Area control center

This temporary flight restriction map from the Federal Aviation Administration shows the boundaries of the regions controlled by the area control centers within and adjoining the contiguous United States, as well as the FAA location identifier of each such center operated by the United States

In air traffic control, an area control center (ACC), also known as a center or en-route center, is a facility responsible for controlling aircraft flying in the airspace of a given flight information region (FIR) at high altitudes between airport approaches and departures. In the US, such a center is referred to as an air route traffic control center (ARTCC).

A center typically accepts traffic from — and ultimately passes traffic to — the control of a terminal control center or another center. Most centers are operated by the national governments of the countries in which they are located. The general operations of centers worldwide, and the boundaries of the airspace each center controls, are governed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

In some cases, the function of an area control center and a terminal control center are combined in a single facility. For example, NATS combines the London Terminal Control Centre (LTCC) and London Area Control Centre (LACC) in Swanwick, Hampshire.

FAA definition

Houston Air Route Traffic Control Center, United States

The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) defines an ARTCC as:

[a] facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace, principally during the en-route phase of flight. When equipment capabilities and controller workload permit, certain advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR aircraft.

An ARTCC is the U.S. equivalent of an area control center (ACC). There are 22 ARTCCs located in nineteen states.

Subdivision of airspace into sectors

The flight information region controlled by a center may be further administratively subdivided into areas comprising two to nine sectors. Each area is staffed by a set of controllers trained on all the sectors in that area.

Sectors use distinct radio frequencies for communication with aircraft. Each sector also has secure landline communications with adjacent sectors, approach controls, areas, ARTCCs, flight service centers, and military aviation control facilities. These landline communications are shared among all sectors that need them and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Aircraft passing from one sector to another are handed off and requested to change frequencies to contact the next sector controller. Sector boundaries are specified by an aeronautical chart.

Center operations

Controllers at work at the Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center, United States

Air traffic controllers working within a center communicate via radio with pilots of instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft passing through the center's airspace. A center's communication frequencies (typically in the very high frequency aviation bands, using amplitude modulation (AM) 118 MHz to 137 MHz, for overland control) are published in aeronautical charts and manuals, and are also announced to a pilot by the previous controller during a hand-off. Most VHF radio assignments also have a UHF (225 to 380 MHz) paired frequency used for military flights.

In addition to radios to communicate with aircraft, center controllers have access to communication links with other centers and TRACONs. In the United States, centers are electronically linked through the National Airspace System, which allows nationwide coordination of traffic flow to manage congestion. Centers in the United States also have electronic access to nationwide radar data.

Controllers use radar to monitor the progress of flights and instruct aircraft to perform course adjustments as needed to maintain separation from other aircraft. Aircraft with center contact can be readily distinguished by their transponders. Pilots may request altitude adjustments or course changes for reasons including avoidance of turbulence or adverse weather conditions.

Controllers can assign routing relative to location fixes derived from latitude and longitude, or from radionavigation beacons such as VORs.

Typically, centers have advance notice of a plane's arrival and intentions from its pre-filed flight plan.

Oceanic air traffic control

Map of approximately the Northern Hemisphere from Japan & New Guinea (left edge) to the middle of North Atlantic Ocean. The map shows yellow over the continental U.S. and Bahamas, Alaska (and much of the Bering Sea), and a yellow circle around Bermuda. Most of the Northern Pacific is colored blue along with a small section in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, and the western half of the North Atlantic from roughly the latitude of Maine to the northern edge of the Leeward Islands (or Puerto Rico).
The FAA provides air traffic control services over U.S. territory and over international waters where it has been delegated such authority by the International Civil Aviation Organization. This map depicts overflight fee regions. The yellow regions are where the U.S. provides enroute ATC services (mostly over land territory). The blue regions are where the U.S. provides oceanic ATC services over international waters.

Some centers have ICAO-designated responsibility for airspace located over an ocean such as ZNY and ZOA, the majority of which is international airspace. Because substantial volumes of oceanic airspace lie beyond the range of ground-based radars, oceanic airspace controllers have to estimate the position of an airplane from pilot reports and computer models (procedural control), rather than observing the position directly (radar control, also known as positive control). Pilots flying over an ocean can determine their own positions accurately using the Global Positioning System or other means, and can supply periodic updates to a center.

