Christian Revival Church

The Christian Revival Church (CRC) is Full Gospel in Faith, Evangelical in Practice (Ministry), Pentecostal in Movement and Charismatic in Worship (triune prayers: confession, resist/cast devils/demons and ask of blessing or oneness tongue praise and worship) and three times praise as Praise The Lord- before and after any prayers. And also perform fasting, healing and deliverance prayers.

The CRC movement was started from Gariphema Village, Nagaland, India on 9 January 1962 called Christian Revival Church Nagaland (NCRC). It spread to Arunachal Pradesh and began on 24.12.1987 at Naharlagun, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Sikkim, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh on 09.07.2017 at Chilkahar, Ballia and to other countries- Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Botswana, Namibia, China and South Africa.

This church believes in baptism by immersion, tithing for prosperity, speaking in other tongues as evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit, casting out demons, fasting, divine healing, rapture of the church, and millennialism.

  • Christian Revival Church Nagaland (1,195) 355,000
  • Arunachal Pradesh Christian Revival Church Council
  • Christian Revival Church Assam (ACRC)
  • Christian Revival Church Manipur (Manipur CRC)
  • Christian Revival Church Meghalaya (MCRC)
  • Christian Revival Church Sikkim (SCRC)
  • Christian Revival Church Tripura (TCRC)
  • Christian Revival Church West Bengal (WBCRC)
  • Christian Revival Church New Delhi
  • Christian Revival Church Bihar
  • Christian Revival Church Odisha
  • Christian Revival Church Uttarakhand (UCRC)
  • Uttar Pradesh Christian Revival Church (UPCRC)
  • Christian Revival Church Tamil Nadu

See also