Foreign relations of the United Kingdom

The diplomatic foreign relations of the United Kingdom are conducted by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, headed by the Foreign Secretary. The prime minister and numerous other agencies play a role in setting policy, and many institutions and businesses have a voice and a role.

The United Kingdom was the world's foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries, most notably during the so-called "Pax Britannica"—a period of totally unrivaled supremacy and unprecedented international peace during the mid-to-late 1800s. The country continued to be widely considered a superpower until the Suez crisis of 1956, and this embarrassing incident coupled with the loss of the empire left the UK's dominant role in global affairs to be gradually diminished. Nevertheless, the United Kingdom remains a great power and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a founding member of the G7, G8, G20, NATO, AUKUS, OECD, WTO, Council of Europe, OSCE, and the Commonwealth of Nations, the latter being a legacy of the British Empire. The UK had been a member state of the European Union (and a member of its predecessors) since 1973. However, due to the outcome of a 2016 membership referendum, proceedings to withdraw from the EU began in 2017 and concluded when the UK formally left the EU on 31 January 2020, and the transition period on 31 December 2020 with an EU trade agreement. Since the vote and the conclusion of trade talks with the EU, policymakers have begun pursuing new trade agreements with other global partners.


The Battle of Nivelle - a Peninsular War battle between the French and the British armies in France in 1813

Following the formation of the Kingdom of Great Britain (which united England and Scotland) in 1707, British foreign relations largely continued those of the Kingdom of England. British foreign policy initially focused on achieving a balance of power within Europe, with no one country achieving dominance over the affairs of the continent. This policy remained a major justification for Britain's wars against Napoleon, and for British involvement in the First and Second World Wars. Secondly Britain continued the expansion of its colonial "First British Empire" by migration and investment.

France was the chief enemy until the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. It had a much larger population and a more powerful army, but a weaker navy. The British were generally successful in their many wars. The notable exception, the American War of Independence (1775–1783), saw Britain, without any major allies, defeated by the American colonials who had the support of France, the Netherlands and (indirectly) Spain. A favoured British diplomatic strategy involved subsidising the armies of continental allies (such as Prussia), thereby turning London's enormous financial power to military advantage. Britain relied heavily on its Royal Navy for security, seeking to keep it the most powerful fleet afloat, eventually with a full complement of bases across the globe. British dominance of the seas was vital to the formation and maintaining of the British Empire, which was achieved through the support of a navy larger than the next two largest navies combined, prior to 1920. The British generally stood alone until the early 20th century, when it became friendly with the U.S. and made alliances with Japan, France and Russia and Germany former antagonist now ally.


Map of the British Empire (as of 1910). At its height, it was the largest empire in history.

The 100 years were generally peaceful--a sort of Pax Britannica enforced by the Royal Navy. There were two important wars, both limited in scope. The Crimean War (1853–1856) saw the defeat of Russia and its threat to the Ottoman Empire. The Second Boer War (1899–1902) saw the defeat of the two Boer republics in South Africa and Boxer Rebellion happen the same year. London became the world's financial centre, and commercial enterprise expanded across the globe. The "Second British Empire" was built with a base in Asia (especially India) and Africa.

First World War


After 1918 Britain was a "troubled giant" that was less of a dominant diplomatic force in the 1920s than before. It often had to give way to the United States, which frequently exercised its financial superiority. The main themes of British foreign policy included a leading role at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919–1920, where Lloyd George worked hard to moderate French demands for revenge on Germany. He was partly successful, but Britain soon had to moderate French policy toward Germany further, as in the Locarno Treaties of 1925. Furthermore, Britain obtained "mandates" that allowed it and its dominions to govern most of the former German and Ottoman colonies.

Britain became an active member of the new League of Nations, but its list of major achievements was slight.

Disarmament was high on the agenda, and Britain played a major role following the United States in the Washington Naval Conference of 1921 in working toward naval disarmament of the major powers. By 1933 disarmament agreements had collapsed and the issue became rearming for a war against Germany.

Britain was partially successful in negotiating better terms with United States regarding the large war loans which Britain was obliged to repay. Britain supported the international solution to German reparations through the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan. After the Dawes Plan had helped stabilize Germany's currency and lowered its annual payments, Germany was able to pay its annual reparations using money borrowed from New York banks, and Britain used the money received to pay Washington. The Great Depression starting in 1929 put enormous pressure on the British economy. Britain revived Imperial Preference, which meant low tariffs within the British Empire and higher barriers to trade with outside countries. The flow of money from New York dried up, and the system of reparations and payment of debt died in 1931.

In domestic British politics, the emerging Labour Party had a distinctive and suspicious foreign policy based on pacifism. Its leaders believed that peace was impossible because of capitalism, secret diplomacy, and the trade in armaments. Labour stressed material factors that ignored the psychological memories of the Great War and the highly emotional tensions regarding nationalism and the boundaries of countries. Nevertheless, party leader Ramsay MacDonald devoted much of his attention to European policies.


Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, and Mussolini pictured before signing the 1938 Munich Agreement, which gave the Sudetenland to Nazi Germany.

Vivid memories of the horrors and deaths of the First World War inclined many Britons—and their leaders in all parties—to pacifism in the interwar era. This led directly to the appeasement of dictators (notably of Mussolini and of Hitler) in order to avoid their threats of war.

The challenge came from those dictators, first from Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy, then from Adolf Hitler, Führer of a much more powerful Nazi Germany. The League of Nations proved disappointing to its supporters; it failed to resolve any of the threats posed by the dictators. British policy involved "appeasing" them in the hopes they would be satiated. By 1938 it was clear that war was looming, and that Germany had the world's most powerful military. The final act of appeasement came when Britain and France sacrificed Czechoslovakia to Hitler's demands at the Munich Agreement of September 1938. Instead of satiation, Hitler menaced Poland, and at last Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain dropped appeasement and stood firm in promising to defend Poland (31 March 1939). Hitler however cut a deal with Joseph Stalin to divide Eastern Europe (23 August 1939); when Germany did invade Poland in September 1939, Britain and France declared war, and the British Commonwealth followed London's lead.

Second World War

Having signed the Anglo-Polish military alliance in August 1939, Britain and France declared war against Germany in September 1939 in response to Germany's invasion of Poland. This declaration included the Crown colonies and India, which Britain directly controlled. The dominions were independent in foreign policy, though all quickly entered the war against Germany. After the French defeat in June 1940, Britain and its empire stood alone in combat against Germany, until June 1941. The United States gave diplomatic, financial and material support, starting in 1940, especially through Lend Lease, which began in 1941 and attain full strength during 1943. In August 1941, Churchill and Roosevelt met and agreed on the Atlantic Charter, which proclaimed "the rights of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they live" should be respected. This wording was ambiguous and would be interpreted differently by the British, Americans, and nationalist movements.

Starting in December 1941, Japan overran British possessions in Asia, including Hong Kong, Malaya, and especially the key base at Singapore. Japan then marched into Burma, headed toward India. Churchill's reaction to the entry of the United States into the war was that Britain was now assured of victory and the future of the empire was safe, but the rapid defeats irreversibly harmed Britain's standing and prestige as an imperial power. The realisation that Britain could not defend them pushed Australia and New Zealand into permanent close ties with the United States.


Overseas military bases in 2016 (blue) and military interventions since 2000 (red).

Economically in dire straits in 1945 (saddled with debt and dealing with widespread destruction of its infrastructure), Britain systematically reduced its overseas commitments. It pursued an alternate role as an active participant in the Cold War against communism, especially as a founding member of NATO in 1949.

