Eastern European Time

Eastern European Time
Time zone
  Eastern European Time
UTC offset
EET UTC+02:00
EEST UTC+03:00
Current time
08:02, 4 January 2024 EET [refresh]
Observance of DST
DST is observed throughout this time zone.
Time in Europe:
Light Blue Western European Time / Greenwich Mean Time (UTC)
Blue Western European Time / Greenwich Mean Time (UTC)
Western European Summer Time / British Summer Time / Irish Standard Time (UTC+1)
Red Central European Time (UTC+1)
Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)
Yellow Eastern European Time / Kaliningrad Time (UTC+2)
Ochre Eastern European Time (UTC+2)
Eastern European Summer Time (UTC+3)
Green Moscow Time / Turkey Time (UTC+3)
Turquoise Armenia Time / Azerbaijan Time / Georgia Time / Samara Time (UTC+4)
 Pale colours: Standard time observed all year
 Dark colours: Summer time observed
Time zones of Africa:
 UTC-01:00  Cape Verde Time
 UTC±00:00  Greenwich Mean Time
 UTC+03:00  East Africa Time
a The islands of Cape Verde are to the west of the African mainland.
b Mauritius and the Seychelles are to the east and north-east of Madagascar respectively.
Time in the Middle East
    UTC+02:00 Egypt Standard Time

Eastern European Time /
Israel Standard Time /
Eastern European Summer Time /
Israel Summer Time
    UTC+03:00 Arabia Standard Time /
Turkey Time
    UTC+03:30 Iran Standard Time
    UTC+04:00 Gulf Standard Time
Standard time observed all year
Daylight saving time observed

Eastern European Time (EET) is one of the names of UTC+02:00 time zone, 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time. The zone uses daylight saving time, so that it uses UTC+03:00 during the summer.

A number of African countries use UTC+02:00 all year long, where it is called Central Africa Time (CAT), although Egypt and Libya also use the term Eastern European Time.

The most populous city in the Eastern European Time zone is Cairo, with the most populous EET city in Europe being Kyiv.


The following countries, parts of countries, and territories use Eastern European Time all year round:

The following countries, parts of countries, and territories use Eastern European Time during the winter only:

The following countries, parts of countries, and territories used Eastern European Time in the past:

Sometimes, due to its use on Microsoft Windows, FLE Standard Time (for Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, or sometimes Finland, Latvia, Estonia) or GTB Standard Time (for Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria) are used to refer to Eastern European Time.


Since political, in addition to purely geographical, criteria are used in the drawing of time zones, it follows that time zones do not precisely adhere to meridian lines. The EET (UTC+02:00) time zone, were it drawn by purely geographical terms, would consist of exactly the area between meridians 22°30' E and 37°30' E. As a result, there are European locales that despite lying in an area with a "physical" UTC+02:00 time, are in another time zone; likewise, there are European areas that have gone for UTC+02:00, even though their "physical" time zone is different from that. Following is a list of such anomalies:

Areas located outside UTC+02:00 longitudes using Eastern European Time (UTC+02:00) time

European winter
Colour Legal time vs local mean time
1 h ± 30 m behind
0 h ± 30 m
1 h ± 30 m ahead
2 h ± 30 m ahead
3 h ± 30 m ahead

Areas west of 22°30' E ("physical" UTC+01:00) that use UTC+02:00

Areas east of 37°30' E ("physical" UTC+03:00) that use UTC+02:00

Areas located within UTC+02:00 longitudes (22°30' E – 37°30' E) using other time zones

Areas that use UTC+01:00

These areas have sunrises and sunsets at least half an hour earlier than places on the UTC+01:00 meridian.

Areas that use UTC+03:00

Tripoints and borders between zones

  • The Norway–Russia–Finland "tri-zone" point at Muotkavaara (see Central European Time) is surrounded by three different times in winter, two in summer. It had three time zones year-around before 2014.
  • Two of the four tripoints of Belarus and the tripoint of the Kaliningrad Region are surrounded by three different times in winter.

Major metropolitan areas

Winter only

Year round