California Historical Landmark

The California State Capitol, one of the state's most visited historical landmarks

A California Historical Landmark (CHL) is a building, structure, site, or place in the U.S. state of California that has been determined to have statewide historical landmark significance.


Historical significance is determined by meeting at least one of these criteria:

  1. The first, last, only, or most significant of its type in the state or within a large geographic region (Northern, Central, or Southern California);
  2. Associated with an individual or group having a profound influence on the history of California; or
  3. An outstanding example of a period, style, architectural movement or construction; or is the best surviving work in a region of a pioneer architect, designer, or master builder.

Other designations

California Historical Landmarks numbered 770 and higher are automatically listed in the California Register of Historical Resources.

A site, building, feature, or event that is of local (city or county) significance may be designated as a California Point of Historical Interest.


See also

Federal historical landmarks

Local historical landmarks