Bampton Lectures

Philip Micklem (1876–1965), an Anglican priest who delivered the 1946 Bampton Lectures

The Bampton Lectures at the University of Oxford, England, were founded by a bequest of John Bampton. They have taken place since 1780.

They were a series of annual lectures; since the turn of the 20th century they have typically been biennial. They continue to concentrate on Christian theological topics. The lectures have traditionally been published in book form. On a number of occasions, notably at points during the 19th century, they attracted great interest and controversy.

Lecturers (incomplete list)


  • 1780 – James Bandinel Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford
  • 1781 – Timothy Neve Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford
  • 1782 – Robert Holmes The Prophecies and Testimony of John the Baptist, and the parallel Prophecies of Jesus Christ
  • 1783 – John Cobb Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford
  • 1784 – Joseph White Mahometism and Christianity
  • 1785 – Ralph Churton On the Prophecies Respecting the Destruction of Jerusalem
  • 1786 – George Croft Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford
  • 1787 – William Hawkins Discourses on Scripture Mysteries
  • 1788 – Richard Shepherd The Ground and Credibility of the Christian Religion
  • 1789 – Edward Tatham Chart and Scale of Truth
  • 1790 – Henry Kett A Representation of the Conduct and Opinions of the Primitive Christians, with Remarks on Gibbon and Priestley
  • 1791 – Robert Morres Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford
  • 1792 – John Eveleigh Eight Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford
  • 1793 – James WilliamsonThe Truth, Inspiration, Authority, and End of the Scriptures, considered and defended
  • 1794 – Thomas Wintle Expediency, Prediction, and Accomplishment of the Christian Redemption Illustrated
  • 1795 – Daniel Veysie The Doctrine of Atonement illustrated and defended
  • 1796 – Robert Gray, Sermons on the Principles Upon Which the Reformation of the Church of England was Established
  • 1797 – William Finch Objections of Infidel Historians and Other Writers Against Christianity
  • 1798 – Charles Henry Hall Fulness of Time
  • 1799 – William Barrow Answers to some Popular Objections against the Necessity or the Credibility of the Christian Revelation


  • 1800 – George Richards The Divine Origin of Prophecy Illustrated and Defended
  • 1801 – George Stanley Faber Horae Mosaicae
  • 1802 – George Frederic Nott Religious Enthusiasm
  • 1803 – John Farrer Sermons on the Mission and Character of Christ and on the Beatitudes
  • 1804 – Richard Laurence An attempt to illustrate those articles of the Church of England, which the Calvinists improperly consider as Calvinistical
  • 1805 – Edward Nares A View of the Evidences of Christianity at the End of the Pretended Age of Reason
  • 1806 – John Browne, Fellow of Corpus Christi College Sermons preached before the University of Oxford
  • 1807 – Thomas Le Mesurier The Nature and Guilt of Schism
  • 1808 – John Penrose An Attempt to Prove the Truth of Christianity
  • 1809 – John Bayley Somers Carwithen A view of the Brahminical religion
  • 1810 – Thomas Falconer Certain Principles in Evanson's Dissonance of the 'Four generally received Evangelists'
  • 1811 – John Bidlake The Truth and Consistency of Divine Revelation
  • 1812 – Richard Mant An Appeal to the Gospel
  • 1813 – John Collinson A Key to the Writings of the Principal Fathers of the Christian Church who flourished during the first three centuries
  • 1814 – William Van Mildert The General Principles of Scripture-Interpretation
  • 1815 – Reginald Heber The Personality and Office of the Christian Comforter
  • 1816 – John Hume Spry Christian Union Doctrinally and Historically Considered
  • 1817 – John Miller The Divine Authority of Holy Scripture
  • 1818 – Charles Abel Moysey The Doctrines of Unitarians Examined
  • 1819 – Hector Davies Morgan A Compressed View of the Religious Principles and Practices of the Age
  • 1820 – Godfrey Faussett The Claims of the Established Church to exclusive attachment and support, and the Dangers which menace her from Schism and Indifference, considered
  • 1821 – John Jones The Moral Tendency of Divine Revelation
  • 1822 – Richard Whately The Use and Abuse of Party Feeling in Matters of Religion
  • 1823 – Charles Goddard The Mental Condition Necessary to a due Inquiry into Religious Evidence
  • 1824 – John Josias Conybeare An Attempt to Trace the History and to Ascertain the Limits of the Secondary and Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture


