Fleming Fjord Formation

Fleming Fjord Formation
Stratigraphic range: Norian-Rhaetian
Eosauropus tracks from the Fleming Fjord Formation
Type Geological formation
Unit of Scoresby Land Group
Sub-units Edderfugledal, Malmros Klint & Ørsted Dal Members
Underlies Kap Stewart Group
Overlies Gippsdalen Formation
Area 3,000 km2 (1,200 sq mi)
Thickness 200–300 m (660–980 ft)
Primary Mudstone, claystone
Other Limestone, sandstone
Coordinates 71.9°N 22.56°W / 71.9; -22.56
Approximate paleocoordinates 45.7°N 2.8°W / 45.7; -2.8
Region East Greenland
Country Greenland
Extent Jameson Land
Type section
Named for Fleming Fjord
Fleming Fjord Formation is located in Greenland
Fleming Fjord Formation
Fleming Fjord Formation (Greenland)

The Fleming Fjord Formation, alternatively called the Fleming Fjord Group is an Upper Triassic geological formation in the northeastern coast of Jameson Land, Greenland. It consists of terrestrial sediments and is known for its fossil content.


It is of Norian to Rhaetian age and is subdivided into three members; at the base the Edderfugledal Member, followed by the Malmros Klint Member with the Ørsted Dal Member at the top. It was deposited in a large shallow to ephemeral lake.


The fauna of Fleming Fjord is diverse, including sauropodomorph dinosaurs, pterosaurs, temnospondyls, mammaliaforms, aetosaurs, and other taxa. Freshwater unionid bivalves and conchostracans have been reported from the Malmros Klint Member.


Lungfish, actinopterygian, and chondrichthyan teeth have been reported from the Malmros Klint Member.

Fish of the Fleming Fjord Formation
Genus / Taxon Species Member Notes
Ceratodus C. tunuensis Ørsted Dal Member A lungfish, possibly synonymous with Ptychoceratodus rectangulus
Ptychoceratodus P. rectangulus Ørsted Dal Member A lungfish


Amphibians of the Fleming Fjord Formation
Genus / Taxon Species Member Notes Images
Cyclotosaurus C. naraserluki Ørsted Dal Member A capitosaurian temnospondyl
Gerrothorax G. cf. pulcherrimus Malmros Klint Member,

Ørsted Dal Member

A plagiosaurid temnospondyl
Salientia indet. Ørsted Dal Member A potential stem-group anuran (frog)


Besides the forms described below, a diverse ichnofauna of small and large tracks has also been reported from the Malmros Klint Member, as well as coprolites and additional theropod, pterosaur, and turtle fossils.

Color key
Taxon Reclassified taxon Taxon falsely reported as present Dubious taxon or junior synonym Ichnotaxon Ootaxon Morphotaxon
Uncertain or tentative taxa are in small text; crossed out taxa are discredited.
Reptiles of the Fleming Fjord Formation
Genus / Taxon Species Member Notes Images
Aetosaurus A. ferratus Ørsted Dal Member A small aetosaur
Issi saaneq
Paratypothorax andressorum
Arcticodactylus A. cromptonellus Ørsted Dal Member A eudimorphodontid pterosaur
cf. Brachychirotherium Ørsted Dal Member Small quadrupedal tracks, likely produced by small or juvenile pseudosuchians
Eosauropus sp. Ørsted Dal Member Large (>40 cm per footprint) quadrupedal tracks, likely produced by an early sauropod related to Eusauropoda
Evazoum sp. Ørsted Dal Member Large (~36 cm per footprint) bipedal tracks, likely produced by a plateosaurian sauropodomorph. By far the largest prints assigned to this ichnogenus
Grallator sp. Malmros Klint Member, Ørsted Dal Member Small bipedal tracks, likely produced by theropods
Issi I. saaneq Malmros Klint Member A plateosaurid sauropodomorph closely related to (and previously referred to) Plateosaurus
Paratypothorax P. andressorum Ørsted Dal Member? A moderate-sized paratypothoracin aetosaur
Phytosauria indet. Malmros Klint Member Indeterminate phytosaur fossils, including adult and juvenile specimens
Plateosauridae indet. Malmros Klint Member, Ørsted Dal Member Undescribed fossils of plateosaurid sauropodomorphs, including complete skeletons. Plateosaurid skull material has been named as the species Issi saaneq
cf. Proganochelys Ørsted Dal Member Turtle fossils possibly referrable to Proganochelys
Testudinata indet. Malmros Klint Member?, Ørsted Dal Member Indeterminate testudinatan (turtle) fossils


Synapsids of the Fleming Fjord Formation
Genus / Taxon Species Member Notes Images
cf. Brachyzostrodon Ørsted Dal Member A morganucodont mammaliaform
Haramiyavia clemmenseni
Haramiyavia H. clemmenseni Ørsted Dal Member A haramiyid mammaliaform
Kalaallitkigun K. jenkinsi Ørsted Dal Member A haramiyid mammaliaform
Kuehneotherium sp. Ørsted Dal Member A kuehneotheriid mammaliaform
Mitredon M. cromptoni Ørsted Dal Member A probainognathian cynodont with uncertain affinities

See also