Government of Pere Aragonès

Government of Pere Aragonès

Executive Council of Catalonia
The government in May 2021.
Date formed26 May 2021
People and organisations
MonarchFelipe VI
PresidentPere Aragonès
Vice PresidentJordi Puigneró (2021–2022)
No. of ministers14
Total no. of members21
Member parties  ERC
  Junts (2021–2022)
Status in legislatureMinority coalition government (2021–2022)
Minority government (2022–present)
Opposition party  PSC–PSOE
Opposition leaderSalvador Illa
Election(s)2021 regional election
Legislature term(s)13th/14th Parliament

The government of Pere Aragonès was formed on 26 May 2021 following the latter's election as President of the Government of Catalonia by the Parliament of Catalonia on 21 May and his swearing-in on 24 May, as a result of Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) and Together for Catalonia (Junts) being able to muster a majority of seats in the Parliament with external support from the Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) following the 2021 Catalan regional election. It succeeded the Torra government and has been the incumbent Government of Catalonia since 26 May 2021, a total of 984 days, or 2 years, 8 months and 9 days.

Until 2022, the cabinet comprised members of ERC and Junts, as well as a number of independents proposed by both parties. On 7 October, Junts members voted to abandon the government following the dismissal of their vice president Jordi Puigneró by Aragonès, which resulted from a political crisis sparked after Junts had demanded a confidence vote on the president. Aragonès vowed to remain as the head of a minority cabinet made up of ERC members.


Pere Aragonès (ERC)
Ballot → 21 May 2021
Required majority → 68 out of 135 check
74 / 135
61 / 135
0 / 135
0 / 135

Cabinet changes

Aragonès's government saw a number of cabinet changes during its tenure:

  • On 28 September 2022, Pere Aragonès announced the dismissal of Vice President and Digital Policies and Territory minister Jordi Puigneró, following a political crisis between the two coalition partners ERC and Junts over the latter's demand of a confidence vote on the president. As a result of the dismissal, Junts announced that it would held a party vote on its permanence in the cabinet among its members on 7 October, which resulted in 56% in favour of leaving. As a result, Jaume Giró was replaced by Natàlia Mas as Minister of Economy and Finance; Meritxell Serret replaced Victòria Alsina at the helm of the Foreign Action ministry; Joaquim Nadal replaced Gemma Geis in Research and Universities; Josep Maria Argimon was replaced by Manuel Balcells as Minister of Health, whereas Carles Campuzano and Gemma Ubasart became the new officeholders of the Social Rights and Justice portfolios, respectively. Finally, Juli Fernández was appointed to fill the vacancy left in the Territory ministry by Puigneró's dismissal.

Executive Council

The Executive Council is structured into the offices for the president, the vice president and 14 ministries.

Aragonès Government
(26 May 2021 – present)
Portfolio Name Party Took office Left office Ref.
President Pere Aragonès ERC 22 May 2021 Incumbent
Vice President
Minister of Digital Policies and Territory
Jordi Puigneró Junts 26 May 2021 29 September 2022
Minister of the Presidency Laura Vilagrà ERC 26 May 2021 Incumbent
Minister of Business and Labour Roger Torrent ERC 26 May 2021 Incumbent
Minister of Economy and Finance Jaume Giró Ind. / Junts 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Minister of Equality and Feminism Tània Verge ERC (Ind.) 26 May 2021 Incumbent
Minister of Foreign Action and Transparency Victòria Alsina Junts (Ind.) 26 May 2021 20 June 2021
Minister of Education Josep González ERC 26 May 2021 12 June 2023
Minister of Research and Universities Gemma Geis Junts 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Minister of Climatic Action, Food and Rural Agenda Teresa Jordà ERC 26 May 2021 12 June 2023
Minister of Health Josep Maria Argimon Junts (Ind.) 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Minister of the Interior Joan Ignasi Elena ERC (Ind.) 26 May 2021 Incumbent
Minister of Social Rights Violant Cervera Junts 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Minister of Culture Natàlia Garriga ERC 26 May 2021 Incumbent
Minister of Justice Lourdes Ciuró Junts 26 May 2021 7 October 2022

Changes June 2021

Portfolio Name Party Took office Left office Ref.
Minister of Foreign Action and Open Government Victòria Alsina Ind. / Junts 20 June 2021 10 October 2022

Changes September 2022

Portfolio Name Party Took office Left office Ref.
Minister of Digital Policies and Territory Gemma Geis took on the ordinary discharge of duties from 3 to 7 October 2022.