  • 1825 – George Chandler The Scheme of Divine Revelation Considered
  • 1826 – William Vaux The Benefits Annexed to a Participation in the Two Christian Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper
  • 1827 – Henry Hart Milman Character and Conduct of the Apostles Considered as an Evidence of Christianity
  • 1828 – Thomas Horne The Religious Necessity of the Reformation
  • 1829 – Edward Burton Inquiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age
  • 1830 – Henry Soames An inquiry into the doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon church
  • 1831 – Thomas William Lancaster The Popular Evidence of Christianity
  • 1832 – Renn Dickson Hampden The Scholastic Philosophy considered in its relation to Christian Theology
  • 1833 – Frederick Nolan Analogy of Revelation and Science Established
  • 1834 – Richard Laurence An Attempt to illustrate those Articles of the Church of England which the Calvinists improperly consider as Calvinistical
  • 1836 – Charles Atmore Ogilvie Eight Sermons
  • 1837 – Thomas S. L. Vogan The Principal Objections against the Doctrine of the Triniy
  • 1838 – Henry Arthur Woodgate The Authoritative Teaching of the Church
  • 1839 – William Daniel Conybeare An analytical examination into ... the writings of the Christian Fathers during the Ante-Nicene period
  • 1840 – Edward Hawkins Connected Principles
  • 1841 – Samuel Wilberforce was invited to lecture butwithdrew following the death of his wife Emily
  • 1842 – James Garbett Christ, as Prophet, Priest, and King
  • 1843 – Anthony Grant The Past and Prospective Extension of the Gospel By Missions to the Heathen
  • 1844 – Richard Wiliam Jelf An inquiry into the means of grace, their mutual connection, and combined use, with especial reference to the Church of England
  • 1845 – Charles Abel Heurtley Justification
  • 1846 – Augustus Short The Witness of the Spirit with our Spirit
  • 1847 – Walter Augustus Shirley
  • 1848 – Edward Garrard Marsh The Christian Doctrine of Sanctification
  • 1849 – Richard Michell The Nature and Comparative Value of the Christian Evidences




  • 1901 – Archibald Robertson Regnum Dei
  • 1903 – William Holden Hutton The Influence of Christianity Upon National Character
  • 1905 – Frederick William Bussell Christian Theology and Social Progress
  • 1907 – James Hamilton Francis Peile Reproach of the Gospel: An Inquiry into the Apparent Failure of Christianity
  • 1909 – Walter Hobhouse Church and the World: in Idea and in History
  • 1911 – John Huntley Skrine Creed and the Creeds: Their Function in Religion
  • 1913 – George Edmundson The Church in Rome in the First Century
  • 1915 – Hastings Rashdall The Idea of Atonement in Christian Theology
  • 1920 – Arthur Cayley Headlam Doctrine of the Church and Christian Reunion
  • 1922 – Leighton Pullan Religion Since the Reformation
  • 1924 – Norman Powell Williams The Ideas of the Fall and of Original Sin
  • 1926 – Alfred Edward John Rawlinson New Testament Doctrine of the Christ
  • 1928 – Kenneth E. Kirk The Vision of God: The Christian Doctrine of the Summum Bonum ISBN 0-8192-2087-6
  • 1930 – Laurence Grensted Psychology and God a study of the implications of recent psychology for religious belief and practice
  • 1932 – B. H. Streeter Buddha and the Christ
  • 1934 – Robert Henry Lightfoot History and Interpretation in the Gospels
  • 1936 – Frank Herbert Brabant Time and eternity in Christian thought
  • 1938 – Alfred Guillaume Prophecy and Divination among the Hebrews and other Semites
  • 1940 – George Leonard Prestige Fathers and Heretics ISBN 0-281-00452-8
  • 1942 – Trevor Gervase Jalland The Church and the Papacy: a Historical Study
  • 1944 – Spencer Leeson Christian Education
  • 1946 – Philip Arthur Micklem The Secular and the Sacred[3]
  • 1948 – Austin Farrer The Glass of Vision


