Claremont Courier

Claremont Courier
Logo of the Claremont Courier, white serif text on a black background with a red dot
Type Daily Newspaper
Format Broadsheet
Publisher Peter Weinberger
Editor Mick Rhodes
Founded 1908
Language English
Headquarters 114 Olive St. Claremont, CA 91711
Circulation 35,600 (2022)

The Claremont Courier is a community newspaper based in Claremont, California, United States. It is widely regarded as the city's newspaper of record, and is often cited by other news outlets covering the city. In 2018, the Courier was named the top community newspaper in California by the California News Publishers Association. It publishes an annual almanac and is known for its aerial videography.


The paper was founded by E.B. Young, who published the first edition on September 16, 1908. Tobias Larson purchased it in 1911, and his son Stanley took over in 1936. It was purchased by Martin Weinberger in 1955 and in 2007 was transferred to his son, Peter Weinberger. In 2021, the paper received 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.


The Courier publishes an annual almanac and is known for its aerial videography.


In 2018, the Courier was named the top community newspaper in California by the California News Publishers Association.