Cardiovascular Diabetology

Cardiovascular Diabetology
The journal logo depicts a stylization of the three-lettered abbreviation "CVD", Cardivascular Diabetology, the arrow indicates a focus on the heart.
Discipline Cardiology, diabetology
Language English
Edited by Enrique Fisman
Publication details
History 2002-present
License Creative Commons Attribution
9.3 (2022)
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4 Cardiovasc. Diabetol.
ISSN 1475-2840
OCLC no. 848273564

Cardiovascular Diabetology is a peer-reviewed open access medical journal covering the intersection of cardiology and diabetology, meaning the connection between diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. It is published by BioMed Central (a part of Springer Nature since 2008) and was established in 2002, with Enrique Fisman (Tel Aviv University) and Alexander Tenenbaum (Sheba Medical Center) as founding editors-in-chief. Alexander Tenenbaum died in 2022.


Cardiovascular Diabetology considers for publications manuscripts on all aspects of the diabetes/cardiovascular interrelationship, including clinical, genetic, experimental, pharmacological, epidemiological, molecular biology and laboratory research. Seven article types maybe considered for publication: original investigations, reviews, case reports, commentaries, hypotheses, methodology articles and study protocols; most of published papers are original investigations. Articles are published online upon acceptance, rather than in issues. A printed version is periodically distributed in India by Panacea Biotec Ltd.

Abstracting and indexing

The journal is abstracted and indexed in Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Citebase, Current Contents, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EMBASE, MEDLINE/PubMed, Science Citation Index, SCImago Journal Rank, Scopus and Socolar. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2022 impact factor of 9.3, ranking it in the 93.1 JIF percentile (10 out of 145 journals) in the category of "Endocrinology & Metabolism", and in the 88.7 JIF percentile (16 out of 142 journals) in the category "Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems" journals.