
Discovered by CoRoT space telescope
Orbital characteristics
0.092 AU (13,800,000 km)
Eccentricity 0.077
9.75598 d
Inclination 89.749
Star CoRoT-22
Physical characteristics
Mean radius
0.4354 RJ
Mass 0.06MJ
Temperature 885 K

CoRoT-22b is a transiting exoplanet smaller than Uranus found by the CoRoT space telescope in 2011 and confirmed in 2014.

Host star

CoRoT-22b orbits CoRoT-22 in the constellation of Serpens. It is a G0IV star with Te = 5939K, M = 1.099M, R = 1.136R, and above-solar metallicity. It has an estimated age of between 1.3 and 5.3 Gyr.