Catholic Church by country

Distribution of Catholics
Percentage of Catholics by country (2010)
Number of Catholics by country (2010)

The Catholic Church is "the Catholic Communion of Churches, both Roman and Eastern, or Oriental, that are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (the pope)." The church is also known by members as the People of God, the Body of Christ, the "Temple of the Holy Spirit", among other names. According to Vatican II's Gaudium et spes, the "church has but one sole purpose–that the kingdom of God may come and the salvation of the human race may be accomplished."

This communion of churches comprises the Latin Church (or the Roman or Western Church) as well as 23 Eastern Catholic Churches, canonically called sui juris churches, each led by either a patriarch or a major archbishop in full communion with the Bishop of Rome. Historically, these bodies separated from Eastern Christian communions, either to remain in or to return to full communion with the Catholic Church. Vatican II decree on Eastern Catholic Churches, however, explicitly recognizes Eastern Catholic communities as "true Churches" and not just rites within the Catholic Church. This Communion of Churches "exists among and between the individual Churches and dioceses of the universal Catholic Church. Its structural expression is the College of Bishops, each of whom represents and embodies his own local church." In addition to Eastern Catholic Churches, the Catholic Church oversees the Catholic Charismatic renewal, the largest Charismatic movement of a single institution in 2020, with over 100 million members, primarily in the Global South. The Catholic Church is also described as an "amalgam of parts" (i.e., thousands of individual dioceses, religious orders, etc.) globally dispersed, but in communion with Rome.

The Catholic Church is the "world's oldest continuously functioning international institution." It is also the largest non-government provider of education and health care in the world, while the diplomatic status of the Holy See facilitates the access of its vast international network of charities. Some of these entities include 5,000 hospitals, 10,000 orphanages, 95,000 elementary schools and 47,000 secondary schools.


Most of the figures are taken from the CIA Factbook or PEW Research Center Surveys. In Latin American countries, Latinobarometro is often cited. In Germany and other German speaking regions of Europe, there are official membership statistics due to the fact that the government collects a church tax based on these membership lists. One's baptismal certificate or any other religious document is secondary to church statistics. This method might explain the discrepancy between Pew's figures on Germany and the church figures.

According to the CIA Factbook and the Pew Research Center, the five countries with the largest number of Catholics are, in decreasing order of Catholic population:

The country where the membership of the church is the largest percentage of the population is Vatican City at 100%, followed by East Timor at 97%.

According to the Census of the 2023 Annuario Pontificio (Pontifical Yearbook), the number of baptized Catholics in the world was about 1.376 billion at the end of 2021. The research initiative Catholics & Cultures compiles data on Catholic demographics, including from the Annuario Pontificio, by country.

Conflicting numbers can be found in 2013 research conducted by the Brazilian polling institute Datafolha. This report states that the percentage of the population in Brazil of Catholic religion, over the age of 16 years, is just 57%, in contrast to the 64.63% published by CIA and to the 68.6% of Pew Research Center. Also, the 2010 Mexican Census showed this percentage to be 83.9% – against a 91.89% number in the CIA World Factbook.

By country

By clicking on the icons in the column titles, the table can be re-ordered by column.

