European History Quarterly

European History Quarterly
Discipline History
Language English
Edited by Silvia Evangelisti, Ilaria Favretto, Peter Anderson, Amanda Dillon
Publication details
Former name(s)
European Studies Review
History 1971–present
Frequency Quarterly
0.415 (2018)
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4 Eur. Hist. Q.
European Studies Review
ISSN 0265-6914 (print)
1461-7110 (web)
LCCN 84643695
OCLC no. 123479187
European Studies Review
ISSN 0014-3111

European History Quarterly is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles in the field of history. The journal was established in 1971 as the European Studies Review and obtained its current title in 1984. It covers a range of subjects from the later Middle Ages to post-1945.

Abstracting and indexing

European History Quarterly is abstracted and indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2018 impact factor of 0.415, ranking 160th out of 176 in Political Science and 59th out of 95 in History.