
Discovered by Alexander F. I. Forbes
Discovery date August 1, 1929
1929 II; 1942 III; 1948 VIII;
1961 VI; 1974 IX; 1980 VI;
1987 I; 1993 IV
Orbital characteristics
Epoch March 6, 2006
Aphelion 5.285 AU
Perihelion 1.572 AU
Semi-major axis 3.429 AU
Eccentricity 0.5414
Orbital period 6.349 a
Inclination 8.9578°
Last perihelion 2018-May-04
December 11, 2011
August 1, 2005
Next perihelion 2024-Oct-11

37P/Forbes is a periodic comet in the Solar System. It was discovered on August 1, 1929, by Alexander F. I. Forbes in South Africa.

The comet nucleus is estimated to be 1.9 kilometers in diameter.