Catholic Church by country
Country Total population % Catholic Catholic total
Afghanistan (details) 29,928,987 0% 0
Albania (details) 3,020,000 10% 302,000
Algeria (details) 32,531,853 0.14% 45,000
Andorra (details) 70,000 88.2% 61,740
Angola (details) 31,100,000 41.1%-50%-55%-56.4%-60% 12,500,000-20,000,000
Antigua and Barbuda (details) 84,816 5.5% 4,752
Argentina (details) 46,000,000 48.9%-62.9%-63%-63.3%-66%-71% 22,500,000 - 28,900,000 - 29,820,000
Armenia (details) 3,018,854 0.3% 8,695
Australia (details) 25,380,000 20.0% 5,076,000
Austria (details) 9,100,000 52.0% 4,733,200
Azerbaijan (details) 8,581,400 0.03% 2,574
Bahamas (details) 330,000 12% 39,600
Bahrain (details) 800,000 8.9% 71,200
Bangladesh (details) 158,000,000 0.07% 110,000
Barbados (details) 250,012 4.2% 10,000
Belarus (details) 9,500,000 7.1% 674,500
Belgium (details) 11,200,000 44%-57.1% 5,000,000-6,500,000
Belize (details) 334,000 40% 133,600
Benin (details) 7,460,025 26.6% 1,984,366
Bhutan (details) 2,232,291 0.06% 1,339
Bolivia (details) 10,500,000 70%-73%-77% 7,980,000
Bosnia and Herzegovina (details) 3,531,159 15.19% 536,333
Botswana (details) 1,640,115 4.9% 80,365
Brazil (details) 210,600,000 50%-54%-54.7%-58.1%-61%-64.6%-65.0% 105,300,000 - 134,000,000 - 140,000,000
Brunei (details) 372,361 5% 38,709
Bulgaria (details) 6,519,789 0.6% 37,251
Burkina Faso (details) 13,925,313 20.1% 4,121,536
Burundi (details) 12,000,000 62.1% 7,440,000
Cabo Verde (details) 512,096 77.3% 395,850
Cambodia (details) 13,607,069 <0.1% <10,000
Cameroon (details) 25,640,965 38.4% 9,846,000
Canada (details) 36,991,891 (2021)-39,292,000 (2022) 29.9 11,060,000-11,750,699
Central African Republic (details) 3,799,897 29% 949,974
Chad (details) 12,000,000 20%-22.8% 2,520,000
Chile (details) 18,000,000 42%-45%-52.6%-55%-64%-66.6% 8,100,000 - 9.468,000 - 12,000,000
China (details) 1,400,000,000 0.43%-0.7% 6,000,000-12,000,000
Colombia (details) 48,000,000 70.9%-73%-75%-79% 34,000,000-37,900,000
Comoros (details) 800,000 0.2% 1,600
Congo, Republic of (details) 5,062,021 33.1%-52.9% 1,675,529-2,409,661
Congo, Democratic Republic of (details) 100,000,000 37%-45%-47.3%-55.8% 37,000,000 -45,000,000 -55,800,000
Costa Rica (details) 5,100,000 47%-57%-62%-71.8% 2,350,000 - 3,500,000
Croatia (details) 3,872,000 79.0% 3,060,000
Cuba (details) 11,163,934 51%-60% 6,000,000
Cyprus (details) 1,100,000 2.9% 11,000
Czech Republic (details) 10,524,167 9.3% 985,318
Côte d'Ivoire (details) 23,800,000 21.4% 5,093,000
Denmark (details) 5,630,000 0.7% 46,000
Djibouti (details) 476,703 0.2% 953
Dominica (details) 71,540 58.1% 41,564
Dominican Republic (details) 10,400,000 48%-57% 4,992,000 - 5,928,000
East Timor (details) 1,054,000 97.57% 1,021,000
Ecuador (details) 15,223,680 69.5%-77.0%-79%-80.4% 11,265,523
Equatorial Guinea (details) 1,620,000 80.7% 1,410,000
Egypt (details) 77,505,756 0.1% 187,320
El Salvador (details) 7,000,000 39%-47%-50% 2,730,000 - 3,500,000
Eritrea (details) 4,561,599 3.3% 150,532
Estonia (details) 1,332,893 0.8% 8,690
Ethiopia (details) 73,053,286 0.7% 584,426
Federated States of Micronesia (details) 104,468 52.6%-55% 60,000
Fiji (details) 893,354 9.1% 80,401
Finland (details) 5,451,270 0.2% 12,434
France (details) 66,600,000 47%-48%-51%-57%-60% 31,300,000–44,000,000
