
The following tables list the International phonetic Alphabet used for Cantonese. Refer to {{}} for a template converting Jyutping to IPA.


Initial consonants
IPA J Y Examples
f f [jɐt̚˥ ŋam˨˩ jɐt̚˥ fɐt̚˥] 一岩一
h h [lej˨˩ hɔŋ˨˩ lej˨˩ lat̚˨] 離迾
j j y [fɐt̚˨ tɔw˥ jɐw˨˧ fɔ˨˥] 佛都
k g [maj˨˧ siw˨˥ kin˧ siw˨˥] 買少
k [ɛ˨˩ ŋɐw˨˩ wɐn˨˥ ma˨˧] 牛揾馬
gw [mɔŋ˨ tʰin˥ ta˨˥ a˧] 望天打
kʷʰ kw [kʷʰɛn˨˩ maj˨˩]
l l [fat̚˧ lɔŋ˥ lɐj˨˥] 狼戾
m m [lɵɥ˨ jɐn˨˩ lɵɥ˨ mɐt̚˨] 累人累
n n [mej˨ jɐw˨˧ nɔj˨˥] 未有
ŋ ng [taj˨ ŋɔn˥ tsi˨˥ ji˨˧] 旨意
p b [tsa˧ sɔ˨˩ pan˨ mʊŋ˨˥] 詐傻
p [jɐt̚˥ ɔw˥ tsʰɪŋ˥ tɔj˨˥] 清袋
s s [lɔk̚˨ sɐw˨˥ lɔk̚˨ kœk̚˧] 落腳
t d [mɐn˥ tɔw˥ fɐn˧]
t [hɔw˨˥ hɔw˨˥ ɐj˨˥ ɐj˨˥] 好好睇睇
ts z j [lin˨ tsɛŋ˥ hɔk̚˨ lan˨˧] 學懶
tsʰ c ch [mɔw˨˩ tsʰɪŋ˨˩ pak̚˨ si˨] 白事
w w [w tɐk̚˥ maj˨˩] 得埋
Vocalic finals
IPA J Y Examples
a aa a [ŋɔn˥ lɔk̚˨ tsʰa˨˩ fan˨] 安樂
aj aai [jɐn˨˩ sɐj˧ kʷɐj˨˥ taj˨] 人細鬼
aw aau [lɔw˨˧ maw˥ siw˥ sɔw˥] 燒鬚
ɛ e [fɔ˨˥ tsɛ˥ ŋan˨˧]
ej ei [lɐm˨˩ mej˨˧ hœŋ˥]
ɐj ai [tsɐt̚˨ tʰɐw˨˩ tsɐt̚˨ sɐj˧] 窒頭窒
ɐw au [ŋan˧ tsɐw˧]
i i [tɪŋ˨ si˨˩ tɪŋ˨ hɐw˨] 定候
iw iu [tiw˧ jɐn˨˧]
ɔ o [tsɔw˨ mɔ˨ sɐm˥]
œ oe eu [kœ˧ pʰa˨˥]
ɔj oi [pɔ˥ lɔ˨˩ kɔj˧] 菠蘿
ɔw ou [tsɔw˨ hɔw˨˥ tsɔw˨ tsʰɐw˨˥] 做好做
ɵɥ eoi eui [jɐm˨˥ paw˨˥ sɪk̚̚˨ tsɵɥ˧] 飲飽食
u u [ku˥ mɐt̚˨ lɵn˨] 勿論
uj ui [muj˨˩ fa˥ kan˧ tsʊk̚˥] 花間竹
y yu [mɔk̚˥ kʷɔŋ˥ tsy˥] 剝光
Nasal finals
IPA J Y Examples
-m m m [pun˨˥ tej˨ kœŋ˥ m˨˩ lat̚˨] 本地薑
am aam am˨˩ tsʰam˨˩] 岩巉
ɐm am [jɐm˨˥ tʰɐw˨˩ tam˨ tʰɔŋ˥] 頭啖湯
im im [tsim˥ hɔn˨˩ tsim˥ tʊŋ˧]
-n an aan [mej˨˩ tsɪŋ˥ ŋan˨˧ kʰej˨˧] 眉精
ɐn an [jɐw˨˧ mɐn˨˩ jɐw˨˧ lɔw˨] 有路
in in [lɐj˨˧ ji˥ pin˥] 禮衣
ɵn eon eun [nɐw˨˥ tsɵn˨ lʊk̚˨ jɐm˨˩] 六壬
ɔn on [fat̚˧ tsʰin˨˥ hɔn˨˩] 發錢
un un [mɔ˨˥ mun˨˩ tɛŋ˥]
yn yun [ŋan˨˧ jyn˥]
-ŋ ŋ ng [ŋ˨˧ ŋ˨˧ pɔ˥] 五五
aŋ aang [h˨˩ tsʰa˥ tap̚˨ tsʰɔ˧] 差踏錯
ɐŋ ang [tsɐŋ˨ hɪŋ˧]
ɛŋ eng [fɐn˧ lɐj˨˥ kɛŋ˨˥] 瞓捩
ɪŋ ing [tsi˥ tsi˥ tsɪŋ˨˥ tsɪŋ˨˥] 姿姿整整
ɔŋ ong [mɔw˨˧ sɐm˥ tsɔŋ˥ tsɔj˧] 冇心裝
œŋ oeng eung [jim˨˩ mɛŋ˨ tsʰœŋ˨˩] 嫌命
ʊŋ ung [kan˧ tsʊŋ˥]
Checked finals
IPA J Y Examples
- a aap [mɔw˨˧ tap̚˧ sap̚˧] 搭霎
ɐ ap [lɔk̚˨ jy˨˧ si˥ sɐp̚˥] 落雨斯
i ip [tip̚˨ mai˨˩ sɐm˥ sɵɥ˨˥] 埋心水
- a aat [lat̚˨ at̚˧] 邋遢
ɐ at [tɔŋ˨ sɐt̚˥ lɔw˨]
i it [pɔk̚˨ tsʰit̚˥ tsʰit̚˥] 切切
