Eastern Orthodoxy by country

Based on the numbers of adherents, the Eastern Orthodox Church (also known as Eastern Orthodoxy) is the second largest Christian communion in the world, after the Roman Catholic Church, with the most common estimates of baptised members being approximately 220 million. The numerous Protestant groups in the world, if taken all together, substantially outnumber the Eastern Orthodox, but they differ theologically and do not form a single communion.


Eastern Orthodoxy is the predominant religion in Russia (77%), where roughly half the world's Eastern Orthodox Christians live. The religion is also heavily concentrated in the rest of Eastern Europe, where it is the majority religion in Ukraine (65.4%–77%), Romania (82%), Belarus (48%–73%), Greece (95%–98%), Serbia (97%), Bulgaria (62.7%), Moldova (93%), Georgia (84%), North Macedonia (65%), Cyprus (89%) and Montenegro (72%); it is also predominant in the disputed territories of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria.

Significant minorities are present in several European countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (31%), Latvia (18%), Estonia (14%), Albania (7%), Lithuania (4%), Croatia (4%), Slovenia (2%), and Finland (1.5%). In the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, Eastern Orthodoxy constitutes the dominant religion in northern Kazakhstan, representing 23.9% of the population of the region, and is also a significant minority in Kyrgyzstan (17%), Turkmenistan (5%), Uzbekistan (5%), Azerbaijan (2%), and Tajikistan (1%). In the Middle East, the most significant Eastern Orthodox populations are in Lebanon (8%), Syria (5–8% prior to the 2011 civil war) in Palestine (0.5%–2.5%) and Jordan (over 1%).

The percentage of Christians in Turkey, home to an historically large and influential Eastern Orthodox community, fell from 19% in 1914 to 2.5% in 1927, due to genocide, demographic upheavals caused by the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, and the emigration of Christians to foreign countries (mostly in Europe and the Americas). Today there are more than 160,000 people of different Christian denominations.

Recent immigration and missionary activity have raised the numbers of Eastern Orthodox adherents in traditionally Catholic and Protestant countries, including Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada and Switzerland, where they comprise roughly 2% of the population in each.

Eastern Orthodox population by country

Eastern Orthodox population by country

The number of members of the Eastern Orthodox Church in each country has been subject to debate.

Each study performed that seeks to discover the number of adherents in a country may use different criteria, and be submitted to different populations. As such, some numbers may be inflated, and therefore inaccurate. Examples of this are Greece and Russia, where estimates of adherence to Eastern Orthodoxy may reach 80–98%, but where surveys found lower percentages professing Eastern Orthodoxy or belief in God. The likely reason for this disparity is that many people in majority Eastern Orthodox countries will culturally identify with the Eastern Orthodox Church, especially if they were baptized as children, even if they are not currently practicing. This includes those who may be irreligious, yet culturally identify with the Eastern Orthodox Church, or for whom Eastern Orthodox Christianity is listed on official state records. Other cases of incongruent data also might be due to counting ethnic groups from Eastern Orthodox countries rather than actual adherents. For example, the Eastern Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States, which has large numbers of immigrants from Eastern Orthodox countries, have collectively reported a total of 2–3 million across the country.

However, a 2010 study by Alexei Krindatch sought data from each parish, with the specific criteria of annual participation, discovering that there were only about 817,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians actively practicing their faith (i.e., attending church services on a regular basis) in the United States. The study explained that such a difference was due to a variety of circumstances, for example the higher numbers having counted all people who self-identify as Eastern Orthodox on a census regardless of active participation, or all people belonging to ethnic groups originating in Eastern Orthodox countries. This study, while initially controversial, proved groundbreaking, and has since been officially approved for use by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America.

