Bisexual Book Awards

The Bisexual Book Awards are an annual literary award program, presented by the Bi Writers Association to honour the year's best works of literature addressing themes of bisexuality. The awards were presented for the first time in 2013.

Awards are presented in 11 categories, where any writer who has addressed bisexual themes in their work may be submitted for consideration regardless of their own sexual orientation. Two special awards are also presented: the Bi Book Publisher Award to the publishing company that has submitted the most books to the awards program that year, and the Bi Writer Award for the best book by an out bisexual writer.


Bisexual fiction

Bisexual Non-fiction

Bisexual Poetry

  • Blue ribbon Erynn Rowan Laurie, Fireflies at Absolute Zero
  • Donnelle McGee, Shine
  • Yazmin Monet Watkins, Love Without Limits: The Bi-Laws of Love

Bisexual Erotic Fiction

Bisexual Speculative Fiction [Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror]

  • Blue ribbon Lee Mandelo, Beyond Binary: Genderqueer and Sexually Fluid Speculative Fiction
  • Fiona Glass, Gleams of a Remoter World
  • Cecilia Tan, The Poet and the Prophecy: Magic University Book Four
  • Catherine Lundoff, Silver Moon

Bi Writer of the Year

Bisexual Book Publisher of the Year


Bisexual fiction

Bisexual Non-fiction

  • Blue ribbon Charles "Zan" Christensen, Anything That Loves: Comics Beyond Gay and Straight
  • Shiri Eisner, Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution
  • Marina Peralta and Penelope James, Barriers to Love: Embracing a Bisexual Identity
  • Maria San Filippo, The B Word: Bisexuality in Contemporary Film and Television
  • Jade Sylvan, Kissing Oscar Wilde: A Love Story in the City of Light

Bisexual Speculative Fiction

Bisexual Teen/Young Adult Fiction

Bisexual Biography/Memoir

  • Blue ribbon Alden Jones, The Blind Masseuse: A Traveler’s Memoir from Costa Rica to Cambodia
  • Charles "Zan" Christensen, Anything That Loves: Comics Beyond Gay and Straight
  • Marina Peralta and Penelope James, Barriers to Love: Embracing a Bisexual Identity

Bisexual Erotic Fiction

  • Blue ribbon Adriana Kraft, The Reunion
  • Rachel Kramer Bussel, Twice the Pleasure: Bisexual Women’s Erotica
  • Livia Ellis, Memoirs of a Gigolo Omnibus
  • Jean Roberta, The Flight of the Black Swan
  • Elizabeth Schechter, House of Sable Locks

Bi Writer of the Year

  • Blue ribbon Shiri Eisner, Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution
  • Rachel Kramer Bussel, Twice the Pleasure: Bisexual Women’s Erotica
  • Clive Davis with Anthony DeCurtis, The Soundtrack of My Life
  • Livia Ellis, Memoirs of a Gigolo Omnibus
  • Ed Kurtz, A Wind of Knives
  • Marina Peralta and Penelope James, Barriers to Love: Embracing a Bisexual Identity
  • Jean Roberta, The Flight of the Black Swan

Bisexual Book Publisher of the Year


Bisexual fiction

Bisexual Non-fiction

Bisexual Romance

  • Blue ribbon Shari Slade and Amber Lin, One Kiss with a Rock Star
  • Shira Glassman, Climbing the Date Palm
  • Debbie McGowan, Crying in the Rain
  • May Woodworth, Heart of the Hurricane
  • L. C. Chase, Let it Ride
  • Jenna Galicki, The Prince of Punk Rock (Radical Rock Stars Book One)

Bisexual Erotic Fiction

  • Blue ribbon Julie Cox, Capricious: A Texan Tale of Love and Magic
  • Megan Mulry, Bound to Be a Groom
  • Livia Ellis, Memoirs of a Gigolo, Second Omnibus
  • Jamie Fessenden, Murder on the Mountain
  • Shari Slade and Amber Lin, One Kiss with a Rock Star

