Before the Revolution (book)

Before the Revolution: America's Ancient Pasts
This is an image of the first edition book cover.
1st edition book cover
Author Daniel K. Richter
Country United States
Language English
Subject History (1600-1775)
Genre Non-fiction
Set in 15th - 18th century North America
Publisher Belknap Press
Publication date
May 13, 2013

Before the Revolution: America's Ancient Pasts is a nonfiction book-length scholarly history written by Daniel K. Richter and published by Belknap Press (of Harvard University Press) in May 2013. It covers the stages of North America's deep historical roots well before the American Revolution, theorizing that these stages shaped recent history and the present. The book is divided into six major sections: "Progenitors," "Conquistadors," "Traders," "Planters," "Imperialists," and "Atlanteans".


Daniel K. Richter is a professor of American history at the University of Pennsylvania and book author. He researches, teaches, and writes about colonial North America and Native American history before 1800. He served as acting chair for UPenn's History Department during 2013–2014. His PhD is from Columbia University.

See also