1820 United States census

1820 United States census

August 7, 1820

Seal of the United States Marshals Service, which administered the census
General information
Country United States
Authority Office of the United States Marshal
Total population 9,638,454 (Increase 33.1%)
Most populous ​state New York
Least populous ​state Illinois

The 1820 United States census was the fourth census conducted in the United States. It was conducted on August 7, 1820. The 1820 census included six new states: Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama and Maine. There has been a district wide loss of 1820 census records for Arkansas Territory, Missouri Territory, and New Jersey.

The total population was determined to be 9,638,453, of which 1,538,022 were slaves. The center of population was about 120 miles (193 km) west-northwest of Washington in Hardy County, Virginia (now in West Virginia).

This was the first census in which any states recorded a population of over one million—New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania—as well as the first in which a city recorded a population of over 100,000—New York. It was also the first census in which Baltimore was ranked as the country's second-most populous city. Thirdly, in this census and the 14 subsequent ones, New York was the most populous state until being superseded by California in the 1970 census.

Census questions

The 1820 census contains a great deal more information than previous censuses. Enumerators listed the following data in columns, left to right:

  1. Name of the head of family
    1. of free white males under age 10
    2. of free white males age 10 to under 16
    3. of free white males age 16 to 18
    4. of free white males age 16 to under 26
    5. of free white males age 26 to under 45
    6. of free white males age 45 and up
    7. of free white females under age 10
    8. of free white females age 10 to under 16
    9. of free white females age 16 to under 26
    10. of free white females age 26 to under 45
    11. of free white females age 45 and up
    12. of foreigners not naturalized
    13. of persons engaged in agriculture
    14. of persons engaged in commerce
    15. of persons engaged in manufacture
    16. of male slaves under 14
    17. of male slaves age 14 to under 26
    18. of male slaves age 26 to under 45
    19. of male slaves age 45 and up
    20. of female slaves under 14
    21. of female slaves age 14 to under 26
    22. of female slaves age 26 to under 45
    23. of female slaves age 45 and up
    24. of free male colored persons under 14
    25. of free male colored persons age 14 to under 26
    26. of free male colored persons age 26 to under 45
    27. of free male colored persons age 45 and up
    28. of free female colored persons under 14
    29. of free female colored persons age 14 to under 26
    30. of free female colored persons age 26 to under 45
    31. of free female colored persons age 45 and up
    32. of all other persons except Indians not taxed

Several of these columns were for special counts, and not to be included in the aggregate total. Doing so would have resulted in counting some individuals twice. Census takers were asked to use double lines, red ink or some other method of distinguishing these columns so that double counting would not occur. For example, the count of free white males between 16 and 18 was a special count, because these individuals were also supposed to be tabulated in the column for free white males of age 16 and under 26.

The other special counts were foreigners not naturalized, persons engaged in agriculture, persons engaged in commerce, and persons engaged in manufacture.

Census takers were also instructed to count each individual in only one of the occupational columns. For example, if an individual was engaged in agriculture, commerce, and manufacture, the census taker had to judge which one the individual was primarily engaged in.

Note to researchers

Censustaking was not yet an exact science. Before 1830, enumerators lacked pre-printed forms, and drew up their own, sometimes resulting in pages without headings, line tallies, or column totals. As a result, census records for many towns before 1830 are idiosyncratic. This is not to suggest that they are less reliable than subsequent censuses, but that they may require more work on the part of the researcher.

State rankings

Rank State Population
01 New York 1,532,981
02 Virginia 1,075,069
03 Pennsylvania 1,049,458
04 North Carolina 638,829
05 Ohio 581,434
06 Kentucky 564,317
07 Massachusetts 523,287
08 South Carolina 502,741
09 Tennessee 422,823
10 Maryland 407,350
11 Georgia 340,989
12 Maine 298,335
13 New Jersey 277,575
14 Connecticut 275,202
15 New Hampshire 244,161
16 Vermont 235,981
17 Louisiana 153,407
18 Indiana 147,178
19 Alabama 144,317
X West Virginia 136,808
20 Rhode Island 83,059
21 Mississippi 75,448
22 Delaware 72,749
X Missouri 66,586
23 Illinois 55,211
X District of Columbia 23,336
X Arkansas 14,273
X Michigan 7,452
X Wisconsin 1,444