The British had built up a very large worldwide Empire, which peaked in size in 1922, after more than half a century of unchallenged global supremacy. The cumulative costs of fighting two world wars, however, placed a heavy burden upon the home economy, and after 1945 the British Empire rapidly began to disintegrate, with all the major colonies gaining independence. By the mid-to-late 1950s, the UK's status as a superpower was gone in the face of the United States and the Soviet Union. Most former colonies joined the "Commonwealth of Nations", an organisation of fully independent nations now with equal status to the UK. However it attempted no major collective policies. The last major colony, Hong Kong, was handed over to China in 1997. Fourteen British Overseas Territories maintain a constitutional link to the UK, but are not part of the country per se.

Britain slashed its involvements in the Middle East after the humiliating Suez Crisis of 1956. However Britain did forge close military ties with the United States, France, and Germany, through the NATO military alliance. After years of debate (and rebuffs), Britain joined the Common Market in 1973; which became the European Union in 1993. However it did not merge financially, and kept the pound separate from the Euro, which partly isolated it from the EU financial crisis of 2011. In June 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU.

21st century

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and U.S. President Donald Trump at the 45th G7 in Biarritz, August 2019.

Foreign policy initiatives of UK governments since the 1990s have included military intervention in conflicts and for peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance programmes and increased aid spending, support for establishment of the International Criminal Court, debt relief for developing countries, prioritisation of initiatives to address climate change, and promotion of free trade. The British approach has been described as "spread the right norms and sustain NATO".

Lunn et al. (2008) argue:

Three key motifs of Tony Blair's 10-year premiership were an activist philosophy of 'interventionism', maintaining a strong alliance with the US and a commitment to placing Britain at the heart of Europe. While the 'special relationship' and the question of Britain's role in Europe have been central to British foreign policy since the Second World War...interventionism was a genuinely new element.

The GREAT campaign of 2012 was one of the most ambitious national promotion efforts ever undertaken by any major nation. It was scheduled take maximum advantage of the worldwide attention to the Summer Olympics in London. The goals were to make British more culture visible in order to stimulate trade, investment and tourism. The government partnered with key leaders in culture, business, diplomacy and education. The campaign unified many themes and targets, including business meetings; scholarly conventions; recreational vehicle dealers; parks and campgrounds; convention and visitors bureaus; hotels; bed and breakfast inns; casinos; and hotels.

In 2013, the government of David Cameron described its approach to foreign policy by saying:

For any given foreign policy issue, the UK potentially has a range of options for delivering impact in our national interest. ... [W]e have a complex network of alliances and partnerships through which we can work.... These include – besides the EU – the UN and groupings within it, such as the five permanent members of the Security Council (the “P5”); NATO; the Commonwealth; the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development; the G8 and G20 groups of leading industrialised nations; and so on.

The UK began establishing air and naval facilities in the Persian Gulf, located in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman in 2014–15. The Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 highlighted a range of foreign policy initiatives of the UK government. Edward Longinotti notes how current British defence policy is grappling with how to accommodate two major commitments, to Europe and to an ‘east of Suez’ global military strategy, within a modest defence budget that can only fund one. He points out that Britain's December 2014 agreement to open a permanent naval base in Bahrain underlines its gradual re-commitment east of Suez. By some measures, Britain remains the second most powerful country in the world by virtue of its soft power and "logistical capability to deploy, support and sustain [military] forces overseas in large numbers." Although commentators have questioned the need for global power projection, the concept of “Global Britain” put forward by the Conservative government in 2019 signalled more military activity in the Middle East and Pacific, outside of NATO's traditional sphere of influence.

At the end of January 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union, with a subsequent trade agreement with the EU in effect from 1 January 2021, setting out the terms of the UK-EU economic relationship and what abilities the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office can use in foreign relations related to trade.

In July 2023, UK and Bahrain signed a memorandum of understanding for strategic investments and collaborations, through Bahraini sovereign wealth fund Mumtalakat, Investcorp, GFH Financial Group, and Osool Asset Management, that would see the Gulf state's private sector invest 1 billion pounds ($1.3 billion) in Britain.

Major international disputes since 1945

British street patrol in Aden in 1967
A Lynx Helicopter of the British Army Air Corps ready to touch down on a desert road south of Basra Airport, November 2003
from to dispute
1946 1949 Involved in Greek Civil War
1945 1948 Administration of the Mandate for Palestine, ending with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. British forces often faced conflict with Arab nationalists and Jewish Zionist militia.
1947 1991 Cold War with Soviet Union
1948 1949 Berlin Blockade – dispute with USSR over access to West Berlin and general Soviet expansionism in Eastern Europe
1948 1960 Malayan Emergency – armed conflict against the politically isolated Communist forces of the Malayan National Liberation Army
1950 1953 Korean War – war with North Korea
1951 1954 Abadan Crisis – dispute with Iran over expropriated oil assets
1956 1957 Suez Crisis – armed conflict with Egypt over its seizure of the Suez Canal Zone, and unsupported by most of the international community
1958 First Cod War – fishing dispute with Iceland
1962 1966 Konfrontasi – war with Indonesia
1972 1973 Second Cod War – fishing dispute with Iceland
1975 1976 Third Cod War – fishing dispute with Iceland
1982 Falklands War – war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands and other British south Atlantic territories
1983 Condemnation of the United States over its invasion of Grenada
1984 Dispute with Libya after a policewoman is shot dead in London by a gunman from within the Libyan embassy, and considerable Libyan support for the IRA in Northern Ireland.
1988 Dispute with Libya over the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am flight over the Scottish town of Lockerbie
1991 Gulf War with Iraq
1995 Under UN mandate, military involvement in former Yugoslavia (specifically Bosnia)
1997 Hong Kong handover to Chinese rule. Britain secures guarantees for a "special status" that would continue capitalism and protect existing British property.
1999 Involvement in NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia over Kosovo
2000 British action in saving the UN peacekeeping force from collapse and defeating the anti-government rebellion during the Sierra Leone Civil War
2001 UN-sponsored war against, and subsequent occupation of, Afghanistan
2003 2007 Collaboration with US and others in war against, and occupation of, Iraq; over 46,000 British troops subsequently occupy Basra and southern Iraq
2007 ongoing Diplomatic dispute with Russia over the death of Alexander Litvinenko
2009 ongoing Dispute with Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons programme, including sanctions and Iranian condemnation of the British government, culminating in a 2011 attack on the British Embassy in Iran
2011 Under UN mandate, UK armed forces participated in enforcing the Libyan No-Fly Zone as part of Operation Ellamy
2013 Support for French forces in the Malian civil war
2015 Support for the US-led coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
2016 UN and EU implement a deal with Iran intended to prevent the country gaining access to nuclear weapons
2018 ongoing Sanctions on Russia following the poisoning of Sergei Skripal using a nerve agent in Salisbury, England included the expulsions of 23 diplomats, the largest ever since the Cold War, an act that was retaliated by Russia
2019 ongoing The sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago is disputed between the United Kingdom and Mauritius. International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled that the United Kingdom must transfer the islands to Mauritius, a view endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly
2019 The UK seized an Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar on the grounds that it was shipping oil to Syria in violation of European Union sanctions. Iran later captured a British oil tanker and its crew members in the Persian Gulf.
2022 ongoing The UK provided support and equipment to Ukraine after its invasion by Russia, which declared the United Kingdom an unfriendly country after the UK strongly supported international sanctions against Russia

Sovereignty disputes

Gibraltar National Day celebrations in 2013

Commonwealth of Nations

Members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

The UK has varied relationships with the countries that make up the Commonwealth of Nations which originated from the British Empire. Charles III of the United Kingdom is Head of the Commonwealth and is King of 15 of its 56 member states. Those that retain the King as head of state are called Commonwealth realms. Over time several countries have been suspended from the Commonwealth for various reasons. Zimbabwe was suspended because of the authoritarian rule of its President.

