, gueuye gain
h hagnon hatch
k stoumak, cwand sky
l lére loo
m monde moo
n nawe no
ɲ dignité roughly like canyon
p aprinde spy
ʀ arester French frère
s sûner, cénk, çoula, dissu sing
ʃ chal, shijhinme, xhaxhler shelf
t tins stop
tchestea chip
v vint love
z zûner zoo
ʒ jhon leisure
j yebe, beacôp yes
w walon, moes wind
  IPA   Examples English approximation
Short vowels
a gade RP pat
e évôs hey
ɛ efant, dalaedje bet
ɪ pitit kit
ɔ soris off
ø djeu bird
ʊ atouwer book
y pus Scottish cute, French rue
Long vowels
ɑː djåzer, diâle large or board
ɛː gaiyté, fêye bed or Scottish bait
pî see
rôze board
n cool
ût Scottish cute, French rue, but longer
Nasal vowels
ɑ̃ blanc croissant
bén roughly like ring
ɛ̃ rinde Chopin
ɔ̃ djondou roughly like American bone
œ̃ djun roughly like sung
  1. Walloon consonants are devoiced word-finally, i.e. /d/ changes to [t], /dʒ/ to [tʃ], /z/ to [s], and so on. This is not shown in the spelling.
  2. The groups ⟨sch⟩, ⟨jh⟩ and ⟨xh⟩ are all realized as simply [h] in certain dialects. ⟨sch⟩ may also surface as [ʃ] or [sk].
  3. The digraph ⟨sh⟩ is pronounced [s] in some varieties, [ʃ] in others.
  4. As in French, stress always falls on the last vowel in Walloon.
  5. /ɑː/ and /ɑ̃/ show variation with []/[ɔː]/[] and [ɔ̃], respectively.
  6. Open-mid /ɛː/ and /ɛ̃/ may be close-mid [eː] and [ẽ].
  7. Merges with [] in some dialects.


  • "Walloon language, alphabet and pronunciation". Omniglot. March 20, 2013.

See also

  • Category:Pages with Walloon IPA (20)