Enannatum I

Enannatum I
King of Lagash
The inscription "Enannatum, Ensi of Lagash" (๐’‚—๐’€ญ๐’ˆพ๐’บ ๐’‘๐’‹ผ๐’‹› ๐’‰ข๐’“๐’†ท๐’† ) is located before the profile of Enannatum, vertically. Detail of a stone plaque. Circa 2420 BCE. From Girsu, Iraq. The British Museum, London.
Reign c. 2450  BC
Predecessor Eannatum
Successor Entemena
Dynasty 1st Dynasty of Lagash

Enannatum I (Sumerian: ๐’‚—๐’€ญ๐’ˆพ๐’บ, EN.AN.NA-tum2), son of Akurgal, succeeded his brother E-anna-tum as Ensi (ruler, king) of Lagash. During his rule, Umma once more asserted independence under its ensi Ur-Lumma, who attacked Lagash unsuccessfully. After several battles, En-an-na-tรบm I finally defeated Ur-Lumma. Ur-Lumma was replaced by a priest-king, Illi, who also attacked Lagash.

Enannatum had a son named Meannesi, who is known for dedicating a statue for the life of his father and mother. He has two other sons, Lummatur, and Entemena, the latter succeeding him to the throne. His wife was named Ashumen.