  • 1952 – Robert Leslie Pollington Milburn Early Christian Interpretations of History
  • 1954 – Henry Ernest William Turner The Pattern of Christian Truth: A Study in the Relations Between Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Early Church
  • 1955 – Thomas Maynard Parker Christianity and the State in the Light of History
  • 1956 – E. L. Mascall Christian Theology and Natural Science: Some Questions on their Relations
  • 1958 – John Gordon Davies He Ascended Into Heaven
  • 1960 - Eric Waldram Kemp "Counsel and Consent"
  • 1962 – Alan Richardson History Sacred and Profane
  • 1964 – Stephen Neill Church and Christian Union
  • 1966 – David Edward Jenkins The Glory of Man
  • 1968 – Frederick William Dillistone Traditional Symbols and the Contemporary World
  • 1970 – Cheslyn Jones Christ and Christianity: a study in origins in the light of St Paul
  • 1972 – Howard E. Root "The Limits of Radicalism"
  • 1974 – Peter Baelz The Forgotten Dream: Experience, Hope and God
  • 1976 – Geoffrey W. H. Lampe God As Spirit ISBN 0-19-826644-8
  • 1978 – A. R. Peacocke Creation and the World of Science
  • 1980 – Anthony E. Harvey Jesus and the Constraints of History
  • 1982 – Peter Hinchcliff Holiness and Politics ISBN 0-232-51502-6
  • 1984 – J. A. T. Robinson The Priority of John
  • 1986 – Maurice Wiles God's Action in the World
  • 1988 – John Barton "People of the Book?"
  • 1990 – Alister E. McGrath Genesis of Doctrine: a Study in the Foundations of Doctrinal Criticism
  • 1992 – Colin Gunton The One, the Three and the Many: God, Creation and the Culture of Modernity ISBN 0-521-42184-5
  • 1994 – Eric William Heaton The School Tradition of the Old Testament
  • 1996 – Ursula King Christ in All Things: Exploring Spirituality With Teilhard De Chardin ISBN 1-57075-115-3


  • 2000 – John Habgood Varieties of Unbelief
  • 2001 – David Fergusson Church, State and Civil Society ISBN 0-521-52959-X
  • 2003 – Oliver O'Donovan The Ways of Judgment ISBN 978-0-8028-2920-7
  • 2005 – Paul S. Fiddes Seeing the world and knowing God: ancient wisdom and modern doctrine
  • 2007 – Raymond Plant Religion, Citizenship and Liberal Pluralism
  • 2009 – Richard Parish Catholic Particularity in Seventeenth-Century French Writing: Christianity is Strange
  • 2011 – Frances Young
    • From pondering scripture to the first principles of Christian Theology
    • From cosmology to doxology: reading Genesis alongside Plato and Darwin
    • From creation to re-creation: nature and the naked ape
    • From image to likeness: incarnation and theosis
    • From Adam and Eve to Mary and Christ: sin, redemption, atonement
    • From inspiration to sanctification: the spirit of wisdom and holiness
    • From the Church to Mary: towards a critical ecumenism
    • From dogma to theoria: God as Trinity
  • 2013 – Michael Banner Imagining life: Christ and the human condition
  • 2015 – David F. Ford, Daring Spirit: John's Gospel Now
  • 2017 – George Pattison A Phenomenology of the Devout Life
  • 2019 – Peter Harrison Rethinking Relations Between Science and Religion YouTube
  • 2021 – Jessica Martin "Four-Dimensional Eucharist"

See also