Bisexual Speculative Fiction

  • Blue ribbon Corinne Duyvis, Otherbound
  • Julie Cox, Capricious: A Texan Tale of Love and Magic
  • Shira Glassman, Climbing the Date Palm
  • Sarah Luddington, The Pendragon Legacy
  • Alex Jeffers, That Door is a Mischief

Bisexual Memoir/Biography

  • Blue ribbon Daisy Hernández, A Cup of Water Under My Bed
  • Allison Moon, Bad Dyke
  • Charles M. Blow, Fire Shut Up in My Bones
  • Alan Cumming, Not My Father’s Son
  • Daniel Schreiber, Susan Sontag: A Biography
  • Edward White, The Tastemaker: Carl Van Vechten and the Birth of Modern America

Bisexual Teen/Young Adult Fiction

  • Blue ribbon Nora Olsen, Frenemy of the People
  • Corinne Duyvis, Otherbound

Bisexual Mystery

  • Blue ribbon Jamie Fessenden, Murder on the Mountain
  • A. R. Fiano, The Book of Joel

Bisexual Poetry

  • Blue ribbon Laura Foley, Joy Street
  • James Franco, Directing Herbert White

Bisexual Anthology

Bi Writer of the Year

Bisexual Book Publisher of the Year




  • Blue ribbon Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, Bisexuality in Education: Erasure, Exclusion and the Absence of Intersectionality
  • Surya Monro, Bisexuality: Identities, Politics, and Theories
  • Jillian Deri, Love's Refraction: Jealousy and Compersion in Queer Women's Polyamorous Relationships


  • Blue ribbon Kate Evans, Call It Wonder: An Odyssey of Love, Sex, Spirit, and Travel
  • Chelsey Clammer, BodyHome
  • Emily Bingham, Irrepressible: The Jazz Age Life of Henrietta Bingham


  • Blue ribbon Megan Mulry, Bound with Honor
  • Avon Gale, Breakaway
  • J. L. Merrow, Caught!
  • Amy Jo Cousins, The Girl Next Door
  • Tess Bowery, She Whom I Love
  • Francis Gideon, A Winter in Rome

Erotic fiction

  • Blue ribbon Heidi Belleau and Sam Schooler, Dead Ringer
  • Lauren Gallagher, Kneel, Mr. President
  • Avon Gale, Let the Wrong Light In
  • Tess Bowery, She Whom I Love
  • Santino Hassell, Sunset Park (Five Boroughs #2)
  • Lauren E. Mitchell, The Triad Trial

Speculative fiction

  • Blue ribbon B. R. Sanders, Ariah
  • Megan Derr, The Harem Master
  • Shira Glassman, A Harvest of Ripe Figs
  • Michelle Moore and Reesa Herberth, Peripheral People
  • C. B. Lee, Seven Tears at High Tide
  • Lori A. Witt, The Tide of War

Teen/YA Fiction

  • Blue ribbon Hannah Moskowitz, Not Otherwise Specified
  • Erica Yang, Bad Idea
  • Casey Lawrence, Out of Order
  • C. B. Lee, Seven Tears at High Tide


  • Blue ribbon Michelle Moore and Reesa Herberth, Peripheral People
  • Casey Lawrence, Out of Order


Bi Writer of the Year

  • Blue ribbon Kate Evans, Call It Wonder: An Odyssey of Love, Sex, Spirit, and Travel
  • B. R. Sanders, Ariah
  • Hannah Moscowitz, Not Otherwise Specified

Publisher of the Year




  • Tiggy Upland and Jennifer L. Bonardi, Advice from a Wild Deuce: The Best of Ask Tiggy
  • Eric Anderson and Mark McCormack, The Changing Dynamics of Bisexual Men's Lives: Social Research Perspectives
  • Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, Women in Relationships with Bisexual Men: Bi Men By Women



  • Garrett Leigh, What Remains
  • Jordan Brock, Change of Address
  • J. L. Merrow, Lovers Leap
  • Keelan Ellis, Misinformation
  • Dahlia Adler, Out on Good Behavior
  • Lauren Sattersby, Rock N Soul
  • Lauren Gallagher, Stuck Landing

