Candace Award

1986 Candace Award

The Candace Award is an award that was given from 1982 to 1992 by the National Coalition of 100 Black Women (NCBW) to "Black role models of uncommon distinction who have set a standard of excellence for young people of all races". Candace (pronounced can-DAY-say) was the ancient Ethiopian title for queen or empress. "Candace, queen of the Ethiopians" is mentioned in the Bible: Philip meets "a eunuch of great authority" under her reign and converts him to Christianity (Acts 8:27-39). The awards ceremony was held each year at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

The award was established in 1982 as part of an effort to increase recognition of the achievements of Black intellectuals. The award was given annually to several women and one man in select categories including arts and letters, business, community service, economic development, education, health, science, history, and technology. Sponsorship was provided by The Paddington Corporation (through their brand Baileys Irish Cream) and then by AT&T. Tiffany & Co. customized engraved crystal for the awards ceremony. The President of the NCBW, Jewell Jackson McCabe, founded the award.

Recipients 1982–92

The following people received the Candace Award between 1982 and 1992.

Year Recipient Category Note
1989 Margaret Walker Alexander Letters
1990 Maya Angelou Letters
1983 Gloria Jackson Bacon Health Founder and director of a not-for-profit clinic in Chicago
1984 Ella Baker Civil Rights Activist
1983 Etta Moten Barnett Letters
1992 Kathleen Battle
1984 Daisy Bates Civil Rights Activist
1990 Derrick Bell Distinguished Service
1984 Mary Bell Communications First black woman to head a broadcasting company
1982 Lerone Bennett, Jr. History
1983 Antoinette Bianchi Technology Founder of electronics firms in Maryland and Florida
1983 Selma Burke Art
1986 Mary Schmidt Campbell Art
1986 Alexa Canady Science
1991 Elizabeth Catlett
1984 Leah Lange Chase Business New Orleans chef and restaurateur
1983 Mamie Phipps Clark Humanitarianism
1982 Jewel Plummer Cobb Education
1988 Johnnetta B. Cole Education
1987 Johnnie Colemon Theology
1989 Janet Collins Arts
1983 Mattie Cook Community Service President of Malcolm-King Harlem College Extension in Harlem
1992 Camille Cosby
1989 Patricia Cowings Science/Technology
1989 Carolyn Craven Journalism Reporter on KQED-TV
1987 Christine Mann Darden Technology
1992 Julie Dash
1986 Eloise DeLaine Technology Specialist in aviation medicine
1983 Suzanne de Passe Business
1989 Suzanne de Passe Trailblazer
1986 Helen O. Dickens Health
1991 Sharon Pratt Dixon
1988 Beulah Mae Donald Civil Rights Mother of Michael Donald; successfully sued the Ku Klux Klan
1990 Hazel N. Dukes Community Service
1984 Patricia A. Duncanson Economic Development President of an electrical contracting company
1987 Katherine Dunham Trailblazer
1982 Marian Wright Edelman Community Service
1982 Helen G. Edmonds History First black woman to second the nomination for a US presidential candidate
1991 Joycelyn Elders
1982 Doris A. Evans Health and Science Pediatrician; "community innovator and philanthropist"
1988 Michael A. Figures Civil Rights Alabama state senator; prosecuted KKK members in lynching
1991 Ann M. Fudge
1992 Vicki L. Fuller Wall Street executive
1983 Mary Hatwood Futrell Education Educator, president of the NEA
1988 Althea Gibson Trailblazer
1984 Paula Giddings History
1987 Cheryl Linn Glass Trailblazer
1982 Bonnie Guiton Business First black woman to serve in the cabinet of a California governor
1989 Beverly Guy-Sheftall Education
1990 Clara M. Hale Humanitarian
1991 Ruth Wright Hayre President of the Philadelphia Board of Education
1986 Dorothy I. Height Distinguished Service
1986 Freddye S. Henderson Business Pioneered the promotion of travel and tourism to Africa
1988 Vy Higginsen Business Founder of the Mama Foundation for the Arts
1988 Charlayne Hunter-Gault Journalism
1992 Hal Jackson
1982 Shirley Ann Jackson Technology
1990 Judith Jamison Dancer and choreographer, Artistic Director of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
1989 John H. Johnson Distinguished Service
1987 Pam McAllister Johnson Communications President and publisher of the Ithaca Journal
1984 Hazel Johnson-Brown Health
1992 Leonade Jones Treasurer for the Washington Post Co.
1987 Coretta Scott King Distinguished Service
1983 Jewel Lafontant Distinguished Service
1990 Barbara Lamont Business First black woman to own a television station
1992 Queen Latifah
1990 Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot Education
1983 LaSalle D. Leffall Jr. Science
1983 Ruth Love Education
1982 Lois Mailou Jones Arts and Letters
1986 Maida Springer Kemp Labor
1991 Brian Lanker
1991 Jennifer Lawson PBS executive vice president
1982 Claudine B. Malone Economic Development CEO of consulting firm; named Ebony No. 1 Black Director in 1997
1988 Winnie Mandela Distinguished Service
1992 Joan McCarley Co-founder of Grandma's House, the first residential facility for HIV-infected children in the U.S.
1991 La-Doris McClaney Los Angeles real-estate executive and philanthropist
1990 Gay J. McDougall International Affairs
1989 Gina Barclay McLaughlin Community Service Child development specialist
1986 Mable Parker McLean Education First female president of Barber-Scotia College
1992 Michel McQueen
1982 Sybil C. Mobley Economic Development
1984 Undine S. Moore Education
1992 Sybil Hayden Morial Community activist and dean of Xavier University's Drexel Center
1984 Constance Baker Motley Distinguished Service
1982 Diane Powell Murray Technology Mathematician
1986 Gloria Naylor Letters
1986 Nell Irvin Painter History
1990 Euzhan Palcy Trailblazer
1984 Rosa L. Parks Civil Rights Activist
1984 Jennie R. Patrick Science and Technology
1986 Frederick D. Patterson Trailblazer
1988 Ethel L. Payne Trailblazer
1982 Flaxie Madison Pinkett Business Civic leader, philanthropist
1990 Vivian Pinn Science
1991 Bernice Johnson Reagon
1989 Condoleezza Rice International Affairs
1984 Faith Ringgold Arts and Letters
1982 Rachel Robinson Distinguished Service
1986 Rose Mary Sanders, Esq. Law First black female judge in Alabama
1992 Hazle J. Shorter First black woman physician in the corporate history of DuPont
1992 Jessie Carney Smith Black history scholar and author
1982 Jeanne Sinkford Health and Science
1992 Percy Sutton
1992 Debbie Tate Co-founder of Grandma's House, the first residential facility for HIV-infected children in the U.S.
1986 Susan L. Taylor Communications
1986 Debi Thomas Trailblazer
1983 Rosina Tucker Labor
1986 Nomalizo Leah Tutu Humanitarianism Wife of Desmond Tutu; advocate for rights of women and workers
1988 Cicely Tyson Distinguished Service
1982 Alice Walker Arts and Letters
1983 Patricia Walker-Shaw Economic Development
1988 Mary Helen Washington History Black history scholar
1992 Maxine Waters
1989 Mary Lee Widener Economic Development CEO and President of Neighborhood Housing Services of America
1984 Eddie N. Williams Public Service Public affairs specialist
1983 Sylvia Williams History
1987 Barbara J. Wilson Business First black woman auto dealer
1988 Donna Wood Arts and Letters Lead dancer in Alvin Ailey Company
1982 Sara-Alyce Wright Community Service First black executive director of the YWCA