Gabon (details) 1,389,201 50% 694,600
Gambia (details) 1,593,256 2.1% 33,458
Georgia (details) 3,713,804 0.5% 18,569
Germany (details) 84,400,000 24.8% 20,938,000
Ghana (details) 30,792,608 10.0% 3,079,261
Greece (details) 11,170,957 0.4% 44,683
Grenada (details) 89,502 44.6% 39,917
Guatemala (details) 15,773,000 43%-45%-50% 7,000,000
Guinea (details) 9,467,866 2.6% 246,164
Guinea-Bissau (details) 1,416,027 8.9% 126,026
Guyana (details) 746,955 7.1% 53,034
Haiti (details) 10,000,000 54.7%-56.7%-56.8% 5,470,000
Honduras (details) 8,800,000 37%-46% 3,256,000-4,048,000
Hungary (details) 9,877,000 29.2% - 38.1%–53.0%-56%-62%. 2,808,000-6,123,740
Iceland (details) 355,277 3.9% 13,799
India (details) 1,400,000,000 0.9%–1.5% 13,000,000-21,000,000
Indonesia (details) 270,000,000 3.12% 8,424,000
Iran (details) 85,202,000 0.02% 13,603
Iraq (details) 38,000,000 0.35% 133,000
Ireland (details) 5,100,000 69% 3,500,000
Israel (details) 7,746,000 1.2% 92,952
Italy (details) 60,800,000 74%-75%-76.5%-78.9%-81.7% 42,000,000 - 50,000,000
Jamaica (details) 2,697,983 2.2% 59,356
Japan (details) 127,417,244 0.3%- 0.5% 382,251
Jordan (details) 5,759,732 0.4% 23,038
Kazakhstan (details) 15,185,844 0.6% 91,115
Kenya (details) 47,560,000 20.6% 9,816,000
Kiribati (details) 98,000 55.8%-57.3% 54,684
Korea, North (details) 22,912,177 0.01% 2,291
Korea, South (details) 53,121,668 11.1% 5,914,669
Kosovo (details) 1,739,825 1.4% 25,837
Kuwait (details) 2,335,648 6.1% 142,474
Kyrgyzstan (details) 5,146,281 0.1% 5,146
Laos (details) 6,217,141 0.6% 37,302
Latvia (details) 2,290,237 19.1% 437,435
Lebanon (details) 4,800,000 28.8% 1,382,400
Lesotho (details) 2,067,000 45.7%-49.4% 946,000-1,052,237
Liberia (details) 3,482,211 5.4% 188,039
Libya (details) 5,765,563 0.7% 40,358
Liechtenstein (details) 33,863 75.9%-81.7% 25,803
Lithuania (details) 2,810,761 77.2% 2,085,340
Luxembourg (details) 538,000 63.8%-65.9% 369,600
Madagascar (details) 18,040,341 29.5%-38.1% 5,318,293-7,890,000
Malawi (details) 17,563,749 17.2% 3,028,435
Malaysia (details) 23,953,136 3.3% 1,290,453
Maldives (details) 349,106 0.02% 80
Mali (details) 12,291,529 1.5% 189,289
Malta (details) 428,000 82.6% - 84.4%-93% 361,372
Marshall Islands (details) 62,000 8.4% 5,208
Mauritania (details) 3,086,859 0.1% 3,086
Mauritius (details) 1,237,091 26.0% 324,811
Mexico (details) 126,000,000 74%-77.7% 91,200,000
Moldova (details) 4,455,421 0.5% 20,494
Monaco (details) 36,371 82.3% 29,933
Mongolia (details) 2,791,272 0.04% 1,116
Montenegro (details) 625,266 3.4% 21,299
Morocco (details) 32,725,847 0.07% 22,908
Mozambique (details) 19,406,703 27.2%-28.4%-30.5% 5,270,000 - 9,900,000
Myanmar (details) 42,909,464 1.1% 450,549
Namibia (details) 2,030,692 22.8% 344,202
Nauru (details) 10,084 32.96% 3,324
Nepal (details) 27,676,547 0.03% 8,302
Netherlands (details) 17,870,000 18.2%-20.8% 3,300,000-3,600,000
New Zealand (details) 4,700,000 10.0% 470,000
Nicaragua (details) 6,000,000 40%-50%-55% 2,400,000-3,000,000
Niger (details) 11,665,937 0.1% 11,665
Nigeria (details) 190,000,000 12.6% 23,940,000
North Macedonia (details) 1,836,713 0.4% 6,746
Norway (details) 5,060,000 2.4%-3.02% 120,900
Oman (details) 3,000,000 4.1% 110,000