A center's control service for an oceanic flight information region may be operationally distinct from its service for one over land, employing different communications frequencies, controllers, and a different ICAO code.

Pilots typically use high frequency radio instead of very high frequency radio to communicate with a center when flying over the ocean, because of HF's relatively greater propagation over long distances. Military aircraft, however, are typically equipped with ARC-231 SATCOMs that allow over-the-horizon communication.

List of area control centers

Area control centers under Fukuoka Flight Information Region (FIR) of Japan

Area control centers (ACCs) control IFR air traffic in their flight information region (FIR).

The current list of FIRs and ACCs is maintained by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Note that the cited ICAO source gives the shapefile coordinates for each FIR, and also its page source gives a list of current ACCs in text form. The following is the alphabetic list of all ACCs and their FIRs as of October 2011:

ICAO code Type FIR or ACC Oceanic or other subtype Country or territory
AGGG FIR Honiara ACC Solomon Islands
ANAU FIR Nauru ACC Nauru
AYPM FIR Port Moresby ACC Papua New Guinea
BGGL FIR Nuuk ACC Greenland (Denmark)
BIRD FIR Reykjavík ACC Iceland
CZEG FIR Edmonton ACC Canada
CZQM FIR Moncton Southern ACC Canada
CZQX FIR Gander Domestic ACC Canada
CZUL FIR Montreal ACC Canada
CZVR FIR Vancouver ACC Canada
CZWG FIR Winnipeg ACC Canada
CZYZ FIR Toronto ACC Canada
DAAA FIR Alger ACC Algeria
DGAC FIR Accra ACC Ghana
DIII FIR Abidjan ACC Ivory Coast
DNKK FIR Kano ACC Nigeria
DRRR FIR Niamey ACC Niger
DTTC FIR Tunis ACC Tunisia
EZZZ FIR Eurocontrol Eurocontrol Belgium
EBBU FIR Brussels ACC Belgium/Luxembourg
EDGG FIR Langen ACC Germany
EDMM FIR Munich ACC Germany
EDUU UIR Rhein ACC Germany
EDVV UIR Hannover ACC Germany
EDWW FIR Bremen ACC Germany
EDYY UIR Maastricht ACC Belgium/Germany/Netherlands
EETT FIR Tallinn ACC Estonia
EFIN FIR Helsinki ACC Finland
EGGX FIR Shanwick Oceanic OCA Oceanic United Kingdom
EGPX FIR Scottish ACC United Kingdom
EGQQ FIR Scottish ACC (Mil) Military United Kingdom
EGTT FIR London ACC United Kingdom
EHAA FIR Amsterdam ACC Netherlands
EISN FIR Shannon ACC Ireland
EKDK FIR Copenhagen ACC Denmark
ENOB FIR Bodo Oceanic OCA Oceanic Norway
ENOR FIR Polaris ACC Norway
EPWW FIR Warszawa ACC Poland
ESAA FIR Sweden ACC Sweden
ESMM FIR Malmo ACC Sweden
ESOS FIR Stockholm ACC Sweden
EVRR FIR Riga ACC Latvia
EYVL FIR Vilnius ACC Lithuania
FABL FIR Bloemfontein ACC South Africa
FACA FIR Cape Town ACC South Africa
FACT FIR Cape Town ACC South Africa
FADN FIR Durban ACC South Africa
FAJO FIR Johannesburg Oceanic ACC Oceanic South Africa
FAJX FIR Johannesburg ACC South Africa