Diplomatic relations

List of countries which the United Kingdom maintains diplomatic relations with:

# Country Date
1 Portugal 9 May 1386
2 France 1396
3 Denmark 2 May 1490
4 Spain 1505
5 Russia 20 April 1566
6 Turkey 23 April 1583
7 Netherlands 1 April 1603
8 Sweden 23 December 1653
9 Switzerland 30 August 1689
10 United States 1 June 1785
11 Iran 4 January 1801
12 Austria 27 August 1814
13 Germany 28 November 1817
14 Colombia 18 April 1825
15 Argentina 12 May 1825
16 Mexico 26 December 1826
17 Brazil 17 August 1827
18 Belgium 1 December 1830
19 Greece 1 January 1833
20 Venezuela 29 October 1834
21 Serbia 30 January 1837
22 Guatemala 12 July 1837
23 Peru 6 November 1837
24 Bolivia 29 September 1840
25 Uruguay 15 July 1842
26 Costa Rica 28 February 1848
27 Liberia 1 August 1849
28 Dominican Republic 6 March 1850
29 Ecuador 29 January 1853
30 Paraguay 2 November 1853
31 Chile 4 October 1854
32 Thailand 18 April 1855
33 Honduras 25 August 1857
34 Japan 26 August 1858
35 Nicaragua 22 February 1859
36 Haiti 13 May 1859
37 Italy 1861
38 Bulgaria 23 July 1879
39 Luxembourg 27 November 1879
40 Romania 20 February 1880
41 South Korea 26 November 1883
42 El Salvador 1883
43 Cuba 20 May 1902
44 Norway 6 November 1905
45 Panama 9 April 1908
46 Egypt 19 December 1914
47 Finland 28 March 1918
48 Poland 15 July 1919
49 Czech Republic 3 September 1919
50 Hungary 22 May 1921
51 Albania 9 November 1921
52 Afghanistan 22 November 1921
53 Ireland 6 December 1922
54 Nepal 21 December 1923
55 Canada 1 July 1926
56 South Africa 17 March 1931
57 Iraq 4 October 1932
58 Australia March 1936
59 New Zealand March 1939
60 Iceland 8 May 1940
61 Lebanon 9 February 1942
62 Syria 9 February 1942
63 Ethiopia 4 June 1946
64 Jordan 17 June 1946
65 Philippines 4 July 1946
66 Sri Lanka 22 October 1946
67 India November 1946
68 Myanmar 7 July 1947
69 Pakistan August 1947
70 Saudi Arabia 24 November 1947
71 Israel 14 May 1949
72 Indonesia 13 January 1950
73 Yemen 9 December 1951
74 Libya 24 December 1951
75 Cambodia 15 May 1952
76 Laos 5 September 1955
77 Sudan 27 February 1956
78 Tunisia 19 June 1956
79 Morocco 28 June 1956
80 Ghana March 1957
81 Malaysia 31 August 1957
82 Guinea 28 May 1959
83 Cameroon 1 February 1960
84 Togo 27 April 1960
85 Somalia 1 July 1960
86 Senegal 20 August 1960
87 Cyprus August 1960
88 Benin 6 October 1960
89 Burkina Faso 6 October 1960
90 Ivory Coast 6 October 1960
91 Niger 6 October 1960
92 Nigeria October 1960
93 Democratic Republic of the Congo 21 November 1960
94 Mauritania 28 November 1960
95 Chad 9 December 1960
96 Central African Republic 9 December 1960
97 Republic of the Congo 9 December 1960
98 Gabon 9 December 1960
99 Madagascar 1960
100 Mali 22 March 1961
101 Sierra Leone April 1961
102 Kuwait 8 November 1961
103 Tanzania December 1961
104 Burundi 1 July 1962
105 Rwanda 1 July 1962
106 Jamaica 6 August 1962
107 Trinidad and Tobago 31 August 1962
108 Uganda 9 October 1962
109 Algeria 21 November 1962
110 Mongolia 23 January 1963
111 Kenya December 1963
112 Malawi July 1964
113 Malta September 1964
114 Zambia 17 October 1964
115 Gambia 1 January 1965
116 Maldives 26 July 1965
117 Singapore 12 November 1965
118 Guyana 26 May 1966
119 Botswana 30 September 1966
120 Barbados 30 November 1966
121 Lesotho 4 October 1966
122 Mauritius 12 March 1968
123 Eswatini September 1968
124 Equatorial Guinea 1968
125 Tonga 4 June 1970
126 Samoa September 1970
127 Fiji 10 October 1970
128 Oman 21 May 1971
129 Bahrain 21 August 1971
130 Qatar 6 September 1971
131 United Arab Emirates 2 December 1971
132 China 13 March 1972
133 Bangladesh 18 April 1972
134 Bahamas 7 July 1973
135 Vietnam 11 September 1973
136 Grenada 7 February 1974
137 Guinea-Bissau 12 March 1975
138 Mozambique 1 September 1975
139 Papua New Guinea 16 September 1975
140 Suriname 31 March 1976
141 Seychelles June 1976
142 Cape Verde 17 May 1977
143 Angola 14 October 1977
144 Nauru 1 December 1977
145 Djibouti 25 January 1978
146 Solomon Islands 7 July 1978
147 Tuvalu 1 October 1978
148 Dominica 13 December 1978
149 Saint Lucia 22 February 1979
150 São Tomé and Príncipe 3 December 1979
151 Kiribati 12 July 1979
152 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 27 October 1979
153 Zimbabwe 18 April 1980
154 Vanuatu 30 July 1980
155 Belize 21 September 1981
156 Antigua and Barbuda 1 November 1981
Holy See 16 January 1982
157 Saint Kitts and Nevis 19 September 1983
158 Brunei 14 March 1984
159 Comoros 7 June 1984
160 Namibia March 1990
161 Lithuania 4 September 1991
162 Estonia 5 September 1991
163 Latvia 5 September 1991
164 Ukraine 10 January 1992
165 Tajikistan 15 January 1992
166 Moldova 17 January 1992
167 Slovenia 17 January 1992
168 Kazakhstan 19 January 1992
169 Armenia 20 January 1992
170 Turkmenistan 23 January 1992
171 Belarus 27 January 1992
172 Marshall Islands 2 February 1992
173 Uzbekistan 18 February 1992
174 Azerbaijan 11 March 1992
175 Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 April 1992
176 Georgia 27 April 1992
177 Liechtenstein May 1992
178 Croatia 24 June 1992
179 Kyrgyzstan 12 June 1992
180 Federated States of Micronesia 31 August 1992
181 Slovakia 1 January 1993
182 Eritrea 16 November 1993
183 North Macedonia 16 December 1993
184 Andorra 9 March 1994
185 Palau 16 August 1996
Cook Islands 4 December 1997
186 San Marino 18 November 1998
187 North Korea 12 December 2000
188 East Timor 20 May 2002
189 Montenegro 13 June 2006
190 Monaco 21 September 2007
Kosovo 18 February 2008
191 South Sudan 9 July 2011


Country Formal relations began Notes
Algeria 1962 See Foreign relations of Algeria
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1960 See Democratic Republic of the Congo–United Kingdom relations
Egypt 1922 See Egypt–United Kingdom relations
Kenya 1960 See Kenya–United Kingdom relations
Liberia 1847 See Liberia–United Kingdom relations
Libya See Libya–United Kingdom relations
Malawi 1964 See Malawi–United Kingdom relations
Morocco 1956 See Morocco–United Kingdom relations

According to some accounts, in the beginning of the 13th century King John of England (1167–1216) sent an embassy to the Almohad Sultan Muhammad al-Nasir (1199–1213), requesting military support and an alliance against France. At home, King John was faced with a dire situation, in which his Barons revolted against him, he had been excommunicated by the Pope, and France was threatening to invade. The embassy of three was led by Bishop Roger, and King John supposedly offered to convert to Islam and pay a tribute to al-Nasir in exchange for his help. Al-Nasir apparently dismissed the proposal.