Pakistan (details) 207,000,000 0.8% 1,656,000
Palau (details) 17,661 46.0% 8,124
Palestine (details) 3,761,904 2% 80,000
Panama (details) 3,500,000 55%-63%-70% 1,925,000 - 2,400,000
Papua New Guinea (details) 7,000,000 26% 1,890,000
Paraguay (details) 6,800,000 88.3%-89% 6,000,000
Peru (details) 32,800,000 74%-76% 24,600,000
Philippines (details) 109,000,000 78.8%-82.9% 86,000,000
Poland (details) 38,496,000 71.1% 27,121,000
Portugal (details) 10,343,066 80.2% 7,043,016-8,260,000
Qatar (details) 863,051 5.8% 50,000
Romania (details) 22,329,977 4.7% 1,787,408
Russia (details) 143,420,309 0.5% 717,101
Rwanda (details) 11,000,000 43.7%-49.5% 4,807,000
Saint Kitts and Nevis (details) 51,000 6.7% 3,400
Saint Lucia (details) 165,600 61.3% 101,500
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (details) 106,000 7.5% 7,950
Samoa (details) 179,000 19.6% 35,084
San Marino (details) 32,500 90.5%-97% 29,412
São Tomé and Príncipe (details) 163,000 73.5% 119,805
Saudi Arabia (details) 26,417,599 2.5%-3.8%-7% 660,439-1,300,000
Senegal (details) 11,126,832 3.5% 389,439
Serbia (details) 7,120,600 6.1% 433,167
Seychelles (details) 93,000 76.2% 70,866
Sierra Leone (details) 6,017,643 2.9% 174,511
Singapore (details) 5,685,800 7.0% 398,006
Slovakia (details) 5,450,000 55.8% 3,038,511
Slovenia (details) 2,095,861 72.1% 1,509,986
Solomon Islands (details) 523,000 19% 100,000
Somalia (details) 8,591,629 0.001% 100
South Africa (details) 44,344,136 7.1% 2,851,327
South Sudan (details) 10,000,000 39.7% 3,950,000
Spain (details) 48,300,000 52.9%-59%-66.0%-67%-68%-70% 26,000,000-33,000,000
Sri Lanka (details) 20,264,000 6.1% 1,237,000
Sudan (details) 31,000,000 1% 300,000
Suriname (details) 551,000 21.6% 119,000
Swaziland (details) 1,100,000 4.9% 62,803
Sweden (details) 10,000,000 1.8% 180,000
Switzerland (details) 8,600,000 33.8-35.1% 2,900,000-3,000,000
Syria (details) 18,448,752 2.1% 368,975
Taiwan (details) 22,894,384 1.3% 297,626
Tajikistan (details) 7,163,506 0.01% <1,000
Tanzania (details) 65,642,000 25.6 -31.4% 16,604,000-20,611,000
Thailand (details) 69,000,000 0.3%-0.58% 388,468
Togo (details) 5,681,519 26.4% 1,499,921
Tonga (details) 102,000 15.6% 15,912
Trinidad and Tobago (details) 1,330,000 21.6% 286,000
Tunisia (details) 11,000,000 0.2% 22,000
Turkey (details) 77,700,000 0.05% 35,000
Turkmenistan (details) 4,750,000 0.01% 500
Tuvalu (details) 10,000 1% 100
Uganda (details) 47,729,000 39.3% -45% 18,757,000-21,478,000
Ukraine (details) 43,000,000 5.6% -10% 2,408,000-4,300,000
United Arab Emirates (details) 2,563,212 5% 128,160
United Kingdom (details) 63,100,000 9% 5,700,000
United States (details) 334,900,000 20% 21%-22%-23%-25% 66,980,000-70,329,000-73,678,000-77,027,000-83,715,000
Uruguay (details) 3,500,000 38%-41%-42%-47.1% 1,330,000
Uzbekistan (details) 26,851,195 0.01% 2,685
Vatican City (details) 842 100% 842
Vanuatu (details) 243,304 13.1% 36,500
Venezuela (details) 32,000,000 64.2%-67%-71%-73% 20,000,000 -23,360,000
Vietnam (details) 96,208,984 6.1% 5,868,748
Western Sahara (details) 273,008 0.06% 163
Yemen (details) 20,727,063 0.02% 4,145
Zambia (details) 14,300,000 21% 3,003,000
Zimbabwe (details) 12,746,990 7.71% 982,792
Total 8,000,000,000 13.57% - 17.68% 1,085,600,000 - 1,420,400,000