Country Total population % Eastern Orthodox Eastern Orthodox total
Albania (details) 2,621,977 6.75 148,992
Armenia (details) 3,018,854 0.25 7,587
Australia (details) 23,824,600 2.6 563,100
Austria (details) 8,773,000 6 500,000
Azerbaijan (details) 9,624,900 2.5 240,000
Belarus (details) 9,349,645 83.3 7,788,254
Bosnia and Herzegovina (details) 3,502,227 31 1,086,733
Brazil (details) 210,147,125 0.064 135,000
Bulgaria (details) 7,348,328 59.4 4,374,135
Canada (details) 33,476,688 1.7 550,690
China (details) 1,386,000,000 0.001 15,000
Croatia (details) 4,284,889 4.44 195,969
Cyprus (details) 838,897 89.1 781,900
Czech Republic (details) 10,538,275 0.2 20,533
Egypt (details) 105,000,000 0.3 350,000
Estonia (details) 1,294,486 13.66 176,773
France (details) 67,150,000 1 500,000–700,000
Fiji (details) 912,241 0.022 200+
Finland (details) 5,477,359 1.1 70,000
Georgia (details) 3,713,804 83.4 3,097,312
Germany (details) 84,270,625 3.56 3,000,000
Greece (details) 10,423,054 90 9,380,749
Grenada (details) 107,317 0.1 100
Guatemala (details) 17,263,239 3 200,000–550,000
Israel (details) 9,010,050 0.67 100,000
Italy (details) 60,795,612 1.5 900,000
Japan (details) 126,226,568 0.02 20,000
Jordan (details) 9,531,712 2–4.5 150,000–350,000
Kazakhstan (details) 17,948,816 23.9 4,300,000
Korea, South (details) 51,413,925 0.01 6,000
Kosovo* (details) 1,433,842 1.48 25,837
Kyrgyzstan (details) 5,895,100 17 1,000,000
Latvia (details) 2,027,000 17.9 370,000
Lebanon (details) 4,525,247 9 330,000
Lithuania (details) 2,966,954 4.2 125,189
Madagascar (details) 26,262,313 0.057 15,000
Mexico (details) 121,736,809 0.012 15,000
Moldova (details) 3,383,332 93.3 3,158,015
Montenegro (details) 629,320 81 509,749
New Zealand (details) 4,599,327 0.3 13,883
North Macedonia (details) 2,022,547 69.8 1,610,184
Norway (details) 5,328,212 0.41 21,993
Palestine (details) 4,550,368 2.5 100,000
Poland (details) 38,386,000 1.4 504,400
Romania (details) 20,121,641 81.1 16,321,389
Russia (details) 145,500,000 72 101,450,000–104,000,000
Serbia (details) 7,237,375 84 6,079,395
Slovakia (details) 5,397,036 0.9 49,133
Slovenia (details) 2,055,496 2.2 45,000
Spain (details) 46,464,053 3.1 1,500,000
Sweden (details) 9,775,572 1.5 145,279
Switzerland (details) 8,211,700 1.7 140,000
Syria (details) 22,457,336 3.1 700,000
Tajikistan (details) 8,208,000 2 160,000
Transnistria (details) 505,153 91 460,000
Turkey (details) 84,277,439 0.02 16,000
Turkmenistan (details) 5,171,643 5.3 270,000
Ukraine (details) 40,000,000 65.4–76.6 27,802,000–34,850,000
United States (details) 321,163,157 1.55 1,043,850
United Kingdom (details) 67,886,011 0.7 475,000
Uzbekistan (details) 29,559,100 5 1,000,000
TOTAL 3,331,625,296 6.6033 ~220 million
A Countries with the majority of their population identifying as Eastern Orthodox are shown in light blue.
B As per census (unreliable, deemed corrupt) number likely upwards of 20% of population.
C As per census (boycotted by Northern Kosovo and by some Serbs in the south).

Eastern Orthodox Church by jurisdiction

Autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Churches

The Eastern Orthodox Church is organized as a union of several autocephalous subdivisions, which are also called "Churches" (or, sometimes, "jurisdictions"). Some are associated with a specific country, while others are not. This table presents some known data regarding individual jurisdictions. "NA" means that data is not available.

Eastern Orthodox Church by jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Bishops Priests Monastics Monasteries Parishes
Constantinople 125 NA 1,800 142 648
Alexandria 41 NA NA NA NA
Antioch 36 NA NA NA NA
Jerusalem 20 NA NA NA NA
Russia 217 30,675 NA 807 30,142
Serbia 45 NA NA 286 3,100
Romania 53 15,068 7,605 359 15,717
Bulgaria 15 1,500 NA 120 2,600
Georgia 37 730 NA NA 600
Cyprus 16 NA NA 67 NA
Greece 101 10,000 3,541 646 9,146
Poland 12 NA NA NA 400
Albania 6 135 NA 150 909
Czech Lands & Slovakia 6 NA NA NA 172
Orthodox Church in America 50 2700 NA 100 1200
Ukraine NA NA NA NA 7,000
North Macedonia/
Macedonian Orthodox Church
Total 743 54,382 12,946 2,256 61,939