Flight-time equivalent dose

Flight-time equivalent dose (FED) is an informal unit of measurement of ionizing radiation exposure. Expressed in units of flight-time (i.e., flight-seconds, flight-minutes, flight-hours), one unit of flight-time is approximately equivalent to the radiological dose received during the same unit of time spent in an airliner at cruising altitude. FED is intended as a general educational unit to enable a better understanding of radiological dose by converting dose typically presented in sieverts into units of time. FED is only meant as an educational exercise and is not a formally adopted dose measurement.

Visual comparison of radiological exposure from daily life activities.
Visual comparison of radiological exposure from medical sources.


The flight-time equivalent dose concept is the creation of Ulf Stahmer, a Canadian professional engineer working in the field of radioactive materials transport. It was first presented in the poster session at the 18th International Symposium of the Packaging and Transport of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM) held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan where the poster received an Aoki Award for distinguished poster presentation. In 2018, an article on FED appeared in the peer-reviewed journal The Physics Teacher.


Flight-time equivalent dose is an informal measurement, so any equivalences are necessarily approximate. It has been found useful to provide context between radiological doses received from various every-day activities and medical procedures.

Dose calculation

FED corresponds to the time spent in an airliner flying at altitude required to receive a corresponding radiological dose. FED is calculated by taking a known dose (typically in millisieverts) and dividing it by the average dose rate (typically in millisieverts per hour) at an altitude of 10,000 m, a typical cruising altitude for a commercial airliner.

While radiological dose at cruising altitudes varies with latitude, for FED calculations, the radiological dose rate at an altitude of 10,000 m has been standardized to be 0.004 mSv/h, about 15 times greater than the average dose rate at the Earth's surface. Using this technique, the FED received from a 0.01 mSv panoramic dental x-ray is approximately equivalent to 2.5 flight-hours; the FED received from eating one banana is approximately equal to 1.5 flight-minutes; and the FED received each year from naturally occurring background radiation (2.4 mSv/year) is approximately equivalent to 600 flight-hours.

Radiological exposures and limits

For comparison, a list of activities (including common medical procedures) and their estimated radiological exposures are tabulated below. Regulatory occupational dose limits for the public and radiation workers are also included. Items on this list are represented pictorially in the accompanying illustrations.

List of radiologial exposures from various sources
Activity Event Type Dose FED
Airport x-ray full body scan singular 0.00001 mSv 9 flight-seconds
One hour of sun exposure singular 0.00004 mSv 36 flight-seconds
Household smoke detector annual 0.00008 mSv 1.2 flight-minutes
Living near a nuclear generating station annual 0.00009 mSv 1.3 flight-minutes
Eating one banana singular 0.0001 mSv 1.5 flight-minutes
Living near a coal generating station annual 0.0003 mSv 4.5 flight-minutes
Crowns or false teeth annual 0.0007 mSv 10.5 flight-minutes
Bone scan or extremity (arm) x-ray singular 0.001 mSv 15 flight-minutes
One hour of air travel singular 0.004 mSv 1 flight-hour
Dental (intraoral) or knee x-ray singular 0.005 mSv 1.2 flight-hours
Dental (panoramic) or shoulder x-ray singular 0.01 mSv 2.5 flight-hours
Sleeping next to someone annual 0.02 mSv 5 flight-hours
Bone scan with CT singular 0.04 mSv 10 flight-hours
Living in a stone or brick building annual 0.07 mSv 17.5 flight-hours
Chest or skull x-ray singular 0.1 mSv 25 flight-hours
Smoking cigarettes (1/2 pack per day) annual 0.18 mSv 45 flight-hours
Cervical spine x-ray singular 0.2 mSv 50 flight-hours
Mammogram singular 0.4 mSv 100 flight-hours
Pelvic x-ray singular 0.6 mSv 150 flight-hours
Abdomen or hip x-ray singular 0.7 mSv 175 flight-hours
Public dose limit limit 1 mSv 250 flight-hours
Lumbar spine x-ray singular 1.5 mSv 375 flight-hours
Background radiation in Toronto, CA annual 1.6 mSv 400 flight-hours
Brain CT scan singular 2 mSv 500 flight-hours
Background radiation - worldwide average annual 2.4 mSv 600 flight-hours
Flight crew annual 3 mSv 750 flight-hours
Neck CT or calcium scoring CT singular 3 mSv 750 flight-hours
Background radiation in Winnipeg, CA annual 4 mSv 1000 flight-hours
Thoracic angiography of heart singular 5 mSv 1250 flight-hours
Pelvic or chest CT scan singular 6 mSv 1500 flight-hours
Barium enema singular 8 mSv 2000 flight-hours
Average Fukishima recovery worker singular 12 mSv 3000 flight-hours
Abdominal angiography or aortography singular 12 mSv 3000 flight-hours
Coronary angioplasty or stent placement singular 15 mSv 3750 flight-hours
Coronary angiography singular 16 mSv 4000 flight-hours
Radiation worker dose limit limit 50 mSv 12,500 flight-hours
Pelvic vein embolization singular 60 mSv 15,000 flight-hours
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement singular 70 mSv 17,500 flight-hours
Astronaut on 6 month ISS mission singular 72 mSv 18,000 flight-hours
Lowest acute dose known to cause cancer singular 100 mSv 25,000 flight-hours

See also