By dependent territory

Catholic Church by territory
Territory Total population % Catholic Catholic total
U.S. Virgin Islands (details) 109,840 34% 37,345
Anguilla (details) 14,108 5.7% 804
Aruba (details) 101,484 75.3% 76,464
British Virgin Islands (details) 24,041 9.5% 2,283
Cayman Islands (details) 47,862 14.1% 6,748
Curaçao (details) 142,180 72.8% 103,507
Falkland Islands (details) 3,000 10% 300
French Guiana (details) 221,500 75% 166,500
Greenland (details) 55,984 0.2% 111
Guadeloupe (details) 405,500 85.2% 345,486
Guam (details) 154,623 85% 131,430
Northern Mariana Islands (details) 51,659 64.1% 33,113
Hong Kong (details) 7,409,800 5.3% 394,000
Martinique (details) 390,000 80% 312,000
Macau (details) 650,000 4.6% 30,000
New Caledonia (details) 249,000 60.2% 150,000
Puerto Rico (details) 3,600,000 56%-85% 2,000,000-3,060,000
Réunion (details) 839,500 79.7% 669,249
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (details) 6,025 93% 5,600
Turks and Caicos Islands (details) 22,352 11.4% 2,548
Wallis and Futuna (details) 14,231 95.8% 13,631

By region

These percentages were calculated by using the above numbers. The first percentage, 4th column, is the percentage of population that is Catholic in a region (number in the region x 100 / total population of the region). The last column shows the national Catholic percentage compared to the total Catholic population of the world (number in the region x 100 / total RC population of the world).


Catholic Church in Africa
Region Total population Catholic % Catholic % of global Catholic pop.
Central Africa 83,121,055 37,353,218 44.93% 3.47%
East Africa 193,741,900 34,872,130 17.99% 3.24%
North Africa 202,151,323 2,369,490 1.17% 0.22%
Southern Africa 137,092,019 24,463,640 17.84% 2.27%
West Africa 268,997,245 36,152,847 13.43% 3.36%
Total 885,103,542 135,211,325 15.27% 12.57%


Catholic Church in the Americas
Region Total population Catholic % Catholic % of global Catholic pop.
Caribbean 24,364,622 19,062,198 78.23% 1.77%
Central America 42,883,849 32,317,384 75.36% 3.00%
North America 448,587,847 173,212,640 38.61% 16.11%
South America 371,363,897 299,570,011 80.66% 27.87%
Total 887,200,215 524,162,233 59.08% 48.75%


Catholic Church in Asia
Region Total population Catholic % Catholic % of global Catholic pop.
Central Asia 92,019,166 199,086 1.23% 0.01%
East Asia 1,528,384,440 13,853,142 0.90% 1.28%
South Asia 1,437,326,682 20,107,050 1.39% 1.87%
Southeast Asia 571,337,070 86,701,421 15.17% 8.06%
Total 3,629,067,358 120,860,699 3.33% 11.24%


Catholic Church in Europe
Region Total population Catholic % Catholic % of global Catholic pop.
Southeast Europe 65,903,464 6,562,775 9.95% 0.61%
Central Europe 74,591,476 56,787,176 74.8% 5.19%
Eastern Europe 228,118,665 9,702,334 4.25% 0.90%
Western Europe 381,458,905 211,466,942 55.43% 19.67%
Total 730,072,510 285,916,457 37.85% 26.37%

Middle East

Catholic Church in the Middle East
Region Total population Catholic % Catholic % of global Catholic pop.
Middle East 260,026,365 2,990,571 1.15% 0.27%


Catholic Church in Oceania
Region Total population Catholic % Catholic % of global Catholic pop.
Oceania 30,686,468 7,747,654 25.24% 0.72%

See also