Epiglottal plosive

Epiglottal plosive
(pharyngeal plosive)
IPA Number 173
Audio sample
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Entity (decimal) ʡ
Unicode (hex) U+02A1
Braille ⠦ (braille pattern dots-236)⠆ (braille pattern dots-23)

The epiglottal or pharyngeal plosive (or stop) is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ʡ.

Epiglottal and pharyngeal consonants occur at the same place of articulation. Esling (2010) describes the sound covered by the term "epiglottal plosive" as an "active closure by the aryepiglottic pharyngeal stricture mechanism" – that is, a stop produced by the aryepiglottic folds within the pharynx.


The epiglottis is labelled as "12" in this diagram.

Features of the epiglottal stop:


Language Word IPA Meaning Notes
Amis 'u'ul [ʡuʡuɺ̠ᵊ] 'fog' May have a trilled release, ʢ].
Archi гӀарз/g'arz [ʡarz] 'complaint'
Dahalo 'lake'
Haida Northern dialects antl [ʡʌntɬ] 'water' Corresponds to /q/ in southern dialects.
Ingush Ӏам/wam [ʡam] 'lake, pond' Also represented with "Ӏ" in the Cyrillic orthography.

See also