Mozambique 1975 See Foreign relations of Mozambique
Namibia 1990 See Namibia–United Kingdom relations
Rwanda 1962 See Rwanda–United Kingdom relations
Somalia 1960 See Somalia–United Kingdom relations
Somaliland No relations See Somaliland–United Kingdom relations

On 4 July 2023, Gavin Williamson proposed a bill to the UK Parliament that would invoke the United Kingdom to recognise the Republic of Somaliland.

South Africa 1927 See South Africa–United Kingdom relations
Sudan 1959 See Sudan–United Kingdom relations
  • Sudan has an embassy in London whilst the United Kingdom has an embassy in Khartoum.
Tanzania 1964 See Tanzania–United Kingdom relations
Zambia 1960 See United Kingdom–Zambia relations
Zimbabwe 1980 See United Kingdom–Zimbabwe relations


Country Formal relations began Notes
Antigua and Barbuda 1981 See Antigua and Barbuda–United Kingdom relations
Argentina 1823 See Argentina–United Kingdom relations
Barbados 1966 See Barbados–United Kingdom relations

The two countries are related through common history beginning in the 1620s, the Commonwealth of Nations and until 2021, their sharing of the same Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II as their Monarch. As one of the first English colonies, the initial permanent European settlement took place in the early seventeenth century by English settlers. Barbados thereafter remained as a territory until it negotiated independence in 1966. In recent years, increasing numbers of British nationals have purchased secondary homes in Barbados, and the islands ranked as the Caribbean regions' fourth largest export market of the United Kingdom.

Belize 1981 See Belize–United Kingdom relations
  • Belize has a high commission in London.
  • United Kingdom has a high commission in Belmopan.
Brazil 1826 See Brazil–United Kingdom relations
Canada 1880 See Canada–United Kingdom relations

Both nations enjoy a cooperative and intimate contact; the two countries are related through history, the Commonwealth of Nations, and their sharing of the same Head of State and monarch. Both countries fought together in both World Wars, the Korean War, and more recently cooperate in the coalition in the War in Afghanistan. Both are founding members of NATO, and also belong to the G7 (and the G8). Winston Churchill said Canada was the "linchpin of the English-speaking world", as it connects two other anglophone countries: the US and the UK. These three countries were the first to share the knowledge of the atom bomb with each other, as all three worked on the Manhattan Project together. Despite this shared history, the UK and Canada have grown apart economically. The UK was Canada's largest trade partner in the 19th and early 20th centuries, but is now well down the list. However relations are still strong, with large migration between the two countries, as well as Canada having the highest favourable public opinion of the UK in the world. The UK is currently in the process of acceeding to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, of which Canada is a founding member.

Chile 1844 See Chile–United Kingdom relations

Chile provided some assistance to Britain during the Falklands War since it was itself at risk of possible war with Argentina regarding the boundary between the two nations in the Beagle Channel.

  • The United Kingdom has embassies in Valparaíso, Puerto Montt, Punta Arenas and Santiago.
  • Chile has an embassy in London.
Colombia 1825 See Colombia–United Kingdom relations
Cuba 1902 See Cuba–United Kingdom relations
Ecuador 1935 See Foreign relations of Ecuador

In 2012, relations came under strain when Julian Assange, founder of the WikiLeaks website, entered the Ecuadorian embassy in London and sought asylum; Assange had recently lost a legal case against his extradition to Sweden on charges of sexual assault and rape, but when within the embassy he was on diplomatic territory and beyond the reach of the British police. The United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office delivered a note to the Ecuadorian government in Quito reminding them of the provisions of the Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987 which allow the British government to withdraw recognition of diplomatic protection from embassies; the move was interpreted as a hostile act by Ecuador, with Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño stating that this "explicit threat" would be met with "appropriate responses in accordance with international law". Assange was granted diplomatic asylum on 16 August 2012, with Foreign Minister Patiño stating that Assange's fears of political persecution were "legitimate".

Grenada 1974 See Grenada–United Kingdom relations
Guyana 1966 See Foreign relations of Guyana

Formerly known as British Guiana (until 1966), it became the U.K.'s largest Commonwealth realm in South America upon the nation's independence the same year. In 1970, the nation transitioned to republic status through newly laid constitution and today both nations continue relations chiefly through the Commonwealth of Nations. Guyana is roughly the same physical size as the U.K. Due to proximity, Guyana predominately associates and identifies culturally with the close by Commonwealth Caribbean area and takes part in the West Indies Cricket Team as national sport. Ninety per cent of the nation's population of 800 thousand persons live on ten per cent of the nation's mostly coastal area while the nations' interior consists mostly of Amerindians and native rainforests.

  • Guyana has a high commission in London.
  • United Kingdom has a high commission in Georgetown.
Mexico 1824 See Mexico–United Kingdom relations

The United Kingdom was the first country in Europe to recognize Mexico's Independence. The relationship between the two nations began after the Pastry War when the United Kingdom aided Mexico against France. Also, relations improved when Mexico joined the British alongside the Allies to fight the Japanese forces in the Pacific War.

  • Mexico has an embassy in London.
  • United Kingdom has an embassy in Mexico City, a consulate-general in Cancún and a consulate in Monterrey.
Panama 1904 See Foreign relations of Panama
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Panama City.
  • Panama has an embassy in London.
  • The UK and Panama have a strong bilateral relationship.
Paraguay 1853 See Paraguay–United Kingdom relations

Diplomatic relations between both countries were established on 4 March 1853, with the signing of a treaty of Friendship, Trade and Navigation. A dominant view in Paraguay and significant in all the Southern Cone is that the interests of the British Empire played a considerable role during the Paraguayan War.

Peru 1827 See Peru–United Kingdom relations
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1979 See Saint Vincent and the Grenadines–United Kingdom relations
Suriname 1976 See Foreign relations of Suriname
  • United Kingdom is accredited to Suriname from its embassy in Georgetown, Guyana.
  • Suriname has an embassy in London.
Trinidad and Tobago 1962 See Trinidad and Tobago–United Kingdom relations
United States 1785 See United Kingdom–United States relations
United States President Barack Obama talks to British Prime Minister David Cameron on the South Lawn of the White House, 20 July 2010

The United Kingdom and the United States are close military allies. The two countries share cultural similarities, as well as military research and intelligence facilities. The UK has purchased military technology from the USA such as Trident ballistic missiles, and the US has purchased equipment from Britain (e.g. Harrier jump jet). The USA also maintains a large number of military personnel in the UK. In recent years, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States have often been close friends, for example Tony Blair and Bill Clinton (and later Blair and George W. Bush), and the often like-minded Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Present British policy is that The United Kingdom's relationship with the United States represents Britain's "most important bilateral relationship".