Changes October 2022

Portfolio Name Party Took office Left office Ref.
Minister of Economy and Finance Natàlia Mas ERC 10 October 2022 Incumbent
Minister of Foreign Action and European Union Meritxell Serret ERC 10 October 2022 Incumbent
Minister of Research and Universities Joaquim Nadal ERC (Ind.) 10 October 2022 Incumbent
Minister of Territory Juli Fernández ERC 10 October 2022 12 June 2023
Minister of Health Manuel Balcells ERC 10 October 2022 Incumbent
Minister of Social Rights Carles Campuzano ERC (Ind.) 10 October 2022 Incumbent
Minister of Justice, Rights and Memory Gemma Ubasart ERC (Ind.) 10 October 2022 Incumbent

Changes June 2023

Portfolio Name Party Took office Left office Ref.
Minister of Education Anna Simó ERC 12 June 2023 Incumbent
Minister of Climatic Action, Food and Rural Agenda David Mascort ERC 12 June 2023 Incumbent
Minister of Territory Ester Capella ERC 12 June 2023 Incumbent

Departmental structure

Pere Aragonès's government is organised into several superior and governing units, whose number, powers and hierarchical structure may vary depending on the ministerial department.

Unit/body rank
(Original name)
Portrait Name Took office Left office Alliance/party Ref.


(Presidència de la Generalitat)
Pere Aragonès 22 May 2021 Incumbent ERC
Vice Presidency
(Vicepresidència de la Generalitat)
Jordi Puigneró 26 May 2021 29 September 2022 Junts
See Department of Digital Policies and Territory

Department of the Presidency

Department of the Presidency
(Departament de la Presidència)
Laura Vilagrà 26 May 2021 Incumbent ERC

Department of Digital Policies and Territory

Department of Digital Policies
and Territory

(Departament de Polítiques Digitals
i Territori)

(until 10 October 2022)

Department of Territory
(Departament de Territori)
(from 10 October 2022)

Jordi Puigneró 26 May 2021 29 September 2022 Junts
Gemma Geis
(ordinary discharge of duties)
3 October 2022 7 October 2022
Juli Fernández 10 October 2022 12 June 2023 ERC
Ester Capella 12 June 2023 Incumbent ERC

Department of Business and Labour

Department of Business
and Labour

(Departament d'Empresa
i Treball)
Roger Torrent 26 May 2021 Incumbent ERC

Department of Economy and Finance

Department of Economy
and Finance

(Departament d'Economia
i Hisenda)
Jaume Giró 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
(Junts from Feb 2022;
Indep. until Feb 2022)
Natàlia Mas 10 October 2022 Incumbent ERC

Department of Equality and Feminism

Department of Equality
and Feminism

(Departament d'Igualtat
i Feminismes)
Tània Verge 26 May 2021 Incumbent ERC

Department of Foreign Action

Department of Foreign Action
and Transparency

(Departament d'Acció Exterior
i Transparència)

(until 20 June 2021)

Department of Foreign Action
and Open Government

(Departament d'Acció Exterior
i Govern Obert)

(20 June 2021 – 10 October 2022)

Department of Foreign Action
and European Union

(Departament d'Acció Exterior
i Unió Europea)

(from 10 October 2022)

Victòria Alsina 26 May 2021 10 October 2022 Junts
(Junts from Oct 2022;
Indep. until Oct 2022)
Meritxell Serret 10 October 2022 Incumbent ERC

Department of Education

Department of Education
(Departament d'Educació)
Josep González 26 May 2021 12 June 2023 ERC
Anna Simó 12 June 2023 Incumbent ERC

Department of Research and Universities

Department of Research
and Universities

(Departament de Recerca
i Universitats)
Gemma Geis 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Joaquim Nadal 10 October 2022 Incumbent ERC

Department of Climatic Action, Food and Rural Agenda

Department of Climatic Action,
Food and Rural Agenda

(Departament d'Acció Climàtica,
Alimentació i Agenda Rural)
Teresa Jordà 26 May 2021 12 June 2023 ERC
David Mascort 12 June 2023 Incumbent ERC

Department of Health

Department of Health
(Departament de Salut)
Josep Maria Argimon 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Manuel Balcells 10 October 2022 Incumbent ERC

Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior
(Departament d'Interior)
Joan Ignasi Elena 26 May 2021 Incumbent ERC

Department of Social Rights

Department of Social Rights
(Departament de Drets Socials)
Violant Cervera 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Carles Campuzano 10 October 2022 Incumbent ERC

Department of Culture

Department of Culture
(Departament de Cultura)
Natàlia Garriga 26 May 2021 Incumbent ERC

Department of Justice

Department of Justice
(Departament de Justícia)
(until 10 October 2022)

Department of Justice,
Rights and Memory

(Departament de Justícia,
Drets i Memòria)

(from 10 October 2022)

Lourdes Ciuró 26 May 2021 7 October 2022
Gemma Ubasart 10 October 2022 Incumbent ERC