FAPX FIR Port Elizabeth ACC South Africa
FBGR FIR Gaborone ACC Botswana
FCCC FIR Brazzaville ACC Congo, Republic of the
FIMM FIR Mauritius ACC Mauritius
FKKK FIR Douala ACC Cameroon
FLFI FIR Lusaka ACC Zambia
FMCX FIR Comoros ACC Comoros
FMMM FIR Antananarivo ACC Madagascar
FNAN FIR Luanda ACC Angola
FOOO FIR Libreville ACC Gabon
FQBE FIR Beira ACC Mozambique
FSSS FIR Seychelles ACC Seychelles
FTTT FIR N'Djamena ACC Chad
FVHF FIR Harare ACC Zimbabwe
FWLL FIR Lilongwe ACC Malawi
FYWF FIR Windhoek ACC Namibia
FZZA FIR Kinshasa ACC Congo, Democratic Republic of the
GCCC FIR Canarias ACC Canary Islands (Spain)
GLRB FIR Roberts ACC Liberia
GMMM FIR Casablanca ACC Morocco
GOOO FIR Dakar Oceanic ACC Oceanic Senegal
GVSC FIR Sal Oceanic ACC Oceanic Cape Verde
HAAA FIR Addis Ababa ACC Ethiopia
HBBA FIR Bujumbura ACC Burundi
HCSM FIR Mogadishu ACC Somalia
HECC FIR Cairo ACC Egypt
HHAA FIR Asmara ACC Egypt
HKNA FIR Nairobi ACC Kenya
HLLL FIR Tripoli ACC Libya
HRYR FIR Kigali ACC Rwanda
HSSX FIR Khartoum ACC Sudan
HTDC FIR Dar es Salaam ACC Tanzania
HUEC FIR Entebbe ACC Uganda
KZAB FIR Albuquerque ARTCC United States
KZAK FIR Oakland Oceanic ARTCC Oceanic United States
KZAU FIR Chicago ARTCC United States
KZBW FIR Boston ARTCC United States
KZDC FIR Washington ARTCC United States
KZDV FIR Denver ARTCC United States
KZFW FIR Ft Worth ARTCC United States
KZHU FIR Houston ARTCC United States
KZID FIR Indianapolis ARTCC United States
KZJX FIR Jacksonville ARTCC United States
KZKC FIR Kansas City ARTCC United States
KZLA FIR Los Angeles ARTCC United States
KZLC FIR Salt Lake ARTCC United States
KZMA FIR Miami ARTCC United States
KZME FIR Memphis ARTCC United States
KZMP FIR Minneapolis ARTCC United States
KZNY FIR New York ARTCC United States
KZOA FIR Oakland ARTCC United States
KZOB FIR Cleveland ARTCC United States
KZSE FIR Seattle ARTCC United States
KZTL FIR Atlanta ARTCC United States
KZWY FIR New York Oceanic ARTCC Oceanic United States
LAAA FIR Tirana ACC Albania
LBSR FIR Sofia ACC Bulgaria
LBWR FIR Varna ACC Bulgaria
LCCC FIR Nicosia ACC Cyprus
LDZO FIR Zagreb ACC Croatia
LECB FIR Barcelona ACC Spain
LECM FIR Madrid ACC Spain
LECS FIR Sevilla ACC Spain
LFBB FIR Bordeaux ACC France
LFEE FIR Reims ACC France
LFFF FIR Paris ACC France
LFMM FIR Marseille ACC France
LFRR FIR Brest ACC France
LGGG FIR Athens ACC Greece
LHCC FIR Budapest ACC Hungary
LIBB FIR Brindisi ACC Italy
LIMM FIR Milano ACC Italy
LJLA FIR Ljubljana ACC Slovenia
LKAA FIR Praha ACC Czech Republic
LLLL FIR Tel-Aviv ACC Israel
LMMM FIR Malta ACC Malta
LOVV FIR Wien ACC Austria
LPPC FIR Lisboa ACC Portugal
LPPO FIR Santa Maria Oceanic ACC Oceanic Azores (Portugal)
LQSB FIR Sarajevo ACC Bosnia and Herzegovina
LRBB FIR Bucuresti ACC Romania
LSAG FIR Geneve ACC Switzerland