Uruguay 1825 See United Kingdom–Uruguay relations
Venezuela 1842 See Venezuela–United Kingdom relations; Venezuelan crisis of 1902–1903


Country Formal relations began Notes
Afghanistan 1921 See Afghanistan–United Kingdom relations
Armenia 2 Jan 1992 See Armenia–United Kingdom relations
  • Armenia has an embassy in London
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Yerevan.
Azerbaijan 11 Mar 1992 See Azerbaijan–United Kingdom relations
  • Azerbaijan has an embassy in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Baku.

Both countries are full members of the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Bahrain 1971 See Bahrain–United Kingdom relations
  • Bahrain has an embassy in London and the United Kingdom is only one of four European countries to have embassy in Manama. Bahrain gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1971 and has since maintained diplomatic and trade relations.
Brunei 1984 See Brunei–United Kingdom relations

In 1888, Brunei became a British protectorate, gaining its independence from British rule less than 100 years later in 1984.

The UK and Brunei have a long-standing and strong bilateral relationship, particularly on defence co-operation, trade and education. The UK continues to play a strong role in developing Brunei's oil and gas sector, and the Brunei Investment Agency is a significant investor in the UK, with their largest overseas operations in the City of London. The UK remains the destination of choice for Bruneian students, with about 1,220 of them enrolled in higher education in the UK in 2006–07.

The United Kingdom has a high commission in Bandar Seri Begawan, and Brunei has a high commission in London. Both countries are full members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

China 1954 See China–United Kingdom relations

Although on opposing sides of the Cold War, both countries were allies during World War II, and are members of the UN and permanent members of the Security Council. But because of the Cold War, First and Second Opium War, and the status of Hong Kong, and other issues, China-UK relations at some points in history have been complicated, but better at other times.

In July 2019, the UN ambassadors from 22 nations, including United Kingdom, signed a joint letter to the UNHRC condemning China's mistreatment of the Uyghurs as well as its mistreatment of other minority groups, urging the Chinese government to close the Xinjiang re-education camps.

Hong Kong See Hong Kong–United Kingdom relations

Hong Kong was a colony and later a dependent territory of the British Empire from 1841 to 1997, apart from a period of occupation under the Japanese Empire from 1941 to 1945. Hong Kong's sovereignty was transferred to the People's Republic of China in 1997.

The British Consulate-General in Hong Kong maintains and develops relations between the UK and Hong Kong.

India 1947 See India–United Kingdom relations

British India was a former colony of the British Empire. India has a high commission in London and two consulates-general in Birmingham and Edinburgh. The United Kingdom has a high commission in New Delhi and three deputy high commissions in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Although the Sterling Area no longer exists and the Commonwealth is much more an informal forum, India and the UK still have many enduring links. This is in part due to the significant number of people of Indian origin living in the UK. The Asian population in the UK results in steady travel and communication between the two countries. The English language, the railways, the legal and parliamentary systems and cricket have been warmly adopted. Indian cuisines are popular in the UK. The United Kingdom's favourite food is often reported to be Indian cuisine, although no official study reports this.

Economically the relationship between Britain and India is also strong. The UK is the second largest investor in India after the US. India is also the fourth largest investor in Britain after the US.

Indonesia 1949 See Indonesia–United Kingdom relations
  • Indonesia has an embassy in London, the United Kingdom has an embassy in Jakarta.
Iran 1807 See Iran–United Kingdom relations

Iran, which was known as Persia before 1935, has had political relations with England since the late Ilkhanate period (13th century) when King Edward I of England sent Geoffrey de Langley to the Ilkhanid court to seek an alliance.

Iraq 1920 See Iraq–United Kingdom relations

Sanctions against Iraq from 1990 to 2003 prevented any form of economic relations with the United Kingdom and any other country for thirteen years. Ties between London and Baghdad are slowly progressing.

Israel 1948 See Israel–United Kingdom relations

The United Kingdom has an embassy in Tel Aviv and a consul in Eilat. Israel has an embassy and a consulate in London. The UK's closest partner in the Middle East is Israel, and Israel's closest partner in Europe is the UK.

Japan 14 Oct 1854 See Japan–United Kingdom relations

Contact began in 1600 with the arrival of William Adams (Adams the Pilot, Miura Anjin) on the shores of Kyūshū at Usuki in Ōita Prefecture. During the Sakoku period (1641–1853) there were no relations. but with the impact of Industrial Revolution, British thread company launched its business in 1907 and thrived. The treaty of 1854 saw the resumption of ties which, despite the hiatus of the Second World War, remain very strong in the present day.

Kazakhstan 19 Jan 1992 See Kazakhstan–United Kingdom relations

The United Kingdom opened an embassy in Kazakhstan in October 1992 and Kazakhstan opened an embassy in Britain in February 1996. Kazakhstan's relations with the West have greatly improved in the last few years as the Government has closely cooperated in the United States-led War on Terror. See also Counter-terrorism in Kazakhstan

Britain is the third-largest foreign investor in Kazakhstan with British companies making up 14 per cent of foreign direct investment. Over 100 British companies do business in Kazakhstan.

Kyrgyzstan 1992 See Kyrgyzstan–United Kingdom relations
Macao See Foreign relations of Macao

There is no British Embassy in Macao. The Consulate-General in Hong Kong develops and maintains relations between the UK and Macao.

Malaysia 1957 See Malaysia–United Kingdom relations
The Yang di-Pertuan Agong in a carriage with Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom on the state visit to London, 1974.

The United Kingdom has a high commission in Kuala Lumpur, and Malaysia has a high commission in London. Both countries are full members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Both the UK and Malaysia are part of the Five Powers Defence Arrangements. Malaysia is a strong partner of Britain in the Far East. Britain has made numerous military sacrifices in guaranteeing a stable independent Malaysia, for example the Malaysian Emergency and the protection of the country during high tensions with Indonesia-Konfrontasi.

The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Abdul Halim of Kedah paid a state visit to the United Kingdom in July 1974. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak paid a state visit to the United Kingdom in November 1993. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom paid state visits to Malaysia in October 1989, and in September 1998.

Nepal 1 Sep 1816 See Nepal–United Kingdom relations

Relations between the UK and Nepal have historically been friendly and there have been close links between the Royal Families. The UK is highly regarded in Nepal as a result of historical ties, development assistance and long-term support in the struggle for democratic peace in Nepal.

North Korea 2000 See North Korea–United Kingdom relations
Oman 1971 See Oman–United Kingdom relations

The relations between the United Kingdom and Oman are strong and strategic. In April 2010 the government of Oman stated that it wanted to buy Eurofighter Typhoons from the UK. The United Kingdom has an embassy in Mina al Fahal and Oman has an embassy in London.

Pakistan 1947 See Pakistan–United Kingdom relations
  • Pakistan left the Commonwealth of Nations in 1972 in protest of the organisation's recognition of Bangladeshi independence, before rejoining in 1989.
Palestine See Palestine–United Kingdom relations

The United Kingdom maintains a consulate in Jerusalem which handles British relations with the Palestinian Authority. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office states the "Consular district covers Jerusalem (West and East), the West Bank and Gaza. As well as work on the Middle East Peace Process and other political issues, the consulate also promotes trade between the UK and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and manages an extensive programme of aid and development work. The latter is undertaken primarily by the DFID office in Jerusalem.".