Erotic fiction

  • Lauren Gallgher, The Best Laid Plans
  • J. A. Rock, 24/7
  • Nicole Wood, Club Trega
  • Vanessa Clark, The Man on Top of the World

Speculative fiction

  • Megan Derr, The Painted Crown
  • Foz Meadows, An Accident of Stars
  • Sasha L. Miller (editor), Enchanted Soles
  • Archer Kay Leah, For the Clan
  • Zoraida Cordova, Labyrinth Lost
  • K. C. Alexander, Necrotech
  • Julia Ember, The Seafarer's Kiss

Teen/YA Fiction

  • Alison Cherry, Look Both Ways
  • Jamie Deacon, Caught Inside
  • C. B. Lee, Not Your Sidekick
  • Suzanne van Rooyen, Obscura Burning
  • Casey Lawrence, Order in the Court
  • Dahlia Adler, Out on Good Behavior
  • Emily O'Beirne, The Sum of these Things


  • Erica Cameron, Assassins: Discord
  • Casey Lawrence, Order in the Court


  • Blue ribbon Ann Tweedy, The Body's Alphabet
  • Cathleen Chambless, Nec(Romantic)

Graphic Novel/Memoir

  • Tyler Cohen, Primahood: Magenta
  • Jon Macy and Tara Madison Avery (editors), ALPHABET: The LGBTQAIU Creators from Prism Comics


  • Sasha L. Miller (editor), Enchanted Soles
  • Jon Macy and Tara Madison Avery (editors), ALPHABET: The LGBTQAIU Creators from Prism Comics

Bi Writer of the Year

  • Blue ribbon Tiggy Upland and Jennifer L. Bonardi, Advice from a Wild Deuce: The Best of Ask Tiggy
  • Lauren Gallgher, The Best Laid Plans
  • Ann Tweedy, The Body's Alphabet
  • Suzanne van Rooyen, Obscura Burning
  • Erin Judge, Vow of Celibacy
  • Garrett Leigh, What Remains

Publisher of the Year




  • Michael Amherst, Go the Way Your Blood Beats: On Truth, Bisexuality, and Desire
  • Sophie Lucido Johnson, Many Love


  • Sophie Lucido Johnson, Many Love
  • Charlie Harmon, On the Road and Off the Record with Leonard Bernstein


  • Felicia Davin, Edge of Nowhere
  • Lilah Suzanne, Jilted
  • Layla Reyne, Medley (Changing Lanes)
  • Nem Rowan, Rough Sleepers
  • Michele Engardt, The Thing About Forever
  • L.A. Witt, The Torches We Carry

Erotic fiction

  • Lexi Mohney, Carnal Knowledge
  • M.K. Lee, Whatever Comes First

Speculative fiction

  • Jeanne G'Fellers, Cleaning House
  • Megan Derr, Dragon Magic
  • William C. Tracy, The Seeds of Dissolution
  • Felicia Davin, Etymon Press
  • J.R. Mabry, The Worship of Mystery

Teen/YA Fiction

  • Gene Gant, A Love Song for Mr. Dakota
  • J.E. Sumerau, Palmetto Rose
  • Lisa Walker, Paris Syndrome
  • Cat Clarke, We Are Young
  • Mia Kerick, The Weekend Bucket List


  • Alexandra CH Nowakowski and JE Sumerau, Other People's Oysters
  • Cari Z & L.A. Witt, Reckless Behavior
  • Cat Clarke, We Are Young
  • Kristen Lepionka, What You Want to See
  • Rosalie Knecht, Who Is Vera Kelly?


  • Britteney Black Rose Kapri, Black Queer Hoe
  • Diana Hamilton, God Was Right
  • Jan Steckel, Like Flesh Covers Bone
  • Julian Randall, Refuse
  • Duy Doan, We Play a Game

Publisher of the Year

  • Less Than Three Press