LSAS FIR Switzerland ACC Switzerland
LSAZ FIR Zurich ACC Switzerland
LTAA FIR Ankara ACC Turkey
LTBB FIR Istanbul ACC Turkey
LUUU FIR Chisinau ACC Moldova
LWSS FIR Skopje ACC North Macedonia
LYBA FIR Beograd ACC Serbia
LZBB FIR Bratislava ACC Slovakia
MDCS FIR Santo Domingo ACC Dominican Republic
MHTG FIR Central American ACC Honduras
MKJK FIR Kingston ACC Jamaica
MMFO FIR Mazatlan Oceanic ACC Oceanic Mexico
MMFR FIR Mexico ACC Mexico
MPZL FIR Panama ACC Panama
MTEG FIR Port-au-Prince ACC Haiti
MUFH FIR Habana ACC Cuba
MYNA FIR Nassau ACC Bahamas
NTTT FIR Tahiti ACC French Polynesia (France)
NWWX FIR Nouméa ACC New Caledonia (France)
NZZC FIR New Zealand ACC New Zealand
NZZO FIR Auckland Oceanic ACC Oceanic New Zealand
OAKX FIR Kabul ACC Afghanistan
OBBB FIR Bahrain ACC Bahrain
OEJD FIR Jeddah ACC Saudi Arabia
OIIX FIR Tehran ACC Iran
OJAC FIR Amman ACC Jordan
OKAC FIR Kuwait ACC Kuwait
OLBB FIR Beirut ACC Lebanon
OMAE FIR Emirates ACC United Arab Emirates
OOMM FIR Muscat ACC Oman
OPKR FIR Karachi ACC Pakistan
OPLR FIR Lahore ACC Pakistan
ORBB FIR Baghdad ACC Iraq
OSTT FIR Damascus ACC Syria
OYSC FIR Sanaa ACC Yemen
PAZA FIR Anchorage ACC United States
PAZN FIR Anchorage Oceanic ACC Oceanic United States
PHZH FIR Honolulu ACC United States
RCAA FIR Taipei ACC Taiwan
RJJJ FIR Fukuoka ACC Japan
RKRR FIR Incheon ACC South Korea
RPHI FIR Manila ACC Philippines
SACF FIR Cordoba ACC Argentina
SACU UIR Cordoba UIR Argentina
SAEF FIR Ezeiza ACC Argentina
SAEU UIR Ezeiza UIR Argentina
SAMF FIR Mendoza ACC Argentina
SAMV UIR Mendoza UIR Argentina
SARR FIR Resistencia ACC Argentina
SAVF FIR Comodoro Rivadavia ACC Argentina
SAVU UIR Comodoro Rivadavia UIR Argentina
SBAO FIR Atlantico ACC Brazil
SBAZ FIR Amazonica ACC Brazil
SBBS FIR Brasilia ACC Brazil
SBCW FIR Curitiba ACC Brazil
SBRE FIR Recife ACC Brazil
SCCZ FIR Punta Arenas ACC Chile
SCEZ FIR Santiago ACC Chile
SCFZ FIR Antofagasta ACC Chile
SCIZ FIR Easter Island ACC Easter Island (Chile)
SCTZ FIR Puerto Montt ACC Chile
SEFG FIR Guayaquil ACC Ecuador
SGFA FIR Asuncion ACC Paraguay
SKEC FIR Barranquilla ACC Colombia
SKED FIR Bogota ACC Colombia
SLLF FIR La Paz ACC Bolivia
SMPM FIR Paramaribo ACC Suriname
SOOO FIR Rochambeau ACC French Guiana (France)
SUEO FIR Montevideo ACC Uruguay
SVZM FIR Maiquetia ACC Venezuela
SYGC FIR Georgetown ACC Guyana
TJZS FIR San Juan ACC Puerto Rico (United States)
TNCF FIR Curaçao ACC Curaçao (Netherlands)
TTZP FIR Piarco ACC Trinidad and Tobago
UAAX FIR Almaty ACC Kazakhstan
UACX FIR Astana ACC Kazakhstan
UAFX FIR Bishkek ACC Kyrgyzstan
UASS FIR Semipalatinsk ACC Kazakhstan
UDDD FIR Yerevan ACC Armenia
UEMH FIR Tyoply Klyuch ACC Russia
UENN FIR Nyurba ACC Russia
UESS FIR Chersky ACC Russia
UESU FIR Zyryanka ACC Russia
UEVV FIR Gigansk ACC Russia
UGEE FIR Yerevan/Zvartnots ACC Russia