The Palestinian Authority is represented in London by Manuel Hassassian, the Palestinian General Delegate to the United Kingdom.

Philippines 4 Jul 1946 See Philippines–United Kingdom relations
  • The United Kingdom and the Philippines have good relations.
  • The Philippines has been one of the UK's major recruitment countries for nurses and over 80,000 Filipino nurses and care-givers work in the UK. The total Philippine community in the UK is estimated to be about 150,000. There are estimated to be some 15,000 British nationals living in the Philippines. About 180,000 British nationals visit the Philippines annually.
Qatar 1971 See Qatar–United Kingdom relations
  • Bilateral relations between the two countries have expanded since the opening of the British embassy in Doha in 1949, marked by the arrival of British Political Officer John Wilton.
  • UK Prime Minister David Cameron visited Qatar in 2011, and the then Emir of Qatar made a 3-day state visit in October 2010.
  • The current Emir of Qatar made a state visit to the UK in October 2014.
  • In March 2013, Prince Charles and his wife the Duchess of Cornwall, arrived in Qatar for a state visit.
  • On 20 September 2019, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosted Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at the Downing Street. Johnson pressed over the fact that the UK's relation with Qatar is going from “strength to strength”.
Saudi Arabia 1927 See Saudi Arabia–United Kingdom relations

The UK has an embassy in Riyadh, consulate in Jeddah and trade office in Al Khobar. Saudi Arabia has an embassy and consulate in London.

Singapore 1965 See Singapore–United Kingdom relations

Singapore and the United Kingdom share a friendly relationship since Singapore became independent from the United Kingdom in 1959. Singapore retained the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as the final court of appeal up till 1989 (fully abolished in 1994) due to political reasons.

South Korea 26 Nov 1883 See South Korea–United Kingdom relations
  • Formal relations between South Korea and the United Kingdom commenced on the 18 January 1949 although diplomatic ties go back to 1883. British military participation in the Korean War during the 1950s was significant, but relations between the two countries at the time were described as "tenuous", with relatively little known about each other. Commercial and trade relationships grew rapidly during the 1970s. During the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s, the Queen made a state visit to South Korea which was well received at a time of crisis in the country. Today, there are strong economic and diplomatic links between the two countries. The United Kingdom has a visa scheme through which young South Koreans can live and work in the UK for two years. There is a British embassy in Seoul and a South Korean embassy in London.
Sri Lanka 1948 See Sri Lanka–United Kingdom relations
Syria See Syria–United Kingdom relations

In 2001, positive relations were developed between Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Syrian government, as part of the War on Terror. Since the 2011 civil war, relations have deteriorated, and the UK was one of the first countries to recognise the opposition as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

Taiwan No relations See Taiwan–United Kingdom relations
Thailand 18 Apr 1855 See Thailand–United Kingdom relations
Turkey 1793 See Turkey–United Kingdom relations
  • Turkey has an embassy and a consulate general in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Ankara, a consulate general in Istanbul, a vice consulate in Antalya and a consulate in Izmir. The United Kingdom has honorary consulates in Adana, Bodrum, Fethiye and Marmaris.

The United Kingdom is the second biggest importer of goods from Turkey, after Germany. Turkey exports around 8 per cent of its total goods to the United Kingdom. Around 1,000,000 Britons take holidays in Turkey every year, while 100,000 Turks travel to the UK for business or pleasure.

The United Kingdom does not recognise the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The TRNC is only recognised by Turkey. The UK is also a signatory to a treaty with Greece and Turkey concerning the independence of Cyprus, the Treaty of Guarantee, which maintains that Britain is a "guarantor power" of the island's independence. Both countries are members of NATO.

United Arab Emirates 1971 See United Arab Emirates–United Kingdom relations
  • The UAE has an embassy in London.
  • The UK maintains an embassy in Abu Dhabi and is unique in having another Embassy in Dubai.
  • The UAE-UK relations have been described as a "special relationship".
  • Queen Elizabeth II has visited the UAE 2 times.
  • 100,000 British citizens live in the UAE.
Uzbekistan 1992 See United Kingdom–Uzbekistan relations
  • The United Kingdom maintains an embassy in Tashkent.
  • Uzbekistan maintains an embassy in London.
Vietnam 1973 See Foreign relations of Vietnam
  • Vietnam is represented in the UK by the Embassy of Vietnam in London.
  • The UK entered into a strategic partnership agreement with Vietnam in 2010 to demonstrate the extent of existing cooperation between the countries, as well as showing the two governments ambitions for the future.


The UK maintained good relations with Western Europe since 1945, and Eastern Europe since end of the Cold War in 1989. After years of dispute with France it joined the European Economic Community in 1973, which eventually evolved into the European Union through the Maastricht Treaty twenty years later. Unlike the majority of European countries, the UK does not use the euro as its currency and is not a member of the Eurozone. During the years of its membership of the European Union, the United Kingdom had often been referred to as a "peculiar" member, due to its occasional dispute in policies with the organisation. The United Kingdom regularly opted out of EU legislation and policies. Through differences in geography, culture and history, national opinion polls have found that of the 28 nationalities in the European Union, British people have historically felt the least European. On 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union and formally left on 31 January 2020.

Country Formal relations began Notes
Albania Dec 1920 See Albania–United Kingdom relations
  • Albania has an embassy in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Tirana.
  • FCO Profile

Both countries are members of NATO.

Andorra 9 Mar 1994 See Foreign relations of Andorra
  • The United Kingdom's consulate-general in Barcelona handles the United Kingdom's consular activities in Andorra.
Belarus 1992 See Foreign relations of Belarus
  • Belarus has an embassy in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Minsk.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 Apr 1992 See Foreign relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina has an embassy in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Sarajevo and an embassy office in Banja Luka.
Georgia 1919 See Georgia–United Kingdom relations
  • Georgia has an embassy in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Tbilisi.
Iceland 1944 See Iceland–United Kingdom relations

Both countries are members of NATO.

Kosovo 2008 See Kosovo–United Kingdom relations
  • Kosovo has a Consular Mission in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Pristina.

When Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008, the United Kingdom became one of the first countries to officially announce recognition of sovereign Kosovo on 18 February 2008. The United Kingdom has had an embassy in Pristina since 5 March 2008. Kosovo has an embassy in London since 1 October 2008.

Moldova 17 Jan 1992 See Foreign relations of Moldova
  • Moldova has an embassy in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Chişinău.

The number of British and Moldovan citizens in Moldova and the United Kingdom respectively is insignificant. When visiting Moldova no visa obligation exists for British citizens for stays in Moldova less than 90 days, otherwise a visa is required. For Moldovan citizens a visa is required for any border crossing, except for transfer passengers.

Montenegro 13 Jun 2006 See Montenegro–United Kingdom relations

Both countries are members of NATO.

Norway 1905 See Norway–United Kingdom relations
  • Norway has an embassy in London and consulate general in Edinburgh. Norway also has consulates in Aberdeen, Ardrossan, Barrow-on-Furness, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Douglas, Dundee, Gibraltar, Glasgow, Grimsby, Inverness, Jersey, Kirkwall, Lerwick, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Plymouth, Southampton and Stornoway.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Oslo and consulates in Ålesund, Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim. The United Kingdom also has honorary consulates in Bodø, Kristiansand and Tromsø.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Russia 1553 See Russia–United Kingdom relations
  • Russia has an embassy in London and a consulate in Edinburgh.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Moscow and consulate generals in Ekaterinburg and Saint Petersburg.

