Broadcasting Act 1989

Broadcasting Act 1989
New Zealand Parliament
  • An Act to provide for the maintenance of programme standards in broadcasting in New Zealand; and to establish the Broadcasting Standards Authority and to define its functions and powers; and to establish the Broadcasting Commission and to define its functions and powers; and to enable political parties to broadcast election programmes for Parliamentary elections free of charge; and to repeal the Broadcasting Act 1976; and to provide for matters incidental thereto
Assented to 27 May 1989
Commenced 1 July 1989
Administered by
Broadcasting Act 1976
Related legislation
Electoral Act 1993
Public broadcasting, broadcasting standards and political advertising
Status: Current legislation

The Broadcasting Act 1989 creates a system of broadcasting standards and the Broadcasting Commission to fund public broadcasting and New Zealand independent producers.

It established the Broadcasting Standards Authority which oversees the broadcasting standards regime in New Zealand. It is an independent Crown entity and therefore the New Zealand Government cannot directly influence its work although it can provide high-level guidance.

The act also establishes NZ On Air, formally the Broadcasting Commission, which funds public broadcasting and independent media production in New Zealand. NZ On Air was originally created to encourage payment of the NZ$110 Public Broadcasting Fee, which was abolished in 1999. Since then, the commission has received its funding directly from the Ministry for Culture and Heritage.

Part 6 sets out the law covering election advertising on radio and television by parties and electorate candidates, the allocation of time and money to political parties for this purpose by the Electoral Commission, and the requirements for broadcasters to supply returns of election advertising.

See also