UGGG FIR Tbilisi ACC Georgia
UHBI FIR Magdagachi ACC Russia
UHBI FIR Magdagachi ACC Russia
UHHH FIR Khabarovsk/Novy Russia
UHMI FIR Mys Shmidta ACC Russia
UHMM FIR Magadan Oceanic Oceanic Russia
UHMP FIR Pevek ACC Russia
UHNN FIR Nikolayevsk-na-Amure ACC Russia
UHPT FIR Tilichiki ACC Russia
UHPU FIR Ust-Khairyozovo ACC Russia
UHSH FIR Okha ACC Russia
UIKB FIR Bodaybo ACC Russia
UIKK FIR Kirensk ACC Russia
UKBV FIR Kyiv ACC Ukraine
UKCV FIR Donetsk ACC Ukraine
UKDV FIR Dnepropetrovsk ACC Ukraine
UKFV FIR Simferopol ACC Ukraine
UKHV FIR Kharkiv ACC Ukraine
UKLV FIR Lviv ACC Ukraine
UKOV FIR Odesa ACC Ukraine
ULLL FIR Sankt Peterburg ACC Russia
ULOL FIR Velikiye Luki ACC Russia
UMKD FIR Kazan ACC Russia
UMMV FIR Minsk ACC Belarus
UNLL FIR Kolpashevo ACC Russia
UOTT FIR Turukhansk ACC Russia
URRV FIR Rostov-Na-Donu ACC Russia
USDK FIR Mys Kamenny ACC Russia
USHB FIR Beryozovo ACC Russia
USHH FIR Khanty-Mansiysk ACC Russia
UTAK FIR Turkmenbashi ACC Turkmenistan
UTNR FIR Nukus ACC Uzbekistan
UTSD FIR Samarkand ACC Uzbekistan
UTTR FIR Tashkent ACC Uzbekistan
UUWV FIR Moscow ACC Russia
UUYW FIR Vorkuta ACC Russia
UUYY FIR Syktyvkar ACC Russia
UWOO FIR Orenburg/Tsentralny ACC Russia
VABF FIR Mumbai ACC India
VCCC FIR Colombo ACC Sri Lanka
VDPF FIR Phnom Penh ACC Cambodia
VECF FIR Kolkata ACC India
VGFR FIR Dhaka ACC Bangladesh
VHHK FIR Hong Kong ACC Hong Kong
VIDF FIR Delhi ACC India
VLIV FIR Vientiane ACC Laos
VLVT FIR Vientiane ACC Laos
VNSM FIR Kathmandu ACC Nepal
VOMF FIR Chennai ACC India
VRMF FIR Male ACC Maldives
VTBB FIR Bangkok ACC Thailand
VVHM FIR Ho Chi Minh ACC Vietnam
VVHN FIR Hanoi ACC Vietnam
VYMD FIR Myanmar
VYYF FIR Yangon ACC Myanmar
WAAF FIR Ujung Pandang Indonesia
WAAZ FIR Ujung Pandang ACC Indonesia
WABZ FIR Biak Sector Sector Indonesia
WADZ FIR Bali Sector Sector Indonesia
WAJZ FIR Indonesia
WAKZ FIR Merauke Sector Sector Indonesia
WALZ FIR Balikpapan Sector Sector Indonesia
WAMZ FIR Manado Sector Sector Indonesia
WAOZ FIR Banjarmasin Sector Sector Indonesia
WAPZ FIR Ambon Sector Sector Indonesia
WATZ FIR Kupang Sector Sector Indonesia
WBFC FIR Kota Kinabalu ACC Brunei/Malaysia
WIIF FIR Jakarta Indonesia
WIIZ FIR Jakarta ACC Indonesia
WIMZ FIR Medan Sector Sector Indonesia
WIOZ FIR Pontianak Sector Sector Indonesia
WIPZ FIR Palembang Sector Sector Indonesia
WMFC FIR Kuala Lumpur ACC Malaysia
WSJC FIR Singapore ACC Singapore
YBBB FIR Brisbane ACC Australia
YMMM FIR Melbourne ACC Australia
ZBPE FIR Beijing ACC China
ZGJD FIR Zhuhai ACC China
ZGZU FIR Guangzhou ACC China
ZHWH FIR Wuhan ACC China
ZJSA FIR Sanya ACC China
ZKKP FIR Pyongyang ACC North Korea
ZLHW FIR Lanzhou ACC China
ZMUB FIR Ulan Bator ACC Mongolia
ZPKM FIR Kunming ACC China
ZSHA FIR Shanghai ACC China
ZWUQ FIR Ürümqi ACC China
ZYSH FIR Shenyang ACC China

See also