Spanning nearly five centuries, the relationship has often switched from a state of alliance to rivalry. Both countries were allies during World War I and II. During the Cold War, both countries participated in intense espionage activity against each other. In the early-21st century, especially following the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, relations became strained again, and since 2014 have grown more unfriendly due to the Russo-Ukrainian War and to activities by Russia such as the suspected 2018 poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, seen as hostile by the UK and by many in the Western world. In the wake of the poisoning, 28 countries expelled suspected Russian spies acting as diplomats.

San Marino 1899 See San Marino–United Kingdom relations
  • San Marino has a consulate general in London.
  • The United Kingdom has a consulate general to San Marino in Rome.
Serbia 1837 See Serbia–United Kingdom relations
Switzerland 1900 See Switzerland–United Kingdom relations
  • Switzerland has an embassy in London and consulate general in Edinburgh. Switzerland also has consulates in Belfast, Cardiff, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Hamilton, Manchester and St Peter Port.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Bern.
Ukraine 1991 See Ukraine–United Kingdom relations
Vatican City 1982 See Holy See–United Kingdom relations

With the English Reformation, diplomatic links between London and the Holy See, which had been established in 1479, were interrupted in 1536 and again, after a brief restoration in 1553, in 1558. Formal diplomatic ties between the United Kingdom and the Holy See were restored in 1914 and raised to ambassadorial level in 1982.

European Union

Country Formal relations began Notes
Austria 1799 See Austria–United Kingdom relations

Relations between the Austrian Empire and England were established in the Middle Ages. The United Kingdom and Austria continue these relations.

Belgium 1830 See Belgium–United Kingdom relations
  • Belgium has an embassy in London and honorary consulates in Belfast, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Gibraltar, Kingston-upon-Hull, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Saint Helier and Southampton.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy and a consulate general in Brussels.

The two countries have trading links going back to the 10th century, especially wool trade from England to the County of Flanders.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Bulgaria Jul 1879 See Bulgaria–United Kingdom relations
  • Bulgaria has an embassy in London and an honorary consulate in Dundee.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Sofia,

Both countries are members of NATO.

Croatia 1992 See Croatia–United Kingdom relations
  • Croatia has an embassy in London and a consulate in Edinburgh.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Zagreb and consulates in Dubrovnik and Split.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Cyprus 1960 See Cyprus–United Kingdom relations

The UK maintains two sovereign area military bases on the island of Cyprus. The UK is also a signatory to a treaty with Greece and Turkey concerning the independence of Cyprus, the Treaty of Guarantee, which maintains that Britain is a "guarantor power" of the island's independence.

  • Cyprus has a High Commission in London and honorary consulates in Birmingham, Bristol, Dunblane, Glasgow, Northern Ireland and West Yorkshire.
  • The United Kingdom has a High Commission in Nicosia.
Czech Republic 1993 See Czech Republic–United Kingdom relations
  • The Czech Republic has an embassy in London and honorary consulates in Belfast and Edinburgh.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Prague.

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom paid a state visit to the Czech Republic in March 1996. Both countries are members of NATO.

Denmark 1 Oct 1654 See Denmark–United Kingdom relations
  • Denmark has an embassy in London.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Copenhagen.

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark paid state visits to the United Kingdom in April/May 1974, and in February 2000. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom paid state visits to Denmark in May 1957, and in May 1979. Both countries are members of NATO.

Estonia 1991 See Foreign relations of Estonia
  • Estonia has an embassy in London and honorary consuls in Liverpool, Cheltenham, Paisley and Wales.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Tallinn.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Finland 6 May 1919 See Foreign relations of Finland

Both countries are members of NATO.

France 1505 See France–United Kingdom relations
  • France has an embassy in London and consulates general in London and Edinburgh.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Paris and consulates in Bordeaux, Lyon and Marseille.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Germany 1680 See Germany–United Kingdom relations
  • Germany has an embassy in London and a consulate general in Edinburgh. German also has honorary consulates in Aberdeen, Barrow on Humber, Belfast, Coventry, Bristol, Cardiff, Dover, Glasgow, Guernsey, Jersey, Kirkwall, Leeds, Lerwick, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Newcastle upon Tyne, Plymouth and Southampton.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Berlin and consulates general in Düsseldorf and Munich. The United Kingdom also has honorary consulates in Bremen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Kiel, Nürnberg and Stuttgart.
  • The UK maintains military bases in Germany.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Greece 1832 See Greece–United Kingdom relations
  • Greece has an embassy in London and honorary consulates in Belfast, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Gibraltar, Glasgow and Leeds.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Athens and a Honorary Vice Consulate in Patras. The United Kingdom also has honorary consulates in Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Thessaloniki and Zakynthos.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Hungary 1920 See also Hungary–United Kingdom relations
  • Hungary has an embassy in London and a general consulate in Manchester.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Budapest.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Ireland 1921 See Ireland–United Kingdom relations

Despite a long history of conflict from English Tudor plantation in Ireland to the Irish War of independence, the UK presently works closely with the government of the Republic of Ireland in areas concerning the peace process in Northern Ireland as well as on many security issues. In 1949 the Irish Houses of Parliament passed the Republic of Ireland Act, making the Republic of Ireland officially fully independent; the country withdrew from the Commonwealth. Under the Ireland Act 1949 Irish citizens are treated as though they are Commonwealth citizens and not aliens for the purposes of law. Until 1998, the Republic of Ireland claimed Northern Ireland, but this was rescinded under the Belfast Agreement through an amendment of the Irish Constitution, which now states an aspiration to peaceful unity. There is an ongoing dispute that also involves Denmark and Iceland, over the status of the ocean floor surrounding Rockall. However, this is for the most part a trivial issue that rarely makes it onto British-Irish meeting agendas. Ireland has confidential agreements with both the United Kingdom and NATO to defend sovereign Irish airspace from intrusions or attacks.

  • Ireland has an embassy in London and a consulate general in Cardiff, Edinburgh and Manchester.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Dublin.

Under the Ireland Act 1949 Irish citizens are treated as though they are Commonwealth citizens and not aliens for the purposes of law. See Commonwealth of Nations & Ireland Section above.

Italy 1861 See Italy–United Kingdom relations
  • Italy has an embassy in London, a consulate general in Edinburgh and a consulate in Manchester.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Rome, a consulate general in Milan and a consulate in Naples.

Between 4 and 5 million British tourists visit Italy every year, while 1 million Italian tourists visit the UK. There are about 19,000 British nationals living in Italy, and 150,000 Italians living in the UK.

  • 'Britalian' - British people of Italian descent.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Latvia 1991 See Foreign relations of Latvia
  • Latvia has an embassy in London and honorary consulates in Edinburgh, Northern Ireland, Manchester and Wales.
  • The United Kingdom has embassy in Riga.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Lithuania 4 Sep 1991 See Lithuania–United Kingdom relations

There are around 100,000 Lithuanians living in the United Kingdom. Both countries are members of NATO. In 2006, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and Prince Philip paid an official state visit to Lithuania.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Luxembourg See Foreign relations of Luxembourg
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Luxembourg City.
  • Luxembourg has an embassy in London.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Malta 1964 See Malta–United Kingdom relations

In the 1950s and 1960s, serious consideration was given in both countries to the idea of a political union between the United Kingdom and Malta. However, this plan for "Integration with Britain" foundered, and Malta gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1964. British Monarch Queen Elizabeth II remained Queen of Malta until the country became a Republic in 1974. There is a small Maltese community in the United Kingdom. In addition, the British overseas territory of Gibraltar has been influenced by significant 18th and 19th Century immigration from Malta (see "History of the Maltese in Gibraltar").

