ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences

The award, sponsored by The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, was instituted in 1993 with the intention of recognizing "significant accomplishments by individuals who have stimulated or fostered the interest of women in chemistry, promoting their professional development as chemists or chemical engineers." Recipients receive $5,000, a certificate, up to $1,500 for travel expenses, and a grant of $10,000. The deadline for nomination is 1 November every year.


Awardees are listed here along with their affiliation at the time of the award.

2021 Kay Brummond University of Pittsburgh
2020 Katherine J. Franz Duke University
2019 Ruth E. Baltus Clarkson University
2018 Rebecca T. Ruck Merck & Co
2017 Judith M. Iriarte-Gross Middle Tennessee State University
2016 Carol A. Fierke University of Michigan
2015 E. Ann Nalley Cameron University
2014 Sandra C. Greer Mills College
2013 Heather C. Allen Ohio State University
2012 Yves J. Chabal University of Texas at Dallas
2011 Mamie W. Moy University of Houston
2010 Mildred S. Dresselhaus Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2009 Mary F. Singleton
2008 Esther M. Conwell National Science Foundation
2007 Bojan H. Jennings
2006 Catherine H. Middlecamp University of Wisconsin-Madison
2005 Geraldine L. Richmond University of Oregon
2004 Margaret-Ann Armour University of Alberta
2003 Madeleine Jacobs American Chemical Society
2002 Barbara A. Sawrey University of California San Diego
2001 Christina Bodurow Erwin Eli Lilly & Co.
2000 Valerie J. Kuck Bell Laboratories
1999 Jeanette Grasselli-Brown New Jersey Institute of Technology
1998 Madeleine M. Joullié University of Pennsylvania
1997 Mary E. Thompson
1996 Nina Roscher
1995 Margaret C. Cavanaugh National Science Foundation

See also