
Raja Churaman Singh
Ruler of Bharatpur
Portrait of Raja Churaman Singh
Reign 1695–1721 AD
Predecessor Raja Ram Sinsinwar
Successor Badan Singh
Died 20 September 1721
Issue Muhkam Singh
House Sinsinwar Jat dynasty
Father Bhajja/Bhagwant Singh
Religion Hinduism

Churaman (died 1721) was a Jat chieftain of Sinsini, Rajasthan. He became leader of the Jats after Rajaram's death. Bahadur Shah I made him a mansabdar after he supported him against Muhammad Azam Shah in becoming the emperor. He was also made the faujdar of Mathura, and the imperial highway from Delhi to Agra was placed under his protection by the Mughal Emperor.

In 1702 after the death of his father Bhajja Singh, Raja Churaman Singh came to the fore. Within a short period Raja Churaman Singh gathered 500 horsemen and thousands of soldiers. Nand Ram, the Zamindar of Hathras, joined him along with 100 horsemen. Raja Churaman Singh recruited a well-known brigand of Mendoo and Mursan to his army. He constructed a fort at Thoon, 150 kilometres west of Agra, near Bharatpur in modern day Rajasthan, India. Within a short span there were 80 villages under the Thoon state and an army of 14 – 15 thousand.