  • Malta has a High Commission in London and consulates in Gibraltar, the Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
  • The United Kingdom has a High Commission in Valletta.

Malta is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. See Commonwealth of Nations & Ireland Section above.

Netherlands 1603 See Netherlands–United Kingdom relations
  • The Netherlands has an embassy in London and consulates in Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Guernsey, Hamilton, Harwich, Hull, Liverpool, Manchester, Plymouth and Southampton. The Netherlands also has a vice consulate in Dover.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in The Hague and consulates in Amsterdam and Willemstad.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Poland 1919 See Poland–United Kingdom relations
  • Poland has an embassy in London, a consulate general in Edinburgh and Manchester. Poland also has honorary consulates in Bristol, Gibraltar, Hull, Kidderminster, Newry and St Helier.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Warsaw.
  • Both countries participate in shared defence and security cooperation.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Portugal 1373 See Portugal–United Kingdom relations
  • Portugal has an embassy and consulate general in London and consulates in Edinburgh, Hamilton, Manchester and St Helier.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Lisbon and consulates in Lisbon and Portimão. The United Kingdom also has honorary consulates in Funchal, Oporto and Ponta Delgada.

The relationship dates back to the Middle Ages in 1373 with the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Romania 20 Feb 1880 See Romania–United Kingdom relations

Both countries are members of NATO.

Slovakia 1993 See Slovakia–United Kingdom relations

Both countries are members of NATO.

Slovenia 1992 See Foreign relations of Slovenia
  • Slovenia has an embassy in London
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Ljubljana.

Both countries are members of NATO.

Spain 1509 See Spain–United Kingdom relations
  • Spain has an embassy in London and consulates general in Edinburgh and Manchester.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Madrid and consulates general in Barcelona and Madrid. The United Kingdom also has consulates in Bilbao, Ibiza, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Málaga, Palma de Mallorca and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

During the Second World War Spain remained neutral, but was perceived to be closely aligned with Nazi Germany. Following the end of the war, frosty relations continued between the two states until the end of the Franco era and the democratisation of Spain. Both countries are members of NATO.

Sweden 1653 See Sweden–United Kingdom relations
  • Sweden has an embassy in London as well as consulates general in Edinburgh and Gibraltar. Sweden also has consulates in Guernsey and Jersey as well as honorary consulates in Belfast, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Dover, Glasgow, Immingham, Lerwick, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Southampton and Stornonway.
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Stockholm and honorary consulates in Gothenburg and Malmö.


Country Formal relations began Notes
Australia 1936 See Australia–United Kingdom relations

Australia–United Kingdom relations are close, marked by shared history, culture, institutions and language, extensive people-to-people links, aligned security interests, and vibrant trade and investment cooperation. The long-standing relationship formally began in 1901 when the six British Crown colonies in Australia federated, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed as a Dominion of the British Empire. Australia fought alongside Britain in World War I, notably at Gallipoli, and again in World War II. Andrew Fisher, Australian prime minister from 1914 to 1916, declared that Australia would defend the United Kingdom "to the last man and the last shilling." Australia's sovereignty, de facto recognised at the end of the First World War, was formalised with the Statute of Westminster of 1931. Until 1949, the United Kingdom and Australia nevertheless shared a common nationality code. The final constitutional ties between United Kingdom and Australia ended in 1986 with the passing of the Australia Act 1986. Currently, more than 4 per cent of the Australian population was born in the UK, giving strong mutual relations. Furthermore, investment and trade between the two countries are still important.

Nauru 1968 See Nauru–United Kingdom relations

Nauru was part of the British Western Pacific Territories from September 1914 and June 1921. The British Government had ceased to exercise any direct role in the governance of Nauru by 1968, when the island achieved its independence. The Nauruan government maintains an Hon. Consul, Martin W I Weston. The British High Commission in Suva is responsible for the United Kingdom's bilateral relations with Nauru.

New Zealand 1939 See New Zealand–United Kingdom relations

Up to about the 1960s, New Zealand also had extremely close economic relations with the United Kingdom, especially considering the distance at which trade took place. As an example, in 1955, Britain took 65.3 per cent of New Zealand's exports, and only during the following decades did this dominant position begin to decline as the United Kingdom oriented itself more towards the European Union, with the share of exports going to Britain having fallen to only 6.2 per cent in 2000. Historically, some industries, such as dairying, a major economic factor in the former colony, had even more dominant trade links, with 80–100 per cent of all cheese and butter exports going to Britain from around 1890 to 1940. This strong bond also supported the mutual feelings for each other in other areas.

Papua New Guinea 1975 See Papua New Guinea–United Kingdom relations

Papua New Guinea and the United Kingdom share Queen Elizabeth as their head of state. They have had relations since 1975 when Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia.

Tonga 1879 See Foreign relations of Tuvalu

The United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Tonga established formal mutual diplomatic recognition in 1879. Tonga was then a British protectorate from 1900 to 1970, whereupon diplomatic relations resumed at the level of sovereign states.

International organisations

The United Kingdom is a member of the following international organisations:

  • ADB - Asian Development Bank (nonregional member)
  • AfDB - African Development Bank (nonregional member)
  • Arctic Council (observer)
  • Australia Group
  • BIS - Bank for International Settlements
  • Commonwealth of Nations
  • CBSS - Council of the Baltic Sea States (observer)
  • CDB - Caribbean Development Bank
  • Council of Europe
  • CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
  • CPTPP - Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans–Pacific Partnership
  • EAPC - Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
  • EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • EIB - European Investment Bank
  • ESA - European Space Agency
  • FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
  • FATF - Financial Action Task Force
  • G-20 - Group of Twenty
  • G-5 - Group of Five
  • G7 - Group of Seven
  • G8 - Group of Eight
  • G-10 - Group of Ten (economics)
  • IADB - Inter-American Development Bank
  • IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
  • IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (also known as the World Bank)
  • ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
  • ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
  • ICCt - International Criminal Court
  • ICRM - International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
  • IDA - International Development Association
  • IEA - International Energy Agency
  • IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development
  • IFC - International Finance Corporation
  • IFRCS - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • IHO - International Hydrographic Organization
  • ILO - International Labour Organization
  • IMF - International Monetary Fund
  • IMO - International Maritime Organization
  • IMSO - International Mobile Satellite Organization
  • Interpol - International Criminal Police Organization
  • IOC - International Olympic Committee
  • IOM - International Organization for Migration
  • IPU - Inter-Parliamentary Union
  • ISO - International Organization for Standardization
  • ITSO - International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
  • ITU - International Telecommunication Union
  • ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation
  • MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
  • MONUSCO - United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency
  • NSG - Nuclear Suppliers Group
  • OAS - Organization of American States (observer)
  • OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  • OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
  • Paris Club
  • PCA - Permanent Court of Arbitration
  • PIF - Pacific Islands Forum (partner)
  • SECI - Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (observer)
  • UN - United Nations
  • UNSC - United Nations Security Council
  • UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • UNFICYP - United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
  • UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  • UNMIS - United Nations Mission in Sudan
  • UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
  • UPU - Universal Postal Union
  • WCO - World Customs Organization
  • WHO - World Health Organization
  • WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
  • WMO - World Meteorological Organization
  • WTO - World Trade Organization
  • Zangger Committee - (also known as the) Nuclear Exporters Committee

See also