Glossary of Hebrew toponyms

The glossary of Hebrew toponyms gives translations of Hebrew terms commonly found as components in Hebrew toponyms.


Be'er, Beer, plural: Be'erot
Hebrew: בְּאֵר, wiktionary:באר, he:באר, well
  • All pages with titles beginning with Beer
  • All pages with titles beginning with Be'er
  • All pages with titles beginning with Be'erot
Beit, sometimes Bayit, Beth, Bet
Hebrew: בֵּית, wiktionary:בית, he:בית, house
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  • All pages with titles beginning with Bayit
  • All pages with titles beginning with Beth
  • All pages with titles beginning with Bet


Ein, 'En
Hebrew: עַיִן, wiktionary:עין, spring, fountain
  • All pages with titles beginning with Ein
  • All pages with titles beginning with 'En
Hebrew: עֵמֶק, wiktionary:עמק, he:עמק, valley
  • All pages with titles beginning with Emek


Hebrew: גַּן, wiktionary:גן, he:גן, "garden"
  • All pages with titles containing Gan
Giv'at, Givat, pl.: Giv'ot
Hebrew: גִּבְעַת, wiktionary:גבעה, he:גבעה, "hill"
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  • All pages with titles beginning with Giv'at
  • All pages with titles beginning with Giv'ot


Hebrew: הַר, wiktionary:הר, he:הר, mountain
  • All pages with titles beginning with Har


Hebrew: כֶּרֶם, wiktionary:כרם, he:כרם, vineyard
  • All pages with titles beginning with Kerem
Hebrew: כְּפַר, wiktionary:כפר, he:כפר, village
  • All pages with titles beginning with Kfar
Kiryat, Qiryat
Hebrew: קִרְיַת, wiktionary:קריה, town
  • All pages with titles beginning with Kiryat
  • All pages with titles beginning with Qiryat


Ma'ayan, Ma'yan
Hebrew: מעיין, wiktionary:מעיין, he:מעיין, spring, fountain
  • All pages with titles beginning with Ma'ayan
  • All pages with titles beginning with Ma'yan
Hebrew: מִשְׁמַר, wiktionary:he:משמר, he:משמר (פירושונים), guard
  • All pages with titles beginning with Mishmar


Hebrew: נַחַל, wiktionary:נחל, he:נחל, stream, wadi, Biblical Hebrew: valley
  • All pages with titles beginning with Nahal
  • All pages with titles beginning with Nachal
Hebrew: נְוֵה, נוה, in this context: (place of) residence, abode, oasis
  • All pages with titles beginning with Neve


Hebrew: רָמַת, wiktionary:רמה, "heights", "highlands"
  • All pages with titles beginning with Ramat
Hebrew: רָמוֹת, "heights", "highlands"; plural of רמה, feminine form of רם
  • All pages with titles beginning with Ramot
Hebrew: רֹאשׁ, wiktionary:ראש, "head"
  • All pages with titles beginning with Rosh


Hebrew: תֵל, wiktionary:תל, he:תל, "mound" (tell), "hill", often in names or archaeological sites
  • All pages with titles beginning with Tel
Tzur, Tsur
Hebrew: צוּר, wiktionary:צור, he:צור, "rock", cliff
  • All pages with titles beginning with Tzur
  • All pages with titles beginning with Tsur

See also

Further reading

  • M. E. J. Richardson, "Hebrew Toponyms", Tyndale Bulletin Vol. 20, Issue 1, 1969, doi:10.53751/001c.30678
  • Joseph Jacobs, Place-names, Jewish Encyclopedia
  • Yoel Elitzur, "Toponyms in the Land of Israel", In: Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, 2013, vol. 3, pp. 779-778