ɵ eot eut [tsɵt̚˥ tsi˥]
ɔ ot [hɔt̚˧ si˨˧]
u ut [ŋan˨˧ fut̚˧ tʰɔw˨˧ tsak̚˧] 肚窄
y yut [wat̚˨ lyt̚˥ lyt̚˥] 捋捋
- a aak [mej˨˩ tʰɐw˨˩ ŋan˨˧ ŋak̚˨] 眉頭眼
ɐ ak [jɐt̚˥ jɐt̚˨ tɔw˧ hɐk̚˥] 一日到
ɛ ek [mɔ˨˩ lan˨ tsɛk̚˨] 磨爛
ɪ ik [tɪk̚̚˥ hej˨˥ sɐm˥ kɔn˥] 起心肝
œ oek euk [tsɔw˨˥ tsɐw˨˥ tsɔw˨˥ tsœk̚˨] 早走早
ɔ ok [tɔw˨˥ tsʰin˨˥ lɔk̚˨ hɔj˨˥] 倒錢
ʊ uk [pʊk̚˨ ji˥ jɐn˥] 伊人
IPA Numeric
J Y Examples
˥ 55 1 ū [tɪŋ˨˥ sɐm˥ tɪŋ˨˥ fɐj˧] 頂肺
˨˥ 25 2 ú [wɐj˥ sɵɥ˨˥ si˨˥] 水史
˧ 33 3 u [lʊŋ˥ lʊŋ˥ la˧ la˧] 窿窿罅罅
˨˩ 21 4 ùh [jim˨˩ tsʰin˨˥ sɛŋ˥] 錢腥
˨˧ 23 5 úh [mɔw˨˧ ŋa˨˧ tse˥ tʰɐw˨˩] 冇瓦遮頭
˨ 22 6 uh [wa˨ tʰɐw˨˩ sɪŋ˨˥ mej˨˧] 頭醒尾
  1. This list of consonant inventories and vowel inventories are based on 香港粵語大詞典 (2018). The transcriptions of vowels, consonants and tones in IPA, Jyutping (J) and Yale romanization (Y) are based on Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar, 2nd ed. (2011) and 香港粵語大詞典 (2018).
  2. Glosses are displayed over the dotted line. (Instructions: for desktop computers, hover your mouse cursor over it; for iOS mobile browsers, request desktop website on your toolbar and then click on the dotted line; for Android mobile browsers, it is unavailable). Vocabulary examples are drawn from 香港粵語大詞典 (2018).
  3. Omitted when it precedes the nucleus [y].
  4. [s] appears as [ʃ] in other sources.
  5. [ts] appears as [] in other sources.
  6. [tsʰ] appears as [tʃʰ] in other sources.
  7. The gliding non-syllables may be less explicitly transcribed with syllables, such that the non-syllabic [j] represented as syallbic [i], [w] as [u], and [ɥ] as [y].
  8. [ɵ] appears as [ø] in other soruces.
  9. The so-called 7th, 8th and 9th tones are not officially marked as such in Jyutping (J) and Yale romanization (Y). They are officially marked as the 1st, 3rd and 6th tones respectively.


  1. 張勵妍; 倪列懷; 潘禮美 (2018). 香港粵語大詞典. Hong Kong: 天地圖書. p. 648-650.
  2. Matthews, Stephen; Yip, Virginia (2011). Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar, 2nd edition. New York: Routledge. p. 461-463.
  3. 張勵妍; 倪列懷; 潘禮美 (2018). 香港粵語大詞典. Hong Kong: 天地圖書. p. 41-622.

See also