Fréchet algebra

In mathematics, especially functional analysis, a Fréchet algebra, named after Maurice René Fréchet, is an associative algebra over the real or complex numbers that at the same time is also a (locally convex) Fréchet space. The multiplication operation for is required to be jointly continuous. If is an increasing family of seminorms for the topology of , the joint continuity of multiplication is equivalent to there being a constant and integer for each such that for all . Fréchet algebras are also called B0-algebras.

A Fréchet algebra is -convex if there exists such a family of semi-norms for which . In that case, by rescaling the seminorms, we may also take for each and the seminorms are said to be submultiplicative: for all -convex Fréchet algebras may also be called Fréchet algebras.

A Fréchet algebra may or may not have an identity element . If is unital, we do not require that as is often done for Banach algebras.


  • Continuity of multiplication. Multiplication is separately continuous if and for every and sequence converging in the Fréchet topology of . Multiplication is jointly continuous if and imply . Joint continuity of multiplication is part of the definition of a Fréchet algebra. For a Fréchet space with an algebra structure, if the multiplication is separately continuous, then it is automatically jointly continuous.
  • Group of invertible elements. If is the set of invertible elements of , then the inverse map is continuous if and only if is a set. Unlike for Banach algebras, may not be an open set. If is open, then is called a -algebra. (If happens to be non-unital, then we may adjoin a unit to and work with , or the set of quasi invertibles may take the place of .)
  • Conditions for -convexity. A Fréchet algebra is -convex if and only if for every, if and only if for one, increasing family of seminorms which topologize , for each there exists and such that for all and . A commutative Fréchet -algebra is -convex, but there exist examples of non-commutative Fréchet -algebras which are not -convex.
  • Properties of -convex Fréchet algebras. A Fréchet algebra is -convex if and only if it is a countable projective limit of Banach algebras. An element of is invertible if and only if its image in each Banach algebra of the projective limit is invertible.


  • Zero multiplication. If is any Fréchet space, we can make a Fréchet algebra structure by setting for all .
  • Smooth functions on the circle. Let be the 1-sphere. This is a 1-dimensional compact differentiable manifold, with no boundary. Let be the set of infinitely differentiable complex-valued functions on . This is clearly an algebra over the complex numbers, for pointwise multiplication. (Use the product rule for differentiation.) It is commutative, and the constant function acts as an identity. Define a countable set of seminorms on by where denotes the supremum of the absolute value of the th derivative . Then, by the product rule for differentiation, we have where denotes the binomial coefficient and The primed seminorms are submultiplicative after re-scaling by .
  • Sequences on . Let be the space of complex-valued sequences on the natural numbers . Define an increasing family of seminorms on by With pointwise multiplication, is a commutative Fréchet algebra. In fact, each seminorm is submultiplicative for . This -convex Fréchet algebra is unital, since the constant sequence is in .
  • Equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets, and pointwise multiplication, , the algebra of all continuous functions on the complex plane , or to the algebra of holomorphic functions on .
  • Convolution algebra of rapidly vanishing functions on a finitely generated discrete group. Let be a finitely generated group, with the discrete topology. This means that there exists a set of finitely many elements such that: Without loss of generality, we may also assume that the identity element of is contained in . Define a function by Then , and , since we define . Let be the -vector space where the seminorms are defined by is an -convex Fréchet algebra for the convolution multiplication is unital because is discrete, and is commutative if and only if is Abelian.
  • Non -convex Fréchet algebras. The Aren's algebra is an example of a commutative non--convex Fréchet algebra with discontinuous inversion. The topology is given by norms and multiplication is given by convolution of functions with respect to Lebesgue measure on .


We can drop the requirement for the algebra to be locally convex, but still a complete metric space. In this case, the underlying space may be called a Fréchet space or an F-space.

If the requirement that the number of seminorms be countable is dropped, the algebra becomes locally convex (LC) or locally multiplicatively convex (LMC). A complete LMC algebra is called an Arens-Michael algebra.

Open problems

Perhaps the most famous, still open problem of the theory of topological algebras is whether all linear multiplicative functionals on an -convex Frechet algebra are continuous. The statement that this be the case is known as Michael's Conjecture.